% podman-system-connection(1) ## NAME podman\-system\-connection - Record ssh destination for remote podman service ## SYNOPSIS **podman system connection** [*options*] [*ssh destination*] ## DESCRIPTION Record ssh destination for remote podman service(s). The ssh destination is given as one of: - [user@]hostname[:port] - ssh://[user@]hostname[:port] The user will be prompted for the remote ssh login password or key file pass phrase as required. `ssh-agent` is supported if it is running. ## OPTIONS **-p**, **--port**=*port* Port for ssh destination. The default value is `22`. **--socket-path**=*path* Path to podman service unix domain socket on the ssh destination host ## EXAMPLE ``` $ podman system connection podman.fubar.com $ podman system connection --identity ~/.ssh/dev_rsa ssh://root@server.fubar.com:2222 ``` ## SEE ALSO podman-system(1) , containers.conf(5) , connections.conf(5) ## HISTORY June 2020, Originally compiled by Jhon Honce (jhonce at redhat dot com)