Pod === :doc:`create <markdown/podman-pod-create.1>` Create a new empty pod :doc:`exists <markdown/podman-pod-exists.1>` Check if a pod exists in local storage :doc:`inspect <markdown/podman-pod-inspect.1>` Displays a pod configuration :doc:`kill <markdown/podman-pod-kill.1>` Send the specified signal or SIGKILL to containers in pod :doc:`logs <markdown/podman-pod-logs.1>` Displays logs for pod with one or more containers :doc:`pause <markdown/podman-pause.1>` Pause one or more pods :doc:`prune <markdown/podman-pod-prune.1>` Remove all stopped pods and their containers :doc:`ps <markdown/podman-pod-ps.1>` List pods :doc:`restart <markdown/podman-pod-restart.1>` Restart one or more pods :doc:`rm <markdown/podman-pod-rm.1>` Remove one or more stopped pods and containers :doc:`start <markdown/podman-pod-start.1>` Start one or more pods :doc:`stats <markdown/podman-pod-stats.1>` Display a live stream of resource usage statistics for the containers in one or more pods :doc:`stop <markdown/podman-pod-stop.1>` Stop one or more pods :doc:`top <markdown/podman-pod-top.1>` Display the running processes of containers in a pod :doc:`unpause <markdown/podman-pod-unpause.1>` Unpause one or more pods