% podman-ps(1)

podman\-ps - Prints out information about containers

**podman ps** [*options*]

**podman container ps** [*options*]

**podman container list** [*options*]

**podman container ls** [*options*]

**podman ps** lists the running containers on the system. Use the **\-\-all** flag to view
all the containers information.  By default it lists:

 * container id
 * the name of the image the container is using
 * the COMMAND the container is executing
 * the time the container was created
 * the status of the container
 * port mappings the container is using
 * alternative names for the container


#### **\-\-all**, **-a**

Show all the containers created by Podman, default is only running containers.

Note: Podman shares containers storage with other tools such as Buildah and CRI-O. In some cases these `external` containers might also exist in the same storage. Use the `--external` option to see these external containers. External containers show the 'storage' status.

#### **\-\-external**

Display external containers that are not controlled by Podman but are stored in containers storage.  These external containers are generally created via other container technology such as Buildah or CRI-O and may depend on the same container images that Podman is also using.  External containers are denoted with either a 'buildah' or 'storage' in the COMMAND and STATUS column of the ps output. Only used with the --all option.

#### **\-\-filter**, **-f**

Filter what containers are shown in the output.
Multiple filters can be given with multiple uses of the --filter flag.
Filters with the same key work inclusive with the only exception being
`label` which is exclusive. Filters with different keys always work exclusive.

Valid filters are listed below:

| **Filter**      | **Description**                                                                  |
| --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| id              | [ID] Container's ID (accepts regex)                                              |
| name            | [Name] Container's name (accepts regex)                                          |
| label           | [Key] or [Key=Value] Label assigned to a container                               |
| exited          | [Int] Container's exit code                                                      |
| status          | [Status] Container's status: 'created', 'exited', 'paused', 'running', 'unknown' |
| ancestor        | [ImageName] Image or descendant used to create container                         |
| before          | [ID] or [Name] Containers created before this container                          |
| since           | [ID] or [Name] Containers created since this container                           |
| volume          | [VolumeName] or [MountpointDestination] Volume mounted in container              |
| health          | [Status] healthy or unhealthy                                                    |
| pod             | [Pod] name or full or partial ID of pod                                          |
| network         | [Network] name or full ID of network                                             |

#### **\-\-format**=*format*

Pretty-print containers to JSON or using a Go template

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:

| **Placeholder** | **Description**                                  |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
| .ID             | Container ID                                     |
| .Image          | Image Name/ID                                    |
| .ImageID        | Image ID                                         |
| .Command        | Quoted command used                              |
| .CreatedAt      | Creation time for container                      |
| .RunningFor     | Time elapsed since container was started         |
| .Status         | Status of container                              |
| .Pod            | Pod the container is associated with             |
| .Ports          | Exposed ports                                    |
| .Size           | Size of container                                |
| .Names          | Name of container                                |
| .Networks       | Show all networks connected to the container     |
| .Labels         | All the labels assigned to the container         |
| .Mounts         | Volumes mounted in the container                 |

#### **\-\-help**, **-h**

Print usage statement

#### **\-\-last**, **-n**

Print the n last created containers (all states)

#### **\-\-latest**, **-l**

Show the latest container created (all states) (This option is not available with the remote Podman client)

#### **\-\-namespace**, **\-\-ns**

Display namespace information

#### **\-\-no-trunc**

Display the extended information

#### **\-\-pod**, **-p**

Display the pods the containers are associated with

#### **\-\-quiet**, **-q**

Print the numeric IDs of the containers only

#### **\-\-sort**

Sort by command, created, id, image, names, runningfor, size, or status",
Note: Choosing size will sort by size of rootFs, not alphabetically like the rest of the options
Default: created

#### **\-\-size**, **-s**

Display the total file size

#### **\-\-sync**

Force a sync of container state with the OCI runtime.
In some cases, a container's state in the runtime can become out of sync with Podman's state.
This will update Podman's state based on what the OCI runtime reports.
Forcibly syncing is much slower, but can resolve inconsistent state issues.

#### **\-\-watch**, **-w**

Refresh the output with current containers on an interval in seconds.


$ podman ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND         CREATED       STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
02f65160e14ca  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  19 hours ago  Exited (-1) 19 hours ago  6379/tcp  k8s_podsandbox1-redis_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_0
69ed779d8ef9f  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  25 hours ago  Created                   6379/tcp  k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1

$ podman ps -a -s
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND         CREATED       STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES                                                                  SIZE
02f65160e14ca  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  20 hours ago  Exited (-1) 20 hours ago  6379/tcp  k8s_podsandbox1-redis_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_0  27.49 MB
69ed779d8ef9f  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  25 hours ago  Created                   6379/tcp  k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1         27.49 MB

$ podman ps -a --format "{{.ID}}  {{.Image}}  {{.Labels}}  {{.Mounts}}"
02f65160e14ca  redis:alpine  tier=backend  proc,tmpfs,devpts,shm,mqueue,sysfs,cgroup,/var/run/,/var/run/
69ed779d8ef9f  redis:alpine  batch=no,type=small  proc,tmpfs,devpts,shm,mqueue,sysfs,cgroup,/var/run/,/var/run/

$ podman ps --ns -a
CONTAINER ID    NAMES                                                                   PID     CGROUP       IPC          MNT          NET          PIDNS        USER         UTS
3557d882a82e3   k8s_container2_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1          29910   4026531835   4026532585   4026532593   4026532508   4026532595   4026531837   4026532594
09564cdae0bec   k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1          29851   4026531835   4026532585   4026532590   4026532508   4026532592   4026531837   4026532591
a31ebbee9cee7   k8s_podsandbox1-redis_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_0   29717   4026531835   4026532585   4026532587   4026532508   4026532589   4026531837   4026532588

$ podman ps -a --size --sort names
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND         CREATED       STATUS                    PORTS     NAMES
69ed779d8ef9f  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  25 hours ago  Created                   6379/tcp  k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1
02f65160e14ca  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  19 hours ago  Exited (-1) 19 hours ago  6379/tcp  k8s_podsandbox1-redis_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_0

$ podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND    CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                                                   NAMES
4089df24d4f3  docker.io/library/centos:latest  /bin/bash  2 minutes ago  Up 2 minutes ago>8080/tcp,>2000-2006/tcp  manyports
92f58933c28c  docker.io/library/centos:latest  /bin/bash  3 minutes ago  Up 3 minutes ago>1000-1006/tcp                 zen_sanderson


$ podman ps --external -a
69ed779d8ef9f  redis:alpine  "redis-server"  25 hours ago  Created                   6379/tcp  k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1
38a8a78596f9  docker.io/library/busybox:latest  buildah  2 hours ago  storage        busybox-working-container
fd7b786b5c32  docker.io/library/alpine:latest   buildah  2 hours ago  storage        alpine-working-container
f78620804e00  scratch                           buildah  2 hours ago  storage        working-container

## ps
Print a list of containers

podman(1), buildah(1), crio(8)

August 2017, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani <umohnani@redhat.com>