% podman-rmi(1) ## NAME podman\-rmi - Removes one or more locally stored images ## SYNOPSIS **podman rmi** [*options*] *image* [...] **podman image rm** [*options*] *image* [...] ## DESCRIPTION Removes one or more locally stored images. Passing an argument _image_ deletes it, along with any of its dangling parent images. A dangling image is an image without a tag and without being referenced by another image. Note: To delete an image from a remote registry, use the [**skopeo delete**](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/blob/main/docs/skopeo-delete.1.md) command. Some registries do not allow users to delete an image via a CLI remotely. ## OPTIONS #### **--all**, **-a** Remove all images in the local storage. #### **--force**, **-f** This option will cause podman to remove all containers that are using the image before removing the image from the system. Remove an image by its short ID ``` $ podman rmi c0ed59d05ff7 ``` Remove an image and its associated containers. ``` $ podman rmi --force imageID ``` Remove multiple images by their shortened IDs. ``` $ podman rmi c4dfb1609ee2 93fd78260bd1 c0ed59d05ff7 ``` Remove all images and containers. ``` $ podman rmi -a -f ``` ## Exit Status **0** All specified images removed **1** One of the specified images did not exist, and no other failures **2** One of the specified images has child images or is being used by a container **125** The command fails for any other reason ## SEE ALSO podman(1), skopeo-delete(1) ## HISTORY March 2017, Originally compiled by Dan Walsh <dwalsh@redhat.com>