#!/usr/bin/env bash # This script produces various bits of metadata needed by Makefile. Using # a script allows uniform behavior across multiple environments and # distributions. The script expects a single argument, as reflected below. set -euo pipefail cd "${GOSRC:-$(dirname $0)/../}" valid_args() { REGEX='^\s+[[:upper:]]+\*[)]' egrep --text --no-filename --group-separator=' ' --only-matching "$REGEX" "$0" | \ cut -d '*' -f 1 } unset OUTPUT case "$1" in # Wild-card suffix needed by valid_args() e.g. possible bad grep of "$(echo $FOO)" VERSION*) OUTPUT="${CIRRUS_TAG:-$(git fetch --tags && git describe HEAD 2> /dev/null)}" ;; NUMBER*) OUTPUT="$($0 VERSION | sed 's/-.*//')" ;; DIST_VER*) OUTPUT="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $VERSION_ID | cut -d '.' -f 1)" ;; DIST*) OUTPUT="$(source /etc/os-release; echo $ID)" ;; ARCH*) OUTPUT="${GOARCH:-$(go env GOARCH 2> /dev/null)}" ;; BASENAME*) OUTPUT="podman" ;; REMOTENAME*) OUTPUT="$($0 BASENAME)-remote" ;; *) echo "Error, unknown/unsupported argument '$1', valid arguments:" valid_args exit 1 ;; esac if [[ -n "$OUTPUT" ]] then echo -n "$OUTPUT" else echo "Error, empty output for info: '$1'" > /dev/stderr exit 2 fi