# bats wrapper - invokes bats, root & rootless, on podman system tests

# BEGIN usage message

usage="Usage: $0 [--root] [--rootless] [FILENAME-PATTERN[:TEST-PATTERN]]

$0 is a wrapper for invoking podman system tests.

   --root         Run only as root
   --rootless     Run only as user (i.e. you)

   FILENAME-PATTERN Run only test files that match 'test/system/*name*',
                    e.g. '500' or 'net' will match 500-networking.bats.

   TEST-PATTERN     When appended to a filename-pattern, and you have a
                    modern-enough version of bats installed (i.e. Fedora
                    but not RHEL), runs with '--filter TEST-PATTERN' which
                    runs only subtests within FILENAME-PATTERH whose names
                    match that string.

   -T             Passed on to bats, which will then show timing data

   --help         display usage message

By default, tests ./bin/podman. To test a different podman, do:

    \$ PODMAN=/abs/path/to/podman $0 ....

To test podman-remote, start your own servers (root and rootless) via:

    /path/to/podman system service --timeout=0

...then invoke this script with PODMAN=\$(pwd)/bin/podman-remote

   (You'd think Ed could be bothered to do all that in this script; but then
   the flow would be 'sudo start-service; sudo run-bats; sudo stop-service'
   and by the time we get to stop-service, the sudo timeout will have lapsed,
   and the script will be hanging at the password prompt, and you, who left
   your desk for coffee or a walk and expected to come back to completed
   root and rootless tests, will be irked because only root tests ran and
   now you have to wait for rootless).

$0 also passes through \$OCI_RUNTIME, should you need to test that.

# END   usage message
# BEGIN initialization and command-line arg checking

# By default, test the podman in our working directory.
# Some tests cd out of our workdir, so abs path is important
export PODMAN=${PODMAN:-$(pwd)/bin/podman}

# Because 'make' doesn't do this by default
chcon -t container_runtime_exec_t $PODMAN

# Directory in which


declare -a bats_opts=()

declare -a bats_filter=()

for i;do
    value=`expr "$i" : '[^=]*=\(.*\)'`
    case "$i" in
        -h|--help)  echo "$usage"; exit 0;;
        --root)     ROOT_ONLY=1 ;;
        --rootless) ROOTLESS_ONLY=1 ;;
        --remote)   REMOTE=remote; echo "--remote is TBI"; exit 1;;
        --ts|-T)    bats_opts+=("-T") ;;
        */*.bats)   TESTS=$i ;;
            if [[ $i =~ : ]]; then
                tname=${i%:*}          # network:localhost -> network
                filt=${i#*:}           # network:localhost ->   localhost
                TESTS=$(echo $TESTS/*$tname*.bats)
                bats_filter=("--filter" "$filt")
                TESTS=$(echo $TESTS/*$i*.bats)

# END   initialization and command-line arg checking


# As of 2021-11 podman has a bunch of external helper binaries
    export CONTAINERS_HELPER_BINARY_DIR=$(pwd)/bin

# Used in 120-load test to identify rootless destination for podman image scp
export PODMAN_ROOTLESS_USER=$(id -un)

# Root
if [ -z "$ROOTLESS_ONLY" ]; then
    echo "# bats ${bats_filter[*]} $TESTS"
    sudo    --preserve-env=PODMAN \
            --preserve-env=PODMAN_TEST_DEBUG \
            --preserve-env=OCI_RUNTIME \
            --preserve-env=CONTAINERS_HELPER_BINARY_DIR \
            --preserve-env=PODMAN_ROOTLESS_USER \
            bats "${bats_opts[@]}" "${bats_filter[@]}" $TESTS

# Rootless. (Only if we're not already root)
if [[ -z "$ROOT_ONLY" && "$(id -u)" != 0 ]]; then
    echo "--------------------------------------------------"
    echo "\$ bats ${bats_filter[*]} $TESTS"
    bats "${bats_opts[@]}" "${bats_filter[@]}" $TESTS
    rc=$((rc | $?))

exit $rc