% podman-network-prune(1) ## NAME podman\-network\-prune - Remove all unused networks ## SYNOPSIS **podman network prune** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Remove all unused networks. An unused network is defined by a network which has no containers connected or configured to connect to it. It will not remove the so-called default network which goes by the name of *podman*. ## OPTIONS #### **--force**, **-f** Do not prompt for confirmation #### **--filter** Filter output based on conditions given. Multiple filters can be given with multiple uses of the --filter option. Filters with the same key work inclusive with the only exception being `label` which is exclusive. Filters with different keys always work exclusive. Valid filters are listed below: | **Filter** | **Description** | | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | label | [Key] or [Key=Value] Label assigned to a network | | until | only remove networks created before given timestamp | ## EXAMPLE Prune networks ``` podman network prune ``` ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**, **[podman-network(1)](podman-network.1.md)**, **[podman-network-rm(1)](podman-network-rm.1.md)** ## HISTORY February 2021, Originally compiled by Brent Baude <bbaude@redhat.com>