# make-and-check-size - wrapper around 'make' that also checks binary growth
# This script is intended to be run via 'git rebase -x', in a form such as:
#     context_dir=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir make-size-check.XXXXXXX)
#     git rebase ${GIT_BASE_BRANCH}^ -x "hack/make-and-check-size $context_dir"
#     rm -rf $context_dir
# (Carefully note the '^' next to GIT_BASE_BRANCH!)
# A 'git rebase -x' has long been a part of our usual CI; it guarantees
# that each commit (whether in a single- or multi-commit PR) can be
# compiled individually.
# By adding the '^' to GIT_BASE_BRANCH we establish a baseline and store
# the binary sizes of each file (podman, podman-remote) prior to our PR.
# context_dir is a temporary directory used to store the original sizes
# of each binary file under bin/
# *IMPORTANT NOTE*: this script will leave the git checkout in a funky state!
# (because we rebase onto a nonterminal commit). I believe this is OK, since
# this script is only invoked in CI from runner.sh and only in a scratch VM.
# Running this in a development environment would yield unpredictable results
# anyway, by rebasing onto origin/main by default and by leaving an aborted
# rebase on failure.
ME=$(basename $0)

# BEGIN end-user-customizable settings

# Maximum allowable size, in bytes
MAX_BIN_GROWTH=$((50 * 1024))

# Github label which allows overriding this check

# END   end-user-customizable settings

# Helper function: queries github for labels on this PR
function bloat_approved() {
    # Argument is the actual size increase in this build.
    # FIXME: 2022-03-21: this is not actually used atm, but Ed hopes some day
    #        to implement a more robust size-override mechanism, such as by
    #        requiring a MAX_BIN_GROWTH=nnn statement in github comments.
    local actual_growth="$1"

    if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_PR" ]]; then
        echo "$ME: cannot query github: \$CIRRUS_PR is undefined" >&2
        return 1
    if [[ -z "$CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN" ]]; then
        echo "$ME: cannot query github: \$CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN is undefined" >&2
        return 1

  \"query\": \"query {
  repository(owner: \\\"containers\\\", name: \\\"podman\\\") {
    pullRequest(number: $CIRRUS_PR) {
      labels(first: 100) {
        nodes {

    result=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: bearer $CIRRUS_REPO_CLONE_TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.antiope-preview+json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data @- https://api.github.com/graphql <<<"$query")

    labels=$(jq -r '.data.repository.pullRequest.labels.nodes[].name' <<<"$result")

    grep -q -w "$OVERRIDE_LABEL" <<<"$labels"

set -e

# Must be invoked with one argument, an existing context directory
context_dir=${1?Missing CONTEXT-DIR argument}
if [[ ! -d $context_dir ]]; then
    echo "$ME: directory '$context_dir' does not exist"
    exit 1

# This is the original (and primary) purpose of this check: if 'make' fails,
# there is no point in continuing
echo "Building: $(git rev-parse HEAD)"

# Determine size of each built file.
# - If this is our first time through, preserve that size in a tmpfile
# - On all subsequent runs, compare built size to initial size
for bin in bin/*;do
    size=$(stat -c %s $bin)

    saved_size_file=$context_dir/$(basename $bin)
    if [[ -e $saved_size_file ]]; then
        # Not the first time through: compare to original size
        size_orig=$(< $saved_size_file)
        delta_size=$(( size - size_orig ))

        if [[ $delta_size -gt $MAX_BIN_GROWTH ]]; then
            separator=$(printf "%.0s*" {1..75})   # row of stars, for highlight
            echo "$separator"
            echo "* $bin grew by $delta_size bytes; max allowed is $MAX_BIN_GROWTH."
            echo "*"
            if bloat_approved $delta_size; then
                echo "* Continuing due to '$OVERRIDE_LABEL' label"
                echo "*"
                echo "$separator"
                echo "* Please investigate, and fix if possible."
                echo "*"
                echo "* A repo admin can override by setting the $OVERRIDE_LABEL label"
                echo "$separator"
                exit 1
        # First time through: preserve original file size
        echo $size >$saved_size_file