% podman-version(1) ## NAME podman\-version - Display the Podman version information ## SYNOPSIS **podman version** [*options*] ## DESCRIPTION Shows the following information: Remote API Version, Version, Go Version, Git Commit, Build Time, OS, and Architecture. ## OPTIONS **--help**, **-h** Print usage statement **--format**, **-f**=*format* Change output format to "json" or a Go template. ## Example A sample output of the `version` command: ``` $ podman version Version: 0.11.1 Go Version: go1.11 Git Commit: "8967a1d691ed44896b81ad48c863033f23c65eb0-dirty" Built: Thu Nov 8 22:35:40 2018 OS/Arch: linux/amd64 ``` Filtering out only the version: ``` $ podman version --format '{{.Client.Version}}' 1.6.3 ``` ## SEE ALSO podman(1) ## HISTORY November 2018, Added --format flag by Tomas Tomecek <ttomecek@redhat.com> July 2017, Originally compiled by Urvashi Mohnani <umohnani@redhat.com>