% podman-pod-unpause(1) ## NAME podman\-pod\-unpause - Unpause one or more pods ## SYNOPSIS **podman pod unpause** [*options*] *pod* ... ## DESCRIPTION Unpauses all the paused processes in the containers of one or more pods. You may use pod IDs or names as input. ## OPTIONS #### **\-\-all**, **-a** Unpause all pods. #### **\-\-latest**, **-l** Instead of providing the pod name or ID, unpause the last created pod. (This option is not available with the remote Podman client) ## EXAMPLE podman pod unpause mywebserverpod podman pod unpause 860a4b23 ## SEE ALSO podman-pod(1), podman-pod-pause(1), podman-unpause(1) ## HISTORY July 2018, Originally compiled by Peter Hunt <pehunt@redhat.com>