#!/bin/sh # # Cut a libpod release. Usage: # # $ hack/release.sh # # For example: # # $ hack/release.sh 1.2.3 1.3.0 # # for "I'm cutting 1.2.3, and want to use 1.3.0-dev for future work". VERSION="$1" NEXT_VERSION="$2" if test "${NEXT_VERSION}" != "${NEXT_VERSION%-dev}" then echo "The next-version argument '${NEXT_VERSION}' should not end in '-dev'." >&2 echo "This script will add the -dev suffix as needed internally. Try:" >&2 echo " $0 ${VERSION} ${NEXT_VERSION%-dev}" >&2 exit 1 fi DATE=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d') LAST_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) write_go_version() { LOCAL_VERSION="$1" sed -i "s/^\(const Version = \"\).*/\1${LOCAL_VERSION}\"/" version/version.go } write_spec_version() { LOCAL_VERSION="$1" sed -i "s/^\(Version: *\).*/\1${LOCAL_VERSION}/" contrib/spec/podman.spec.in } write_makefile_epoch() { LOCAL_EPOCH="$1" sed -i "s/^\(EPOCH_TEST_COMMIT ?= \).*/\1${LOCAL_EPOCH}/" Makefile } write_changelog() { echo "- Changelog for v${VERSION} (${DATE})" >.changelog.txt && git log --no-merges --format=' * %s' "${LAST_TAG}..HEAD" >>.changelog.txt && echo >>.changelog.txt && cat changelog.txt >>.changelog.txt && mv -f .changelog.txt changelog.txt } release_commit() { write_go_version "${VERSION}" && write_spec_version "${VERSION}" && write_changelog && git commit -asm "Bump to v${VERSION}" } dev_version_commit() { write_go_version "${NEXT_VERSION}-dev" && write_spec_version "${NEXT_VERSION}" && git commit -asm "Bump to v${NEXT_VERSION}-dev" } epoch_commit() { LOCAL_EPOCH="$1" write_makefile_epoch "${LOCAL_EPOCH}" && git commit -asm 'Bump gitvalidation epoch' } git fetch origin && git checkout -b "bump-${VERSION}" origin/master && EPOCH=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && release_commit && git tag -s -m "version ${VERSION}" "v${VERSION}" && dev_version_commit && epoch_commit "${EPOCH}"