% podman-volume-exists(1) ## NAME podman\-volume\-exists - Check if the given volume exists ## SYNOPSIS **podman volume exists** *volume* ## DESCRIPTION **podman volume exists** checks if a volume exists. Podman will return an exit code of `0` when the volume is found. A `1` will be returned otherwise. An exit code of `125` indicates there was another issue. ## OPTIONS #### **--help**, **-h** Print usage statement ## EXAMPLE Check if a volume called `myvol` exists (the volume does actually exist). ``` $ podman volume exists myvol $ echo $? 0 $ ``` Check if an volume called `mysql` exists (the volume does not actually exist). ``` $ podman volume exists mysql $ echo $? 1 $ ``` ## SEE ALSO **[podman(1)](podman.1.md)**, **[podman-volume(1)](podman-volume.1.md)** ## HISTORY January 2021, Originally compiled by Paul Holzinger `<paul.holzinger@web.de>`