#!/usr/bin/perl (our $ME = $0) =~ s|^.*/||; use v5.20; our $DSM = 'docs/source/markdown'; my ($oldname, $newname); my %oldname; my %changed; open my $git_diff, '-|', 'git', 'log', '-1', '-p' or die "$ME: Cannot fork: $!\n"; while (my $line = <$git_diff>) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ m!^\-\-\-\s+a/$DSM/(podman-\S+\.md(\.in)?)!) { $oldname = $1; $newname = undef; } elsif ($line =~ m!^\+\+\+\s+b/$DSM/(podman-\S+\.md(\.in)?)!) { $newname = $1; $oldname{$newname} = $oldname; } elsif ($newname) { if ($line =~ s/^-####\s+//) { $line =~ /^\*\*--(\S+?)\*\*/ or die "$ME: in $newname: weird '$line'"; $changed{$newname}{$1}{name} //= $1; } # Usually the same, but not for host.container and host.pod.md elsif ($line =~ /^\+\@\@option\s+(\S+)/) { my $optfile = $1; if ($optfile =~ /^(.*)\.\S+$/) { $changed{$newname}{$1}{name} = $optfile; } } } } close $git_diff; # Pass 2: read each oldfile, parse changed options for my $f (sort keys %changed) { my $oldfile = $oldname{$f}; open my $git_fh, '-|', 'git', 'show', "HEAD^:$DSM/$oldfile" or die "$ME: Cannot fork: $!\n"; my $opt; while (my $line = <$git_fh>) { if ($line =~ /^####\s+\*\*--(\S+?)\*\*/) { $opt = $1; if ($changed{$f}{$opt}) { $changed{$f}{$opt}{text} = $line; } else { undef $opt; } } elsif ($line =~ /^#/ || $line =~ /^\@\@option\s/) { undef $opt; } elsif ($opt) { $changed{$f}{$opt}{text} .= $line; } } close $git_fh or die "$ME: Error running git on $oldfile\n"; } # Pass 3: write out files my $tempdir = "/tmp/$ME.diffs"; system('rm', '-rf', $tempdir); mkdir $tempdir, 0755; for my $md_file (sort keys %changed) { for my $opt (sort keys %{$changed{$md_file}}) { my $d = "$tempdir/$changed{$md_file}{$opt}{name}"; mkdir $d, 0755; my $outfile = "$d/$md_file"; open my $fh, '>', $outfile or die "$ME: Cannot create $outfile: $!\n"; # strip all trailing newlines (my $text = $changed{$md_file}{$opt}{text}) =~ s/\n+$/\n/s; print { $fh } $text; close $fh or die "$ME: Error writing $outfile: $!\n"; my $new_text = "$DSM/options/$changed{$md_file}{$opt}{name}.md"; die "$ME: $md_file: File does not exist: $new_text\n" if ! -e $new_text; system('cp', $new_text, "$d/zzz-chosen.md"); } } # Now run diffuse chdir $tempdir or die; my @all_opts = glob("*"); for my $i (0..$#all_opts) { my $opt = $all_opts[$i]; chdir "$tempdir/$opt" or die "??? Internal error, cannot cd $tempdir/$opt: $!"; $| = 1; printf "--%s (%d/%d) ", $opt, $i+1, scalar(@all_opts); my @all_files = glob("*"); if (all_files_identical(@all_files)) { pop @all_files; print "[identical between @all_files]\n"; next; } # Prompt print "[Y/n/q] "; my $ans = ; next if $ans =~ /^n/i; exit 0 if $ans =~ /^q/i; system("diffuse", "-w", glob("*")) == 0 or die "Diffuse failed\n"; } sub all_files_identical { my %sha; for my $f (@_) { my $result = qx{sha256sum $f}; $result =~ /^([0-9a-f]+)\s/ or die "Internal error: unexpected result from sha256sum $f: $result"; $sha{$1}++; } return (keys(%sha) == 1); }