#!/usr/bin/env bash # # For help and usage information, simply execute the script w/o any arguments. # # This script is intended to be run by podman developers who need to debug # problems specifically related to Cirrus-CI automated testing. However, # because it's only loosely coupled to the `.cirrus.yml` configuration, it must # orchestrate VMs in GCP directly. This means users need to have # pre-authorization (access) to manipulate google-cloud resoures. Additionally, # there are no guarantees it will remain in-sync with other automation-related # scripts. Therefore it may not always function for everybody in every # future scenario without updates/modifications/tweaks. set -e RED="\e[1;31m" YEL="\e[1;32m" NOR="\e[0m" USAGE_WARNING=" ${YEL}WARNING: This will not work without podman,${NOR} ${YEL}and prior authorization to use the libpod GCP project.${NOR} " # These values come from .cirrus.yml gce_instance clause ZONE="${ZONE:-us-central1-a}" CPUS="2" MEMORY="4Gb" DISK="200" PROJECT="libpod-218412" GOSRC="/var/tmp/go/src/github.com/containers/podman" GIT_REPO="https://github.com/containers/podman.git" # Container image with necessary runtime elements GCLOUD_IMAGE="${GCLOUD_IMAGE:-docker.io/google/cloud-sdk:alpine}" GCLOUD_CFGDIR=".config/gcloud" SCRIPT_FILENAME=$(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) HOOK_FILENAME="hook_${SCRIPT_FILENAME}" # Shared tmp directory between container and us TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir ${SCRIPT_FILENAME}_tmpdir_XXXXXX) show_usage() { echo -e "\n${RED}ERROR: $1${NOR}" echo -e "${YEL}Usage: $SCRIPT_FILENAME <image_name>${NOR}" echo "" if [[ -r ".cirrus.yml" ]] then echo -e "${YEL}Some possible image_name values (from .cirrus.yml):${NOR}" image_hints echo "" echo -e "${YEL}Optional:${NOR} If a $HOME/$GCLOUD_CFGDIR/$HOOK_FILENAME executable exists during" echo "VM creation, it will be executed remotely after cloning" echo "$GIT_REPO. The" echo "current local working branch name and commit ID, will be provided as" echo "it's arguments." fi exit 1 } LIBPODROOT=$(realpath "$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})/../") # else: Assume $PWD is the root of the libpod repository [[ "$LIBPODROOT" != "/" ]] || \ show_usage "Must execute script from within clone of containers/podman repo." [[ "$UID" -ne 0 ]] || \ show_usage "Must execute script as a regular (non-root) user." [[ "${LIBPODROOT#$HOME}" != "$LIBPODROOT" ]] || \ show_usage "Clone of containers/podman must be a subdirectory of \$HOME ($HOME)" # Disable SELinux labeling to allow read-only mounting of repository files PGCLOUD="podman run -it --rm --security-opt label=disable -v $TMPDIR:$TMPDIR -v $HOME/.config/gcloud:/root/.config/gcloud -v $HOME/.config/gcloud/ssh:/root/.ssh -v $LIBPODROOT:$LIBPODROOT:ro $GCLOUD_IMAGE gcloud --configuration=libpod --project=$PROJECT" SCP_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute scp" showrun() { echo '+ '$(printf " %q" "$@") > /dev/stderr echo "" "$@" } cleanup() { RET=$? set +e wait # set GCLOUD_DEBUG to leave tmpdir behind for postmortem # shellcheck disable=SC2154 test -z "$GCLOUD_DEBUG" && rm -rf $TMPDIR # Not always called from an exit handler, but should always exit when called exit $RET } trap cleanup EXIT delvm() { echo -e "\n" echo -e "\n${YEL}Offering to Delete $VMNAME${NOR}" echo -e "${RED}(Deletion might take a minute or two)${NOR}" echo -e "${YEL}Note: It's safe to answer N, then re-run script again later.${NOR}" showrun $CLEANUP_CMD # prompts for Yes/No cleanup } get_env_vars() { # Deal with both YAML and embedded shell-like substitutions in values # if substitution fails, fall back to printing naked env. var as-is. python3 -c ' import sys,yaml,re env=yaml.load(open(".cirrus.yml"), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)["env"] dollar_env_var=re.compile(r"\$(\w+)") dollarcurly_env_var=re.compile(r"\$\{(\w+)\}") class ReIterKey(dict): def __missing__(self, key): # Cirrus-CI provides some runtime-only env. vars. Avoid # breaking this hack-script if/when any are present in YAML return "${0}".format(key) rep=r"{\1}" # Convert env vars markup to -> str.format_map(re_iter_key) markup out=ReIterKey() for k,v in env.items(): if "ENCRYPTED" not in str(v) and bool(v): out[k]=dollar_env_var.sub(rep, dollarcurly_env_var.sub(rep, str(v))) for k,v in out.items(): sys.stdout.write("{0}=\"{1}\"\n".format(k, str(v).format_map(out))) ' } image_hints() { get_env_vars | fgrep '_CACHE_IMAGE_NAME' | awk -F "=" '{print $2}' } unset VM_IMAGE_NAME unset VMNAME unset CREATE_CMD unset SSH_CMD unset CLEANUP_CMD declare -xa ENVS parse_args(){ local arg echo -e "$USAGE_WARNING" if [[ "$USER" =~ "root" ]] then show_usage "This script must be run as a regular user." fi [[ "$#" -eq 1 ]] || \ show_usage "Must specify a VM Image name to use, and the test flavor." VM_IMAGE_NAME="$1" # Word-splitting is desireable in this case # shellcheck disable=SC2207 ENVS=( $(get_env_vars) "VM_IMAGE_NAME=$VM_IMAGE_NAME" ) VMNAME="${VMNAME:-${USER}-${VM_IMAGE_NAME}}" CREATE_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute instances create --zone=$ZONE --image=${VM_IMAGE_NAME} --custom-cpu=$CPUS --custom-memory=$MEMORY --boot-disk-size=$DISK --labels=in-use-by=$USER $VMNAME" SSH_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute ssh root@$VMNAME" CLEANUP_CMD="$PGCLOUD compute instances delete --zone $ZONE --delete-disks=all $VMNAME" } # Returns true if user has run an 'init' and has a valid token for # the specific project-id and named-configuration argumens in $PGCLOUD. function has_valid_credentials() { if $PGCLOUD info |& grep -Eq 'Account:.*None'; then return 1 fi # It's possible for 'gcloud info' to list expired credentials, # e.g. 'ERROR: ... invalid grant: Bad Request' if $PGCLOUD auth print-access-token |& grep -q 'ERROR'; then return 1 fi return 0 } ##### main [[ "${LIBPODROOT%%${LIBPODROOT##$HOME}}" == "$HOME" ]] || \ show_usage "Repo clone must be sub-dir of $HOME" cd "$LIBPODROOT" parse_args "$@" mkdir -p $TMPDIR/.ssh mkdir -p {$HOME,$TMPDIR}/.config/gcloud/ssh chmod 700 {$HOME,$TMPDIR}/.config/gcloud/ssh $TMPDIR/.ssh echo -e "\n${YEL}Pulling gcloud image...${NOR}" podman pull $GCLOUD_IMAGE if ! has_valid_credentials then echo -e "\n${YEL}WARNING: Can't find gcloud configuration for libpod, running init.${NOR}" echo -e " ${RED}Please choose \"#1: Re-initialize\" and \"login\" if asked.${NOR}" showrun $PGCLOUD init --project=$PROJECT --console-only --skip-diagnostics # Verify it worked (account name == someone@example.com) $PGCLOUD info > $TMPDIR/gcloud-info-after-init if egrep -q "Account:.*None" $TMPDIR/gcloud-info-after-init then echo -e "${RED}ERROR: Could not initialize libpod configuration in gcloud.${NOR}" exit 5 fi # If this is the only config, make it the default to avoid # persistent warnings from gcloud about there being no default. [[ -r "$HOME/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default" ]] || \ ln "$HOME/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_libpod" \ "$HOME/.config/gcloud/configurations/config_default" fi trap delvm EXIT # Allow deleting VM if CTRL-C during create echo -e "\n${YEL}Trying to creating a VM named $VMNAME${NOR}\n${YEL}in GCE region/zone $ZONE${NOR}" echo -e "For faster terminal access, export ZONE='<something-closer>'" echo -e 'Zone-list at: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/regions-zones/\n' if showrun $CREATE_CMD; then # Freshly created VM needs initial setup echo -e "\n${YEL}Waiting up to 30s for ssh port to open${NOR}" ATTEMPTS=10 trap "exit 1" INT while ((ATTEMPTS)) && ! $SSH_CMD --command "true"; do let "ATTEMPTS--" echo -e "${RED}Nope, not yet.${NOR}" sleep 3s done trap - INT if ! ((ATTEMPTS)); then echo -e "\n${RED}Failed${NOR}" exit 7 fi echo -e "${YEL}Got it. Cloning upstream repository as a starting point.${NOR}" showrun $SSH_CMD -- "mkdir -p $GOSRC" showrun $SSH_CMD -- "git clone --progress $GIT_REPO $GOSRC" if [[ -x "$HOME/$GCLOUD_CFGDIR/$HOOK_FILENAME" ]]; then echo -e "\n${YEL}Copying hook to VM and executing (ignoring errors).${NOR}" $PGCLOUD compute scp "/root/$GCLOUD_CFGDIR/$HOOK_FILENAME" root@$VMNAME:. if ! showrun $SSH_CMD -- "cd $GOSRC && bash /root/$HOOK_FILENAME $(git branch --show-current) $(git rev-parse HEAD)"; then echo "-e ${RED}Hook exited: $?${NOR}" fi fi fi echo -e "\n${YEL}Generating connection script for $VMNAME.${NOR}" echo -e "Note: Script can be re-used in another terminal if needed." echo -e "${RED}(option to delete VM presented upon exiting).${NOR}" # TODO: This is fairly fragile, specifically the quoting for the remote command. echo '#!/bin/bash' > $TMPDIR/ssh echo "$SSH_CMD -- -t 'cd $GOSRC && exec env \"${ENVS[*]}\" bash -il'" >> $TMPDIR/ssh chmod +x $TMPDIR/ssh showrun $TMPDIR/ssh