% podman-network-create(1) ## NAME podman\-network-create - Create a Podman CNI network ## SYNOPSIS **podman network create** [*options*] name ## DESCRIPTION Create a CNI-network configuration for use with Podman. At the time of this writing, the only network type that can be created is a *bridge* network. If no options are provided, Podman will assign a free subnet and name for your network. Upon completion of creating the network, Podman will display the path to the newly added network file. ## OPTIONS **--disable-dns** Disables the DNS plugin for this network which if enabled, can perform container to container name resolution. **-d**, , **--driver** Driver to manage the network (default "bridge"). Currently on `bridge` is supported. **--gateway** Define a gateway for the subnet. If you want to provide a gateway address, you must also provide a *subnet* option. **--internal** Restrict external access of this network **--ip-range** Allocate container IP from a range. The range must be a complete subnet and in CIDR notation. The *ip-range* option must be used with a *subnet* option. **--subnet** The subnet in CIDR notation. ## EXAMPLE Create a network with no options ``` # podman network create /etc/cni/net.d/cni-podman-4.conflist ``` Create a network named *newnet* that uses ** for its subnet. ``` # podman network create --subnet newnet /etc/cni/net.d/newnet.conflist ``` Create a network named *newnet* that uses ** and defines a gateway as ** ``` # podman network create --subnet --gateway newnet /etc/cni/net.d/newnet.conflist ``` Create a network that uses a *** subnet and has an IP address range of * -*. ``` # podman network create --subnet --ip-range /etc/cni/net.d/cni-podman-5.conflist ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1), podman-network(1), podman-network-inspect(1) ## HISTORY August 2019, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <bbaude@redhat.com>