# buildah-vendor-treadmill - daily vendor of latest-buildah onto latest-podman
package Podman::BuildahVendorTreadmill;

use v5.14;
use utf8;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );

use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Temp                  qw(tempfile);
use JSON;
use LWP::UserAgent;

(our $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
our $VERSION = '0.1';

# For debugging, show data structures using DumpTree($var)
#use Data::TreeDumper; $Data::TreeDumper::Displayaddress = 0;

# BEGIN user-customizable section

# github path to buildah
our $Buildah = 'github.com/containers/buildah';

# FIXME FIXME FIXME: add 'main'? I hope we never need this script for branches.
our $Treadmill_PR_Title = 'DO NOT MERGE: buildah vendor treadmill';

our $API_URL = 'https://api.github.com/graphql';

# Use colors if available and if stdout is a tty
our $Highlight = '';
our $Reset = '';
eval '
    use Term::ANSIColor;
    if (-t 1) {
        $Highlight = color("green");
        $Reset     = color("reset");
    $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR color("bold red"), "@_", $Reset; };


# END   user-customizable section

# BEGIN boilerplate args checking, usage messages

sub usage {
    print  <<"END_USAGE";
Usage: $ME [OPTIONS] [--sync | --pick ]

$ME is (2022-04-20) **EXPERIMENTAL**

$ME is intended to solve the problem of vendoring
buildah into podman.

Call me with one of two options:

    --sync  The usual case. Mostly used by Ed. Called from a
            development branch, this just updates everything so
            we vendor in latest-buildah (main) on top of
            latest-podman (main). With a few sanity checks.

    --pick  Used for really-truly vendoring in a new buildah; will
            cherry-pick a commit on your buildah-vendor working branch

For latest documentation and best practices, please see:



  --help         display this message
  --version      display program name and version


# Command-line options.  Note that this operates directly on @ARGV !
our %action;
our $debug   = 0;
our $force   = 0;
our $verbose = 0;
our $NOT     = '';              # print "blahing the blah$NOT\n" if $debug
sub handle_opts {
    use Getopt::Long;
        'sync'       => sub { $action{sync}++ },
        'pick'       => sub { $action{pick}++ },

        'debug!'     => \$debug,
        'dry-run|n!' => sub { $NOT = ' [NOT]' },
        'force'      => \$force,
        'verbose|v'  => \$verbose,

        help         => \&usage,
        version      => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 },
    ) or die "Try `$ME --help' for help\n";

# END   boilerplate args checking, usage messages

############################## CODE BEGINS HERE ###############################

# The term is "modulino".
__PACKAGE__->main()                                     unless caller();

# Main code.
sub main {
    # Note that we operate directly on @ARGV, not on function parameters.
    # This is deliberate: it's because Getopt::Long only operates on @ARGV
    # and there's no clean way to make it use @_.
    handle_opts();                      # will set package globals

    # Fetch command-line arguments.  Barf if too many.
    # FIXME: if called with arg, that's the --sync branch?
    # FIXME: if called with --pick + arg, that's the PR?
    die "$ME: Too many arguments; try $ME --help\n"                 if @ARGV;

    my @action = keys(%action);
    die "$ME: Please invoke me with one of --sync or --pick\n"
        if ! @action;
    die "$ME: Please invoke me with ONLY one of --sync or --pick\n"
        if @action > 1;

    my $handler = __PACKAGE__->can("do_@action")
        or die "$ME: No handler available for --@action\n";

    # We've validated the command-line args. Before running action, check
    # that repo is clean. None of our actions can be run on a dirty repo.


# BEGIN sync and its helpers

sub do_sync {
    # Preserve current branch name, so we can come back after switching to main
    my $current_branch = git_current_branch();

    my $buildah_old = vendored_buildah();
    print "-> buildah old = $buildah_old\n";

    # If HEAD is a buildah-vendor commit (usual case), drop it now.
    if (head_is_buildah_vendor_commit()) {
        if (is_treadmill_commit('HEAD^')) {
            progress("HEAD is buildah vendor (as expected); dropping it...");
            git('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD^');
        else {
            die "$ME: HEAD is a buildah commit, but HEAD^ is not a treadmill commit! Cannot continue.\n";
    # HEAD must now be a treadmill commit
        or die "$ME: HEAD is not a treadmill commit!\n";

    # HEAD is now a change to buildah-tests. Now update main and rebase.
    git('checkout', '-q', $current_branch);
    my $forkpoint = git('merge-base', '--fork-point', 'main');
    my $main_commit = git('rev-parse', 'main');
    my $rebased;
    if ($forkpoint eq $main_commit) {
        progress("[Already rebased on podman main]");
    else {
        # --empty=keep may be needed after a --pick commit, when we've
        # vendored a new buildah into podman and incorporated the treadmill
        # commit. Since this is a perpetual-motion workflow, in which we
        # keep an in-progress PR open at all times, we need a baseline
        # commit even if it's empty.
        progress("Rebasing on podman main...");
        git('rebase', '--empty=keep', 'main');
        # FIXME: rebase can fail after --pick. If it does, offer instructions.
        $rebased = 1;

    # We're now back on our treadmill branch, with one commit on top of main.
    # Now vendor in latest buildah.
    progress("Vendoring in buildah...");
    system('go', 'mod', 'edit', '--require' => "${Buildah}\@main") == 0
        or die "$ME: go mod edit failed\n";
    system('make', 'vendor') == 0
        or die "$ME: make vendor failed\n";
    my $buildah_new = vendored_buildah();
    print "-> buildah new = $buildah_new\n";
    git('commit', '-as', '-m', <<"END_COMMIT_MESSAGE");
[DO NOT MERGE] vendor in buildah \@ $buildah_new

This is a JUNK COMMIT from $ME v$VERSION.

DO NOT MERGE. This is just a way to keep the buildah-podman
vendoring in sync. See script --help for details.

    # if buildah is unchanged, and we did not pull main, exit cleanly
    my $change_message = '';
    if ($buildah_new eq $buildah_old) {
        if (! $rebased) {
            progress("Nothing has changed (same buildah, same podman). Bye!");
            exit 0;
        $change_message = "Podman has bumped, but Buildah is unchanged. There's probably not much point to testing this.";
    else {
        my $samenew = ($rebased ? 'new' : 'same');
        $change_message = "New buildah, $samenew podman. Good candidate for pushing.";


    progress("All OK. It's now up to you to 'git push --force'");
    progress(" --- Reminder: $change_message");

#  is_treadmill_commit  #  ARG (HEAD or HEAD^) commit message =~ treadmill
sub is_treadmill_commit {
    my $commit_message = git('log', '-1', '--format=%s', @_);
    print "[$commit_message]\n"         if $verbose;
    $commit_message =~ /buildah.*treadmill/;

#  pull_main  #  Switch to main, and pull latest from github
sub pull_main {
    progress("Pulling podman main...");
    git('checkout', '-q', 'main');
    git('pull', '-r', git_upstream(), 'main');

#  build_and_check_podman  #  Run quick (local) sanity checks before pushing
sub build_and_check_podman {
    my $errs = 0;

    # Confirm that we can still build podman
    progress("Running 'make' to confirm that podman builds cleanly...");
    system('make') == 0
        or die "$ME: 'make' failed with new buildah. Cannot continue.\n";

    # See if any new options need man pages
    progress('Cross-checking man pages...');
    $errs += system('hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages');

    # Confirm that buildah-bud patches still apply. This requires knowing
    # the name of the directory created by the bud-tests script.
    progress("Confirming that buildah-bud-tests patches still apply...");
    system('rm -rf test-buildah-*');
    $errs += system('test/buildah-bud/run-buildah-bud-tests', '--no-test');
    # Clean up
    system('rm -rf test-buildah-*');

    return if !$errs;
    warn "$ME: Errors found. Please address, then add to HEAD^ commit\n";
    die  "    ...see $ME --help for more information.\n";

# END   sync and its helpers
# BEGIN pick and its helpers
# This is what gets used on a real vendor-new-buildah PR

sub do_pick {
    my $current_branch = git_current_branch();

    # Confirm that current branch is a buildah-vendor one
    progress("HEAD is a buildah vendor commit. Good.");

    # Identify and pull the treadmill PR
    my $treadmill_pr = treadmill_pr();
    my $treadmill_branch = "$ME/pr$treadmill_pr/tmp$$";
    progress("Fetching treadmill PR $treadmill_pr into $treadmill_branch");
    git('fetch', git_upstream(), "pull/$treadmill_pr/head:$treadmill_branch");

    # read buildah go.mod from it, and from current tree, and compare
    my $buildah_on_treadmill = vendored_buildah($treadmill_branch);
    my $buildah_here         = vendored_buildah();
    if ($buildah_on_treadmill ne $buildah_here) {
        warn "$ME: Warning: buildah version mismatch:\n";
        warn "$ME: on treadmill:   $buildah_on_treadmill\n";
        warn "$ME: on this branch: $buildah_here\n";
        # FIXME: should this require --force? A yes/no prompt?
        # FIXME: I think not, because usual case will be a true tagged version
        warn "$ME: Continuing anyway\n";

    cherry_pick($treadmill_pr, $treadmill_branch);

    # Clean up
    git('branch', '-D', $treadmill_branch);


    progress("Looks good! Please 'git commit --amend' before pushing.");

#  treadmill_pr  #  Returns ID of open podman PR with the desired subject
sub treadmill_pr {
    my $query = <<'END_QUERY';
    query: "buildah vendor treadmill repo:containers/podman",
    type: ISSUE,
    first: 10
  ) {
    edges { node { ... on PullRequest { number state title } } }

    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("$ME " . $ua->agent);              # Identify ourself

    my %headers = (
        'Accept'        => "application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json",
        'Content-Type'  => "application/json",

    # Use github token if available, but don't require it. (All it does is
    # bump up our throttling limit, which shouldn't be an issue) (unless
    # someone invokes this script hundreds of times per minute).
    if (my $token = $ENV{GITHUB_TOKEN}) {
        $headers{Authorization} = "bearer $token";
    $ua->default_header($_ => $headers{$_}) for keys %headers;

    # Massage the query: escape quotes, put it all in one line, collapse spaces
    $query =~ s/\"/\\"/g;
    $query =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
    $query =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    # ...and now one more massage
    my $postquery = qq/{ "query": \"$query\" }/;

    print $postquery, "\n"            if $debug;
    my $res = $ua->post($API_URL, Content => $postquery);
    if ((my $code = $res->code) != 200) {
        print $code, " ", $res->message, "\n";
        exit 1;

    # Got something. Confirm that it has all our required fields
    my $content = decode_json($res->content);
    use Data::Dump; dd $content         if $debug;
    exists $content->{data}
        or die "$ME: No '{data}' section in response\n";
    exists $content->{data}{search}
        or die "$ME: No '{data}{search}' section in response\n";
    exists $content->{data}{search}{edges}
        or die "$ME: No '{data}{search}{edges}' section in response\n";

    # Confirm that there is exactly one such PR
    my @prs = @{ $content->{data}{search}{edges} };
    @prs > 0
        or die "$ME: WEIRD! No 'buildah vendor treadmill' PRs found!\n";
    @prs = grep { $_->{node}{title} eq $Treadmill_PR_Title } @prs
        or die "$ME: No PRs found with title '$Treadmill_PR_Title'\n";
    @prs = grep { $_->{node}{state} eq 'OPEN' } @prs
        or die "$ME: Found '$Treadmill_PR_Title' PRs, but none are OPEN\n";
    @prs == 1
        or die "$ME: Multiple OPEN '$Treadmill_PR_Title' PRs found!\n";

    # Yay. Found exactly one.
    return $prs[0]{node}{number};

#  cherry_pick  #  cherry-pick a commit, updating its commit message
sub cherry_pick {
    my $treadmill_pr     = shift;       # e.g., 12345
    my $treadmill_branch = shift;       # e.g., b-v-p/pr12345/tmpNNN

    progress("Cherry-picking from $treadmill_pr^");

    # Create a temp script. Do so in /var/tmp because sometimes $TMPDIR
    # (e.g. /tmp) has noexec.
    my ($fh, $editor) = tempfile( "$ME.edit-commit-message.XXXXXXXX", DIR => "/var/tmp" );
    printf { $fh } <<'END_EDIT_SCRIPT', $ME, $VERSION, $treadmill_pr;

if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
    echo "FATAL: Did not get called with an arg" >&2
    exit 1

if [[ ! -e $msgfile ]]; then
    echo "FATAL: git-commit file does not exist: $msgfile" >&2
    exit 1

rm -f $tmpfile

cat >$tmpfile <<EOF
WIP: Fixes for vendoring Buildah

This commit was automatically cherry-picked
by %s v%s
from the buildah vendor treadmill PR, #%s

> The git commit message from that PR is below. Please review it,
> edit as necessary, then remove this comment block.


# Strip the "DO NOT MERGE" header from the treadmill PR, print only
# the "Changes as of YYYY-MM-DD" and subsequent lines
sed -ne '/^Changes as of/,$ p' <$msgfile >>$tmpfile
mv $tmpfile $msgfile

    close $fh
        or die "$ME: Error writing $editor: $!\n";
    chmod 0755 => $editor;
    local $ENV{EDITOR} = $editor;
    git('cherry-pick', '--allow-empty', '--edit', "$treadmill_branch^");
    unlink $editor;

# END   pick and its helpers
# BEGIN general-purpose helpers

#  progress  #  Progris riport Dr Strauss says I shud rite down what I think
sub progress {
    print $Highlight, "|\n+---> @_\n", $Reset;

#  assert_clean_repo  #  Don't even think of running with local changes
sub assert_clean_repo {
    my @changed = git('status', '--porcelain', '--untracked=no')
        or return;

    warn "$ME: Modified files in repo:\n";
    warn "    $_\n" for @changed;
    exit 1;

#  git_current_branch  #  e.g., 'vendor_buildah'
sub git_current_branch() {
    my $b = git('rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref=strict', 'HEAD');

    # There is no circumstance in which we can ever be called from main
    die "$ME: must run from side branch, not main\n" if $b eq 'main';
    return $b;

#  git_upstream  #  Name of true github upstream
sub git_upstream {
    for my $line (git('remote', '-v')) {
        my ($remote, $url, $type) = split(' ', $line);
        if ($url =~ m!github\.com.*containers/(podman|libpod)!) {
            if ($type =~ /fetch/) {
                return $remote;

    die "$ME: did not find a remote with 'github.com/containers/podman'\n";

#  git  #  Run a git command
sub git {
    my @cmd = ('git', @_);
    print "\$ @cmd\n"                   if $verbose || $debug;
    open my $fh, '-|', @cmd
        or die "$ME: Cannot fork: $!\n";
    my @results;
    while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        chomp $line;
        push @results, $line;
    close $fh
        or die "$ME: command failed: @cmd\n";

    return wantarray ? @results : join("\n", @results);

#  head_is_buildah_vendor_commit  #  Returns 1 if HEAD is buildah vendor
sub head_is_buildah_vendor_commit {
    my $fatal = shift;                  # in: if true, die upon anything missing

    my @deltas = git('diff', '--name-only', 'HEAD^', 'HEAD');

    # It's OK if there are more modified files than just these.
    # It's not OK if any of these are missing.
    my @expect = qw(go.mod go.sum vendor/modules.txt);
    my @missing;
    for my $expect (@expect) {
        if (! grep { $_ eq $expect } @deltas) {
            push @missing, "$expect is unchanged";

    if (! grep { m!^vendor/\Q$Buildah\E/! } @deltas) {
        push @missing, "no changes under $Buildah";

    if (@missing) {
        if ($fatal || $verbose) {
            warn "$ME: HEAD does not look like a buildah vendor commit:\n";
            warn "$ME:  - $_\n" for @missing;
            if ($fatal) {
                die "$ME: Cannot continue\n";
            warn "$ME: ...this might be okay, continuing anyway...\n";

    return 1;

#  vendored_buildah  #  Returns currently-vendored buildah
sub vendored_buildah {
    my $gomod_file = 'go.mod';
    my @gomod;
    if (@_) {
        # Called with a branch argument; fetch that version of go.mod
        $gomod_file = "@_:$gomod_file";
        @gomod = git('show', $gomod_file);
    else {
        # No branch argument, read file
        open my $fh, '<', $gomod_file
          or die "$ME: Cannot read $gomod_file: $!\n";
        while (my $line = <$fh>) {
            chomp $line;
            push @gomod, $line;
        close $fh;

    for my $line (@gomod) {
        if ($line =~ m!^\s+\Q$Buildah\E\s+(\S+)!) {
            return $1;

    die "$ME: Could not find buildah in $gomod_file!\n";

# END   general-purpose helpers