#!/usr/bin/perl # # buildah-vendor-treadmill - daily vendor of latest-buildah onto latest-podman # package Podman::BuildahVendorTreadmill; use v5.14; use utf8; use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std ); use strict; use warnings; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use JSON; use LWP::UserAgent; use POSIX qw(strftime); (our $ME = $0) =~ s|.*/||; our $VERSION = '0.3'; # For debugging, show data structures using DumpTree($var) #use Data::TreeDumper; $Data::TreeDumper::Displayaddress = 0; ############################################################################### # BEGIN user-customizable section # Page describing this process in much more detail our $Docs_URL = 'https://github.com/containers/podman/wiki/Buildah-Vendor-Treadmill'; # github path to buildah our $Buildah = 'github.com/containers/buildah'; # FIXME FIXME FIXME: add 'main'? I hope we never need this script for branches. our $Treadmill_PR_Title = 'DO NOT MERGE: buildah vendor treadmill'; # Github API; this is where we query to find out the active treadmill PR our $API_URL = 'https://api.github.com/graphql'; # Use colors if available and if stdout is a tty our $C_Highlight = ''; our $C_Warning = ''; our $C_Reset = ''; eval ' use Term::ANSIColor; if (-t 1) { $C_Highlight = color("green"); $C_Warning = color("bold red"); $C_Reset = color("reset"); } $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR $C_Warning, "@_", $C_Reset; }; '; # END user-customizable section ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # BEGIN boilerplate args checking, usage messages sub usage { print <<"END_USAGE"; Usage: $ME [OPTIONS] [--sync | --pick [PR] | --reset ] $ME is (2022-04-20) **EXPERIMENTAL** $ME is intended to solve the problem of vendoring buildah into podman. Call me with one of three options: --sync The usual case. Mostly used by Ed. Called from a development branch, this just updates everything so we vendor in latest-buildah (main) on top of latest-podman (main). With a few sanity checks. --pick Used for really-truly vendoring in a new buildah; will cherry-pick a commit on your buildah-vendor working branch. Optional PR arg is the ID of the treadmill PR on github. --reset Used after vendoring buildah into main, when there really aren't any buildah patches to keep rolling. For latest documentation and best practices, please see: $Docs_URL OPTIONS: --help display this message --version display program name and version END_USAGE exit; } # Command-line options. Note that this operates directly on @ARGV ! our %action; our $debug = 0; our $force_old_main = 0; # in --pick, proceeds even if main is old our $force_retry = 0; # in --sync, continue despite saved checkpoint our $force_testing = 0; # in --sync, test even no podman/buildah changes our $verbose = 0; our $NOT = ''; # print "blahing the blah$NOT\n" if $debug sub handle_opts { use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( 'sync' => sub { $action{sync}++ }, 'pick' => sub { $action{pick}++ }, 'reset' => sub { $action{reset}++ }, 'force-old-main' => \$force_old_main, 'force-retry' => \$force_retry, 'force-testing' => \$force_testing, 'debug!' => \$debug, 'dry-run|n!' => sub { $NOT = ' [NOT]' }, 'verbose|v' => \$verbose, help => \&usage, version => sub { print "$ME version $VERSION\n"; exit 0 }, ) or die "Try `$ME --help' for help\n"; } # END boilerplate args checking, usage messages ############################################################################### ############################## CODE BEGINS HERE ############################### # The term is "modulino". __PACKAGE__->main() unless caller(); # Main code. sub main { # Note that we operate directly on @ARGV, not on function parameters. # This is deliberate: it's because Getopt::Long only operates on @ARGV # and there's no clean way to make it use @_. handle_opts(); # will set package globals my @action = keys(%action); die "$ME: Please invoke me with one of --sync or --pick\n" if ! @action; die "$ME: Please invoke me with ONLY one of --sync or --pick\n" if @action > 1; my $handler = __PACKAGE__->can("do_@action") or die "$ME: No handler available for --@action\n"; # We've validated the command-line args. Before running action, check # that repo is clean. None of our actions can be run on a dirty repo. assert_clean_repo(); $handler->(@ARGV); } ############################################################################### # BEGIN sync and its helpers sub do_sync { die "$ME: --sync takes no arguments; try $ME --help\n" if @_; # Preserve current branch name, so we can come back after switching to main my $current_branch = git_current_branch(); # Branch HEAD must be the treadmill commit. my $commit_message = git('log', '-1', '--format=%s', 'HEAD'); print "[$commit_message]\n" if $verbose; $commit_message =~ /buildah.*treadmill/ or die "$ME: HEAD must be a 'buildah treadmill' commit.\n"; # ...and previous commit must be a scratch buildah vendor $commit_message = git('log', '-1', '--format=%B', 'HEAD^'); $commit_message =~ /DO NOT MERGE.* vendor in buildah.*JUNK COMMIT/s or die "$ME: HEAD^ must be a DO NOT MERGE / JUNK COMMIT commit\n"; assert_buildah_vendor_commit('HEAD^'); # Looks good so far. my $buildah_old = vendored_buildah(); print "-> buildah old = $buildah_old\n"; # Pull main, and pivot back to this branch pull_main(); git('checkout', '-q', $current_branch); # Make a temporary copy of this branch my $temp_branch = strftime("__buildah-treadmill-checkpoint/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", localtime); git('branch', $temp_branch, $current_branch); progress("Current branch preserved as $temp_branch"); # Get the hash of the top (treadmill) commit, to cherry-pick later my $treadmill_commit = git('rev-parse', 'HEAD'); # # Danger Will Robinson! This is where it gets scary: a failure here # can leave us in a state where we could lose the treadmill patches. # Proceed with extreme caution. # local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print STDERR $C_Warning, "@_", <<"END_FAIL_INSTRUCTIONS"; This is not something I can recover from. Your human judgment is needed. You will need to recover from this manually. Your best option is to look at the source code for this script. Treadmill branch copy is preserved in $temp_branch To restore state to where you were before this sync: \$ git checkout main \$ git branch -f $current_branch $treadmill_commit END_FAIL_INSTRUCTIONS exit 1; }; my $forkpoint = git_forkpoint(); my $rebased; # Unlikely to fail git('reset', '--hard', 'HEAD^^'); # Rebase branch. Also unlikely to fail my $main_commit = git('rev-parse', 'main'); if ($forkpoint eq $main_commit) { progress("[Already rebased on podman main]"); } else { progress("Rebasing on podman main..."); git('rebase', '--empty=keep', 'main'); $rebased = 1; } # This does have a high possibility of failing. progress("Vendoring in buildah..."); system('go', 'mod', 'edit', '--require' => "${Buildah}\@main") == 0 or die "$ME: go mod edit failed"; system('make', 'vendor') == 0 or die "$ME: make vendor failed"; my $buildah_new = vendored_buildah(); print "-> buildah new = $buildah_new\n"; # Tweak .cirrus.yml so we run bud tests first in CI (to fail fast). tweak_cirrus_test_order(); # 'make vendor' seems to git-add files under buildah itself, but not # under other changed modules. Add those now, otherwise we fail # the dirty-tree test in CI. if (my @v = git('status', '--porcelain', '--untracked=all', 'vendor')) { if (my @untracked = grep { /^\?\?\s/ } @v) { my %repos = map { s!^.*?vendor/[^/]+/([^/]+/[^/]+)/.*$!$1!; $_ => 1; } @untracked; my $repos = join(', ', sort keys %repos); progress("Adding untracked files under $repos"); git('add', 'vendor'); } } # Commit everything. git_commit_buildah($buildah_new); # And, finally, this has the highest possibility of failing local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { print STDERR $C_Warning, "@_", <<"END_FAIL_INSTRUCTIONS"; This is not something I can recover from. Your human judgment is needed. Chances are, you might be able to run 'git status', look for merge conflicts, manually resolve those, 'git add', then 'git cherry-pick --continue'. If that works, run this script again (you will probably need the --force-retry option). If that DOES NOT work, your only option is to look at the source code for this script. Sorry. There's only so much that can be done automatically. Treadmill branch copy is preserved in $temp_branch To restore state to where you were before this sync: \$ git checkout main \$ git branch -f $current_branch $treadmill_commit END_FAIL_INSTRUCTIONS exit 1; }; progress('Reapplying treadmill patches'); git('cherry-pick', '--allow-empty', $treadmill_commit); # It worked! Clean up: remove our local die() handler and the saved branch undef $SIG{__DIE__}; git('branch', '-D', $temp_branch); # if buildah is unchanged, and we did not pull main, exit cleanly my $change_message = ''; if ($buildah_new eq $buildah_old) { if (! $rebased) { $change_message = "Nothing has changed (same buildah, same podman)."; if ($force_testing) { $change_message .= " Testing anyway due to --force-testing."; } else { progress($change_message); progress("Not much point to testing this, but use --force-testing to continue."); exit 0; } } else { $change_message = "Podman has bumped, but Buildah is unchanged. There's probably not much point to testing this."; } } else { my $samenew = ($rebased ? 'new' : 'same'); $change_message = "New buildah, $samenew podman. Good candidate for pushing."; } progress($change_message); build_and_check_podman(); progress("All OK. It's now up to you to 'git push --force'"); progress(" --- Reminder: $change_message"); # Kind of kludgy. If user had to retry a prior failed attempt, and # things are now successful, remind them to delete old checkpoints. # ($force_retry is a 'git branch -D' command string at this point.) if ($force_retry) { progress(" --- Retry worked! You may now $force_retry"); } } ############### # pull_main # Switch to main, and pull latest from github ############### sub pull_main { progress("Pulling podman main..."); git('checkout', '-q', 'main'); git('pull', '-r', git_upstream(), 'main'); } ############################# # tweak_cirrus_test_order # Run bud tests first, to fail fast & early ############################# sub tweak_cirrus_test_order { my $cirrus_yml = '.cirrus.yml'; my $tmpfile = "$cirrus_yml.tmp.$$"; unlink $tmpfile; progress("Tweaking test order in $cirrus_yml to run bud tests early"); open my $in, '<', $cirrus_yml or do { warn "$ME: Cannot read $cirrus_yml: $!\n"; warn "$ME: Will continue anyway\n"; return; }; open my $out, '>'. $tmpfile or die "$ME: Cannot create $tmpfile: $!\n"; my $current_task = ''; my $in_depend; while (my $line = <$in>) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^(\S+)_task:$/) { $current_task = $1; undef $in_depend; } elsif ($line =~ /^(\s+)depends_on:$/) { $in_depend = $1; } elsif ($in_depend && $line =~ /^($in_depend\s+-\s+)(\S+)/) { if ($current_task eq 'buildah_bud_test') { # Buildah bud test now depends on validate, so it runs early $line = "${1}validate"; } elsif ($2 eq 'validate' && $current_task ne 'success') { # Other tests that relied on validate, now rely on bud instead $line = "${1}buildah_bud_test"; } } else { undef $in_depend; } print { $out } $line, "\n"; } close $in; close $out or die "$ME: Error writing $tmpfile: $!\n"; chmod 0644 => $tmpfile; rename $tmpfile => $cirrus_yml or die "$ME: Could not rename $tmpfile: $!\n"; } ############################ # build_and_check_podman # Run quick (local) sanity checks before pushing ############################ sub build_and_check_podman { my $errs = 0; # Confirm that we can still build podman progress("Running 'make' to confirm that podman builds cleanly..."); system('make') == 0 or die "$ME: 'make' failed with new buildah. Cannot continue.\n"; # See if any new options need man pages. (C_Warning will highlight errs) progress('Cross-checking man pages...'); print $C_Warning; $errs += system('hack/xref-helpmsgs-manpages'); print $C_Reset; # Confirm that buildah-bud patches still apply. This requires knowing # the name of the directory created by the bud-tests script. progress("Confirming that buildah-bud-tests patches still apply..."); system('rm -rf test-buildah-*'); if (system('test/buildah-bud/run-buildah-bud-tests', '--no-test')) { # Error ++$errs; warn "$ME: Leaving test-buildah- directory for you to investigate\n"; } else { # Patches apply cleanly. Clean up system('rm -rf test-buildah-*'); } return if !$errs; warn <<"END_WARN"; $ME: Errors found. I have to stop now for you to fix them. Your best bet now is: 1) Find and fix whatever needs to be fixed; then 2) git commit -am'fixme-fixme'; then 3) git rebase -i main: a) you are now in an editor window b) move the new fixme-fixme commit up a line, to between the 'buildah vendor treadmill' and 'vendor in buildah @ ...' lines c) change 'pick' to 'squash' (or just 's') d) save & quit to continue the rebase e) back to a new editor window f) change the commit message: remove fixme-fixme, add a description of what you actually fixed. If possible, reference the PR (buildah or podman) that introduced the failure g) save & quit to continue the rebase Now, for good measure, rerun this script. For full documentation, refer to $Docs_URL END_WARN exit 1; } # END sync and its helpers ############################################################################### # BEGIN pick and its helpers # # This is what gets used on a real vendor-new-buildah PR sub do_pick { my $current_branch = git_current_branch(); # Confirm that current branch is a buildah-vendor one assert_buildah_vendor_commit('HEAD'); progress("HEAD is a buildah vendor commit. Good."); # Identify and pull the treadmill PR. my $treadmill_pr = shift || treadmill_pr(); my $treadmill_branch = "$ME/pr$treadmill_pr/tmp$$"; progress("Fetching treadmill PR $treadmill_pr into $treadmill_branch"); git('fetch', '-q', git_upstream(), "pull/$treadmill_pr/head:$treadmill_branch"); # Compare merge bases of our branch and the treadmill one progress("Checking merge bases"); check_merge_bases($treadmill_pr, $treadmill_branch); # read buildah go.mod from it, and from current tree, and compare my $buildah_on_treadmill = vendored_buildah($treadmill_branch); my $buildah_here = vendored_buildah(); if ($buildah_on_treadmill ne $buildah_here) { warn "$ME: Warning: buildah version mismatch:\n"; warn "$ME: on treadmill: $buildah_on_treadmill\n"; warn "$ME: on this branch: $buildah_here\n"; # FIXME: should this require --force? A yes/no prompt? # FIXME: I think not, because usual case will be a true tagged version warn "$ME: Continuing anyway\n"; } cherry_pick($treadmill_pr, $treadmill_branch); # Clean up git('branch', '-D', $treadmill_branch); build_and_check_podman(); progress("Looks good! Please 'git commit --amend' and edit commit message before pushing."); } ################## # treadmill_pr # Returns ID of open podman PR with the desired subject ################## sub treadmill_pr { # Github API (or maybe just the search endpoint???) is restricted. my $token = $ENV{GITHUB_TOKEN} or do { warn <<"END_NEED_PR"; $ME: Cannot proceed without PR ID. If you have a github API token, please: export GITHUB_TOKEN=....... and re-run me. If you do not have a github API token, please go here: https://github.com/containers/podman/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%22buildah+vendor+treadmill%22 ...then reinvoke me, adding that PR ID to the command line args. As of 2022-09-12 the treadmill PR is 13808, but that may change over time. END_NEED_PR exit 1; }; my $query = <<'END_QUERY'; { search( query: "buildah vendor treadmill repo:containers/podman", type: ISSUE, first: 10 ) { edges { node { ... on PullRequest { number state title } } } } } END_QUERY my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("$ME " . $ua->agent); # Identify ourself my %headers = ( 'Authorization' => "bearer $token", 'Accept' => "application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json", 'Content-Type' => "application/json", ); $ua->default_header($_ => $headers{$_}) for keys %headers; # Massage the query: escape quotes, put it all in one line, collapse spaces $query =~ s/\"/\\"/g; $query =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $query =~ s/\s+/ /g; # ...and now one more massage my $postquery = qq/{ "query": \"$query\" }/; print $postquery, "\n" if $debug; my $res = $ua->post($API_URL, Content => $postquery); if ((my $code = $res->code) != 200) { warn "$ME: GraphQL request failed on $API_URL:\n"; print STDERR " ", $code, " ", $res->message, "\n"; warn "Cannot continue.\n"; exit 1; } # Got something. Confirm that it has all our required fields my $content = decode_json($res->content); use Data::Dump; dd $content if $debug; exists $content->{data} or die "$ME: No '{data}' section in response\n"; exists $content->{data}{search} or die "$ME: No '{data}{search}' section in response\n"; exists $content->{data}{search}{edges} or die "$ME: No '{data}{search}{edges}' section in response\n"; # Confirm that there is exactly one such PR my @prs = @{ $content->{data}{search}{edges} }; @prs > 0 or die "$ME: WEIRD! No 'buildah vendor treadmill' PRs found!\n"; @prs = grep { $_->{node}{title} eq $Treadmill_PR_Title } @prs or die "$ME: No PRs found with title '$Treadmill_PR_Title'\n"; @prs = grep { $_->{node}{state} eq 'OPEN' } @prs or die "$ME: Found '$Treadmill_PR_Title' PRs, but none are OPEN\n"; @prs == 1 or die "$ME: Multiple OPEN '$Treadmill_PR_Title' PRs found!\n"; # Yay. Found exactly one. return $prs[0]{node}{number}; } ####################### # check_merge_bases # It's OK if our branch is newer than treadmill ####################### sub check_merge_bases { my $treadmill_pr = shift; # e.g., 12345 my $treadmill_branch = shift; # e.g., b-v-p/pr12345/tmpNNN # Fetch latest main, for accurate comparison git('fetch', '-q', git_upstream(), 'main'); my $forkpoint_cur = git_forkpoint(); my $forkpoint_treadmill = git_forkpoint($treadmill_branch); print "fork cur: $forkpoint_cur\nfork tm: $forkpoint_treadmill\n" if $debug; if ($forkpoint_cur eq $forkpoint_treadmill) { progress("Nice. This branch is up-to-date wrt treadmill PR $treadmill_pr"); return; } # They differ. if (git_is_ancestor($forkpoint_cur, $forkpoint_treadmill)) { warn <<"END_WARN"; $ME: treadmill PR $treadmill_pr is based on a newer main than this branch. This means it might have more up-to-date patches. END_WARN if ($force_old_main) { warn "$ME: Proceeding due to --force-old-main\n"; return; } # Cannot continue. Clean up side branch, and bail. git('branch', '-D', $treadmill_branch); warn "$ME: You might want to consider rebasing on latest main.\n"; warn "$ME: Aborting. Use --force-old-main to continue without rebasing.\n"; exit 1; } else { progress("Your branch is based on a newer main than treadmill PR $treadmill_pr. This is usually OK."); } } ################# # cherry_pick # cherry-pick a commit, updating its commit message ################# sub cherry_pick { my $treadmill_pr = shift; # e.g., 12345 my $treadmill_branch = shift; # e.g., b-v-p/pr12345/tmpNNN progress("Cherry-picking from $treadmill_pr"); # Create a temp script. Do so in /var/tmp because sometimes $TMPDIR # (e.g. /tmp) has noexec. my ($fh, $editor) = tempfile( "$ME.edit-commit-message.XXXXXXXX", DIR => "/var/tmp" ); printf { $fh } <<'END_EDIT_SCRIPT', $ME, $VERSION, $treadmill_pr; #!/bin/bash if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "FATAL: Did not get called with an arg" >&2 exit 1 fi msgfile=$1 if [[ ! -e $msgfile ]]; then echo "FATAL: git-commit file does not exist: $msgfile" >&2 exit 1 fi tmpfile=$msgfile.tmp rm -f $tmpfile cat >$tmpfile < The git commit message from that PR is below. Please review it, > edit as necessary, then remove this comment block. \^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EOF # Strip the "DO NOT MERGE" header from the treadmill PR, print only # the "Changes since YYYY-MM-DD" and subsequent lines sed -ne '/^Changes since /,$ p' <$msgfile >>$tmpfile mv $tmpfile $msgfile END_EDIT_SCRIPT close $fh or die "$ME: Error writing $editor: $!\n"; chmod 0755 => $editor; local $ENV{EDITOR} = $editor; git('cherry-pick', '--allow-empty', '--edit', $treadmill_branch); unlink $editor; } # END pick and its helpers ############################################################################### # BEGIN reset and its helpers sub do_reset { die "$ME: --sync takes no arguments; try $ME --help\n" if @_; my $current_branch = git_current_branch(); # Make sure side branch == main (i.e., there are no commits on the branch) if (git('rev-parse', $current_branch) ne git('rev-parse', 'main')) { die "$ME: for --reset, $current_branch must == main\n"; } # Pull main, and pivot back to this branch pull_main(); git('checkout', '-q', $current_branch); git('rebase', '--empty=keep', 'main'); git_commit_buildah('[none]'); my $ymd = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", localtime); git('commit', '--allow-empty', '-s', '-m' => <<"END_COMMIT_MESSAGE"); $Treadmill_PR_Title As you run --sync, please update this commit message with your actual changes. Changes since $ymd: END_COMMIT_MESSAGE progress("Done. You may now run --sync.\n"); } # END reset and its helpers ############################################################################### # BEGIN general-purpose helpers ############## # progress # Progris riport Dr Strauss says I shud rite down what I think ############## sub progress { print $C_Highlight, "|\n+---> @_\n", $C_Reset; } ####################### # assert_clean_repo # Don't even think of running with local changes ####################### sub assert_clean_repo { # During --sync we create a temporary copy of the treadmill branch, # in case something goes wrong. The branch is deleted on success. # If one exists, it means we may have lost work. my @relics = grep { m!^__buildah-treadmill-checkpoint/\d+-\d+$! } git('branch', '--list', '--format=%(refname:lstrip=2)'); if (@relics) { if ($force_retry) { warn <<"END_WARN"; $ME: WARNING: leftover checkpoint(s): @relics ...continuing due to --force-retry. If things work out, you can 'git branch -D @relics' END_WARN # OK, ugly override of a binary flag, but it's OK because # it helps with user-friendliness: offer a reminder upon # successful completion of the script. $force_retry = "git branch -D @relics"; } else { warn <<"END_WARN"; $ME: FATAL: leftover checkpoint: @relics This means that something went very wrong during an earlier sync run. Your git branch may be in an inconsistent state. Your work to date may be lost. This branch may be your only hope of recovering it. This is not something a script can resolve. You need to look at this branch, compare to your git HEAD, and manually reconcile any differences. If you really know what you're doing, i.e., if you've reconciled merge conflicts and have a pretty secure branch structure, try rerunning me with --force-retry. Or, if that checkpoint is a remnant from a past run, and you're ultra-certain that you don't need it, you can git branch -D @relics END_WARN exit 1; } } # OK so far. Now check for modified files. if (my @changed = git('status', '--porcelain', '--untracked=no')) { warn "$ME: Modified files in repo:\n"; warn " $_\n" for @changed; exit 1; } # ...and for untracked files under vendor/ if (my @v = git('status', '--porcelain', '--untracked=all', 'vendor')) { warn "$ME: Untracked vendor files:\n"; warn " $_\n" for @v; exit 1; } } ######################## # git_current_branch # e.g., 'vendor_buildah' ######################## sub git_current_branch() { my $b = git('rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref=strict', 'HEAD'); # There is no circumstance in which we can ever be called from main die "$ME: must run from side branch, not main\n" if $b eq 'main'; return $b; } ################### # git_forkpoint # Hash at which branch (default: cur) branched from main ################### sub git_forkpoint { # '--fork-point vendor-branch' fails silently on Paul's git tree, # but plain merge-base works fine. My head hurts from trying to # understand the docs, so I give up. Just try fork-point first, # and if it fails, try without. #cargocult #gitishard my $forkpoint = eval { git('merge-base', '--fork-point', 'main', @_) }; if ($@) { $forkpoint = git('merge-base', 'main', @_); } return $forkpoint; } ##################### # git_is_ancestor # Is hash1 an ancestor of hash2? ##################### sub git_is_ancestor { # Use system(), not git(), because we don't want to abort on exit status my $rc = system('git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', @_); die "$ME: Cannot continue\n" if $? > 256; # e.g., Not a valid object # Translate shell 0/256 status to logical 1/0 return !$rc; } ################## # git_upstream # Name of true github upstream ################## sub git_upstream { for my $line (git('remote', '-v')) { my ($remote, $url, $type) = split(' ', $line); if ($url =~ m!github\.com.*containers/(podman|libpod)!) { if ($type =~ /fetch/) { return $remote; } } } die "$ME: did not find a remote with 'github.com/containers/podman'\n"; } ######################## # git_commit_buildah # Do the buildah commit ######################## sub git_commit_buildah { my $buildah_version = shift; # When called by --reset, this can be empty git('commit', '-as', '--allow-empty', '-m', <<"END_COMMIT_MESSAGE"); DO NOT MERGE: vendor in buildah \@ $buildah_version This is a JUNK COMMIT from $ME v$VERSION. DO NOT MERGE! This is just a way to keep the buildah-podman vendoring in sync. Refer to: $Docs_URL END_COMMIT_MESSAGE } ######### # git # Run a git command ######### sub git { my @cmd = ('git', @_); print "\$ @cmd\n" if $verbose || $debug; open my $fh, '-|', @cmd or die "$ME: Cannot fork: $!\n"; my @results; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; push @results, $line; } close $fh or die "$ME: command failed: @cmd\n"; return wantarray ? @results : join("\n", @results); } ################################## # assert_buildah_vendor_commit # Fails if input arg is not a buildah vendor ################################## sub assert_buildah_vendor_commit { my $ref = shift; # in: probably HEAD or HEAD^ my @deltas = git('diff', '--name-only', "$ref^", $ref); # It's OK if there are no deltas, e.g. immediately after a buildah vendor PR return if !@deltas; # It's OK if there are more modified files than just these. # It's not OK if any of these are missing. my @expect = qw(go.mod go.sum vendor/modules.txt); my @missing; for my $expect (@expect) { if (! grep { $_ eq $expect } @deltas) { push @missing, "$expect is unchanged"; } } if (! grep { m!^vendor/\Q$Buildah\E/! } @deltas) { push @missing, "no changes under $Buildah"; } return if !@missing; warn "$ME: $ref does not look like a buildah vendor commit:\n"; warn "$ME: - $_\n" for @missing; die "$ME: Cannot continue\n"; } ###################### # vendored_buildah # Returns currently-vendored buildah ###################### sub vendored_buildah { my $gomod_file = 'go.mod'; my @gomod; if (@_) { # Called with a branch argument; fetch that version of go.mod $gomod_file = "@_:$gomod_file"; @gomod = git('show', $gomod_file); } else { # No branch argument, read file open my $fh, '<', $gomod_file or die "$ME: Cannot read $gomod_file: $!\n"; while (my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; push @gomod, $line; } close $fh; } for my $line (@gomod) { if ($line =~ m!^\s+\Q$Buildah\E\s+(\S+)!) { return $1; } } die "$ME: Could not find buildah in $gomod_file!\n"; } # END general-purpose helpers ###############################################################################