package image

import (


// newTestRuntime returns a *Runtime implementation and a cleanup function which the caller is expected to call.
func newTestRuntime(t *testing.T) (*Runtime, func()) {
	wd, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "testStorageRuntime")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	err = os.MkdirAll(wd, 0700)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	store, err := storage.GetStore(storage.StoreOptions{
		RunRoot:            filepath.Join(wd, "run"),
		GraphRoot:          filepath.Join(wd, "root"),
		GraphDriverName:    "vfs",
		GraphDriverOptions: []string{},
		UIDMap: []idtools.IDMap{{
			ContainerID: 0,
			HostID:      os.Getuid(),
			Size:        1,
		GIDMap: []idtools.IDMap{{
			ContainerID: 0,
			HostID:      os.Getgid(),
			Size:        1,
	require.NoError(t, err)

	ir := NewImageRuntimeFromStore(store)
	cleanup := func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(wd) }
	return ir, cleanup

// storageReferenceWithoutLocation returns ref.StringWithinTransport(),
// stripping the [store-specification] prefix from containers/image/storage reference format.
func storageReferenceWithoutLocation(ref types.ImageReference) string {
	res := ref.StringWithinTransport()
	if res[0] == '[' {
		closeIndex := strings.IndexRune(res, ']')
		if closeIndex > 0 {
			res = res[closeIndex+1:]
	return res

func TestGetPullRefName(t *testing.T) {
	const imageID = "@0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
	const digestSuffix = "@sha256:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

	for _, c := range []struct{ srcName, destName, expectedImage, expectedDstName string }{
		// == Source does not have a Docker reference (as is the case for docker-archive:, oci-archive, dir:); destination formats:
		{ // registry/name, no tag:
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "",
			// The destName value will be interpreted as "" by storageTransport.
			"", "",
		{ // name, no registry, no tag:
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "from-directory",
			// FIXME(?) Adding a registry also adds a :latest tag.  OTOH that actually matches the used destination.
			// Either way it is surprising that the localhost/ addition changes this.  (mitr hoping to remove the "image" member).
			"localhost/from-directory:latest", "localhost/from-directory:latest",
		{ // registry/name:tag :
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "",
			"", "",
		{ // name:tag, no registry:
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "from-directory:notlatest",
			"localhost/from-directory:notlatest", "localhost/from-directory:notlatest",
		{ // name@digest, no registry:
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "from-directory" + digestSuffix,
			// FIXME?! Why is this dropping the digest, and adding :none?!
			"localhost/from-directory:none", "localhost/from-directory:none",
		{ // registry/name@digest:
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "" + digestSuffix,
			"" + digestSuffix, "" + digestSuffix,
		{ // ns/name:tag, no registry:
			// FIXME: This is interpreted as "registry == ns"
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", "ns/from-directory:notlatest",
			"ns/from-directory:notlatest", "ns/from-directory:notlatest",
		{ // containers-storage image ID
			"dir:/dev/this-does-not-exist", imageID,
			imageID, imageID,
		// == Source does have a Docker reference.
		// In that case getPullListFromRef uses the full transport:name input as a destName,
		// which would be invalid in the returned dstName - but dstName is derived from the source, so it does not really matter _so_ much.
		// Note that unlike real-world use we use different :source and :destination to verify the data flow in more detail.
		{ // registry/name:tag
			"docker://", "docker://",
			"docker://", "",
		{ // Implied and :latest
			"docker://busybox", "docker://busybox:destination",
			"docker://busybox:destination", "",
	} {
		srcRef, err := alltransports.ParseImageName(c.srcName)
		require.NoError(t, err, c.srcName)

		res := getPullRefName(srcRef, c.destName)
		assert.Equal(t, pullRefName{image: c.expectedImage, srcRef: srcRef, dstName: c.expectedDstName}, res,
			fmt.Sprintf("%#v %#v", c.srcName, c.destName))

func TestPullGoalFromImageReference(t *testing.T) {
	ir, cleanup := newTestRuntime(t)
	defer cleanup()

	type expected struct{ image, dstName string }
	for _, c := range []struct {
		srcName              string
		expected             []expected
		expectedPullAllPairs bool
		// == docker-archive:
		{"docker-archive:/dev/this-does-not-exist", nil, false}, // Input does not exist.
		{"docker-archive:/dev/null", nil, false},                // Input exists but does not contain a manifest.
		// FIXME: The implementation has extra code for len(manifest) == 0?! That will fail in getImageDigest anyway.
		{ // RepoTags is empty
			[]expected{{"@ec9293436c2e66da44edb9efb8d41f6b13baf62283ebe846468bc992d76d7951", "@ec9293436c2e66da44edb9efb8d41f6b13baf62283ebe846468bc992d76d7951"}},
		{ // RepoTags is a []name:latest, normalized to the short format.
			[]expected{{"localhost/pretty-empty:latest", "localhost/pretty-empty:latest"}},
		{ // RepoTags is a registry/name:latest
			[]expected{{"", ""}},
		{ // RepoTags has multiple items for a single image
				{"localhost/pretty-empty:latest", "localhost/pretty-empty:latest"},
				{"", ""},
		{ // FIXME: Two images in a single archive - only the "first" one (whichever it is) is returned
			// (and docker-archive: then refuses to read anything when the manifest has more than 1 item)
			[]expected{{"", ""}},
			// "" exists but is ignored

		// == oci-archive:
		{"oci-archive:/dev/this-does-not-exist", nil, false}, // Input does not exist.
		{"oci-archive:/dev/null", nil, false},                // Input exists but does not contain a manifest.
		// FIXME: The remaining tests are commented out for now, because oci-archive: does not work unprivileged.
		// { // No name annotation
		// 	"oci-archive:testdata/oci-unnamed.tar.gz",
		// 	[]expected{{"@5c8aca8137ac47e84c69ae93ce650ce967917cc001ba7aad5494073fac75b8b6", "@5c8aca8137ac47e84c69ae93ce650ce967917cc001ba7aad5494073fac75b8b6"}},
		//  false,
		// },
		// { // Name is a name:latest (no normalization is defined).
		// 	"oci-archive:testdata/oci-name-only.tar.gz",
		// 	[]expected{{"localhost/pretty-empty:latest", "localhost/pretty-empty:latest"}},
		//  false,
		// },
		// { // Name is a registry/name:latest
		// 	"oci-archive:testdata/oci-registry-name.tar.gz",
		// 	[]expected{{"", ""}},
		//  false,
		// },
		// // Name exists, but is an invalid Docker reference; such names will fail when creating dstReference.
		// {"oci-archive:testdata/oci-non-docker-name.tar.gz", nil, false},
		// Maybe test support of two images in a single archive? It should be transparently handled by adding a reference to srcRef.

		// == dir:
		{ // Absolute path
			[]expected{{"localhost/dev/this-does-not-exist", "localhost/dev/this-does-not-exist:latest"}},
		{ // Relative path, single element.
			// FIXME? Note the :latest difference in .image.
			[]expected{{"localhost/this-does-not-exist:latest", "localhost/this-does-not-exist:latest"}},
		{ // Relative path, multiple elements.
			// FIXME: This does not add localhost/, so dstName is normalized to
			[]expected{{"testdata/this-does-not-exist", ""}},

		// == Others, notably:
		// === docker:// (has ImageReference.DockerReference)
		{ // Fully-specified input
			[]expected{{"docker://", ""}},
		{ // Minimal form of the input
			[]expected{{"docker://busybox", ""}},

		// === tarball: (as an example of what happens when ImageReference.DockerReference is nil).
		// FIXME? This tries to parse "tarball:/dev/null" as a storageReference, and fails.
		// (This is NOT an API promise that the results will continue to be this way.)
		{"tarball:/dev/null", nil, false},
	} {
		srcRef, err := alltransports.ParseImageName(c.srcName)
		require.NoError(t, err, c.srcName)

		res, err := ir.pullGoalFromImageReference(context.Background(), srcRef, c.srcName, nil)
		if len(c.expected) == 0 {
			assert.Error(t, err, c.srcName)
		} else {
			require.NoError(t, err, c.srcName)
			require.Len(t, res.refPairs, len(c.expected), c.srcName)
			for i, e := range c.expected {
				testDescription := fmt.Sprintf("%s #%d", c.srcName, i)
				assert.Equal(t, e.image, res.refPairs[i].image, testDescription)
				assert.Equal(t, srcRef, res.refPairs[i].srcRef, testDescription)
				assert.Equal(t, e.dstName, storageReferenceWithoutLocation(res.refPairs[i].dstRef), testDescription)
			assert.Equal(t, c.expectedPullAllPairs, res.pullAllPairs, c.srcName)
			assert.False(t, res.usedSearchRegistries, c.srcName)
			assert.Nil(t, res.searchedRegistries, c.srcName)

const registriesConfWithSearch = `[]
registries = ['', '']

func TestPullGoalFromPossiblyUnqualifiedName(t *testing.T) {
	const digestSuffix = "@sha256:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"
	type pullRefStrings struct{ image, srcRef, dstName string } // pullRefPair with string data only

	registriesConf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "TestPullGoalFromPossiblyUnqualifiedName")
	require.NoError(t, err)
	defer registriesConf.Close()
	defer os.Remove(registriesConf.Name())

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(registriesConf.Name(), []byte(registriesConfWithSearch), 0600)
	require.NoError(t, err)

	ir, cleanup := newTestRuntime(t)
	defer cleanup()

	// Environment is per-process, so this looks very unsafe; actually it seems fine because tests are not
	// run in parallel unless they opt in by calling t.Parallel().  So don’t do that.
	oldRCP, hasRCP := os.LookupEnv("REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH")
	defer func() {
		if hasRCP {
		} else {
	os.Setenv("REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH", registriesConf.Name())

	for _, c := range []struct {
		input                        string
		expected                     []pullRefStrings
		expectedUsedSearchRegistries bool
		{"#", nil, false}, // Clearly invalid.
		{ // Fully-explicit, name-only.
			// (The docker:// representation is shortened by c/image/docker.Reference but it refers to "".)
			[]pullRefStrings{{"", "docker://busybox:latest", ""}},
		{ // with implied /library/, name-only.
			// (The docker:// representation is shortened by c/image/docker.Reference but it refers to "".)
			[]pullRefStrings{{"", "docker://busybox:latest", ""}},
		{ // Qualified, name-only.
			[]pullRefStrings{{"", "docker://", ""}},
		{ // Qualified, name:tag.
			[]pullRefStrings{{"", "docker://", ""}},
		{ // Qualified, name@digest.
			"" + digestSuffix,
			[]pullRefStrings{{"" + digestSuffix, "docker://" + digestSuffix,
				// FIXME?! Why is .dstName dropping the digest, and adding :none?!
		// Qualified, name:tag@digest.  This code is happy to try, but .srcRef parsing currently rejects such input.
		{"" + digestSuffix, nil, false},
		{ // Unqualified, single-name, name-only
				{"", "docker://", ""},
				// (The docker:// representation is shortened by c/image/docker.Reference but it refers to "".)
				{"", "docker://busybox:latest", ""},
		{ // Unqualified, namespaced, name-only
			// FIXME: This is interpreted as "registry == ns", and actual pull happens from;
			// should be first in the list but isn't used at all.
				{"ns/busybox", "docker://ns/busybox:latest", ""},
		{ // Unqualified, name:tag
				{"", "docker://", ""},
				// (The docker:// representation is shortened by c/image/docker.Reference but it refers to "".)
				{"", "docker://busybox:notlatest", ""},
		{ // Unqualified, name@digest
			"busybox" + digestSuffix,
				// FIXME?! Why is .input and .dstName dropping the digest, and adding :none?!
				{"", "docker://" + digestSuffix, ""},
				// (The docker:// representation is shortened by c/image/docker.Reference but it refers to "".)
				{"", "docker://busybox" + digestSuffix, ""},
		// Unqualified, name:tag@digest. This code is happy to try, but .srcRef parsing currently rejects such input.
		{"busybox:notlatest" + digestSuffix, nil, false},
	} {
		res, err := ir.pullGoalFromPossiblyUnqualifiedName(c.input)
		if len(c.expected) == 0 {
			assert.Error(t, err, c.input)
		} else {
			assert.NoError(t, err, c.input)
			for i, e := range c.expected {
				testDescription := fmt.Sprintf("%s #%d", c.input, i)
				assert.Equal(t, e.image, res.refPairs[i].image, testDescription)
				assert.Equal(t, e.srcRef, transports.ImageName(res.refPairs[i].srcRef), testDescription)
				assert.Equal(t, e.dstName, storageReferenceWithoutLocation(res.refPairs[i].dstRef), testDescription)
			assert.False(t, res.pullAllPairs, c.input)
			assert.Equal(t, c.expectedUsedSearchRegistries, res.usedSearchRegistries, c.input)
			if !c.expectedUsedSearchRegistries {
				assert.Nil(t, res.searchedRegistries, c.input)
			} else {
				assert.Equal(t, []string{"", ""}, res.searchedRegistries, c.input)