package libpod

import (

	v1 ""
	v12 ""

// GenerateForKube takes a slice of libpod containers and generates
// one v1.Pod description that includes just a single container.
func GenerateForKube(ctx context.Context, ctrs []*Container) (*v1.Pod, error) {
	// Generate the v1.Pod yaml description
	return simplePodWithV1Containers(ctx, ctrs)

// GenerateForKube takes a slice of libpod containers and generates
// one v1.Pod description
func (p *Pod) GenerateForKube(ctx context.Context) (*v1.Pod, []v1.ServicePort, error) {
	// Generate the v1.Pod yaml description
	var (
		ports        []v1.ContainerPort //nolint
		servicePorts []v1.ServicePort   //nolint

	allContainers, err := p.allContainers()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, servicePorts, err
	// If the pod has no containers, no sense to generate YAML
	if len(allContainers) == 0 {
		return nil, servicePorts, errors.Errorf("pod %s has no containers", p.ID())
	// If only an infra container is present, makes no sense to generate YAML
	if len(allContainers) == 1 && p.HasInfraContainer() {
		return nil, servicePorts, errors.Errorf("pod %s only has an infra container", p.ID())

	extraHost := make([]v1.HostAlias, 0)
	hostNetwork := false
	if p.HasInfraContainer() {
		infraContainer, err := p.getInfraContainer()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, servicePorts, err
		for _, host := range infraContainer.config.ContainerNetworkConfig.HostAdd {
			hostSli := strings.SplitN(host, ":", 2)
			if len(hostSli) != 2 {
				return nil, servicePorts, errors.New("invalid hostAdd")
			extraHost = append(extraHost, v1.HostAlias{
				IP:        hostSli[1],
				Hostnames: []string{hostSli[0]},
		ports, err = ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(infraContainer.config.PortMappings)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, servicePorts, err
		servicePorts = containerPortsToServicePorts(ports)
		hostNetwork = infraContainer.NetworkMode() == string(namespaces.NetworkMode(specgen.Host))
	pod, err := p.podWithContainers(ctx, allContainers, ports, hostNetwork)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, servicePorts, err
	pod.Spec.HostAliases = extraHost

	// vendor/ v1.Container cannot save restartPolicy
	// so set it at here
	for _, ctr := range allContainers {
		if !ctr.IsInfra() {
			switch ctr.config.RestartPolicy {
			case define.RestartPolicyAlways:
				pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = v1.RestartPolicyAlways
			case define.RestartPolicyOnFailure:
				pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = v1.RestartPolicyOnFailure
			case define.RestartPolicyNo:
				pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = v1.RestartPolicyNever
			default: // some pod create from cmdline, such as "", so set it to Never
				pod.Spec.RestartPolicy = v1.RestartPolicyNever

	if p.SharesPID() {
		// unfortunately, go doesn't have a nice way to specify a pointer to a bool
		b := true
		pod.Spec.ShareProcessNamespace = &b

	return pod, servicePorts, nil

func (p *Pod) getInfraContainer() (*Container, error) {
	infraID, err := p.InfraContainerID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return p.runtime.GetContainer(infraID)

// GenerateForKube generates a v1.PersistentVolumeClaim from a libpod volume.
func (v *Volume) GenerateForKube() *v1.PersistentVolumeClaim {
	annotations := make(map[string]string)
	annotations[util.VolumeDriverAnnotation] = v.Driver()

	for k, v := range v.Options() {
		switch k {
		case "o":
			annotations[util.VolumeMountOptsAnnotation] = v
		case "device":
			annotations[util.VolumeDeviceAnnotation] = v
		case "type":
			annotations[util.VolumeTypeAnnotation] = v
		case "UID":
			annotations[util.VolumeUIDAnnotation] = v
		case "GID":
			annotations[util.VolumeGIDAnnotation] = v

	return &v1.PersistentVolumeClaim{
		TypeMeta: v12.TypeMeta{
			Kind:       "PersistentVolumeClaim",
			APIVersion: "v1",
		ObjectMeta: v12.ObjectMeta{
			Name:              v.Name(),
			Labels:            v.Labels(),
			Annotations:       annotations,
			CreationTimestamp: v12.Now(),
		Spec: v1.PersistentVolumeClaimSpec{
			Resources: v1.ResourceRequirements{
				Requests: map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity{
					v1.ResourceStorage: resource.MustParse("1Gi"),
			AccessModes: []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{

// YAMLPodSpec represents the same k8s API core PodSpec struct with a small
// change and that is having Containers as a pointer to YAMLContainer.
// Because Go doesn't omit empty struct and we want to omit Status in YAML
// if it's empty. Fixes: GH-11998
type YAMLPodSpec struct {
	Containers []*YAMLContainer `json:"containers"`

// YAMLPod represents the same k8s API core Pod struct with a small
// change and that is having Spec as a pointer to YAMLPodSpec and
// Status as a pointer to k8s API core PodStatus.
// Because Go doesn't omit empty struct and we want to omit Status in YAML
// if it's empty. Fixes: GH-11998
type YAMLPod struct {
	Spec   *YAMLPodSpec  `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status *v1.PodStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// YAMLService represents the same k8s API core Service struct with a small
// change and that is having Status as a pointer to k8s API core ServiceStatus.
// Because Go doesn't omit empty struct and we want to omit Status in YAML
// if it's empty. Fixes: GH-11998
type YAMLService struct {
	Status *v1.ServiceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// YAMLContainer represents the same k8s API core Container struct with a small
// change and that is having Resources as a pointer to k8s API core ResourceRequirements.
// Because Go doesn't omit empty struct and we want to omit Status in YAML
// if it's empty. Fixes: GH-11998
type YAMLContainer struct {
	Resources *v1.ResourceRequirements `json:"resources,omitempty"`

// ConvertV1PodToYAMLPod takes k8s API core Pod and returns a pointer to YAMLPod
func ConvertV1PodToYAMLPod(pod *v1.Pod) *YAMLPod {
	cs := []*YAMLContainer{}
	for _, cc := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		var res *v1.ResourceRequirements = nil
		if len(cc.Resources.Limits) > 0 || len(cc.Resources.Requests) > 0 {
			res = &cc.Resources
		cs = append(cs, &YAMLContainer{Container: cc, Resources: res})
	mpo := &YAMLPod{Pod: *pod}
	mpo.Spec = &YAMLPodSpec{PodSpec: (*pod).Spec, Containers: cs}
	for _, ctr := range pod.Spec.Containers {
		if ctr.SecurityContext == nil || ctr.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions == nil {
		selinuxOpts := ctr.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions
		if selinuxOpts.User == "" && selinuxOpts.Role == "" && selinuxOpts.Type == "" && selinuxOpts.Level == "" {
			ctr.SecurityContext.SELinuxOptions = nil
	dnsCfg := pod.Spec.DNSConfig
	if dnsCfg != nil && (len(dnsCfg.Nameservers)+len(dnsCfg.Searches)+len(dnsCfg.Options) > 0) {
		mpo.Spec.DNSConfig = dnsCfg
	status := pod.Status
	if status.Phase != "" || len(status.Conditions) > 0 ||
		status.Message != "" || status.Reason != "" ||
		status.NominatedNodeName != "" || status.HostIP != "" ||
		status.PodIP != "" || status.StartTime != nil ||
		len(status.InitContainerStatuses) > 0 || len(status.ContainerStatuses) > 0 || status.QOSClass != "" || len(status.EphemeralContainerStatuses) > 0 {
		mpo.Status = &status
	return mpo

// GenerateKubeServiceFromV1Pod creates a v1 service object from a v1 pod object
func GenerateKubeServiceFromV1Pod(pod *v1.Pod, servicePorts []v1.ServicePort) YAMLService {
	service := YAMLService{}
	selector := make(map[string]string)
	selector["app"] = pod.Labels["app"]
	ports := servicePorts
	if len(ports) == 0 {
		ports = containersToServicePorts(pod.Spec.Containers)
	serviceSpec := v1.ServiceSpec{
		Ports:    ports,
		Selector: selector,
		Type:     v1.ServiceTypeNodePort,
	service.Spec = serviceSpec
	service.ObjectMeta = pod.ObjectMeta
	tm := v12.TypeMeta{
		Kind:       "Service",
		APIVersion: pod.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
	service.TypeMeta = tm
	return service

// containerPortsToServicePorts takes a slice of containerports and generates a
// slice of service ports
func containerPortsToServicePorts(containerPorts []v1.ContainerPort) []v1.ServicePort {
	sps := make([]v1.ServicePort, 0, len(containerPorts))
	for _, cp := range containerPorts {
		nodePort := 30000 + rand.Intn(32767-30000+1)
		servicePort := v1.ServicePort{
			Protocol:   cp.Protocol,
			Port:       cp.ContainerPort,
			NodePort:   int32(nodePort),
			Name:       strconv.Itoa(int(cp.ContainerPort)),
			TargetPort: intstr.Parse(strconv.Itoa(int(cp.ContainerPort))),
		sps = append(sps, servicePort)
	return sps

// containersToServicePorts takes a slice of v1.Containers and generates an
// inclusive list of serviceports to expose
func containersToServicePorts(containers []v1.Container) []v1.ServicePort {
	// Without the call to rand.Seed, a program will produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers
	// for each execution. Legal nodeport range is 30000-32767

	sps := make([]v1.ServicePort, 0, len(containers))
	for _, ctr := range containers {
		sps = append(sps, containerPortsToServicePorts(ctr.Ports)...)
	return sps

func (p *Pod) podWithContainers(ctx context.Context, containers []*Container, ports []v1.ContainerPort, hostNetwork bool) (*v1.Pod, error) {
	deDupPodVolumes := make(map[string]*v1.Volume)
	first := true
	podContainers := make([]v1.Container, 0, len(containers))
	podInitCtrs := []v1.Container{}
	podAnnotations := make(map[string]string)
	dnsInfo := v1.PodDNSConfig{}

	// Let's sort the containers in order of created time
	// This will ensure that the init containers are defined in the correct order in the kube yaml
	sort.Slice(containers, func(i, j int) bool { return containers[i].CreatedTime().Before(containers[j].CreatedTime()) })

	for _, ctr := range containers {
		if !ctr.IsInfra() {
			// Convert auto-update labels into kube annotations
			for k, v := range getAutoUpdateAnnotations(removeUnderscores(ctr.Name()), ctr.Labels()) {
				podAnnotations[k] = v

			isInit := ctr.IsInitCtr()

			ctr, volumes, _, annotations, err := containerToV1Container(ctx, ctr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			for k, v := range annotations {
				podAnnotations[define.BindMountPrefix+k] = strings.TrimSpace(v)
			// Since port bindings for the pod are handled by the
			// infra container, wipe them here.
			ctr.Ports = nil

			// We add the original port declarations from the libpod infra container
			// to the first kubernetes container description because otherwise we loose
			// the original container/port bindings.
			// Add the port configuration to the first regular container or the first
			// init container if only init containers have been created in the pod.
			if first && len(ports) > 0 && (!isInit || len(containers) == 2) {
				ctr.Ports = ports
				first = false
			if isInit {
				podInitCtrs = append(podInitCtrs, ctr)
			podContainers = append(podContainers, ctr)
			// Deduplicate volumes, so if containers in the pod share a volume, it's only
			// listed in the volumes section once
			for _, vol := range volumes {
				vol := vol
				deDupPodVolumes[vol.Name] = &vol
		} else {
			_, _, infraDNS, _, err := containerToV1Container(ctx, ctr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			if infraDNS != nil {
				if servers := infraDNS.Nameservers; len(servers) > 0 {
					dnsInfo.Nameservers = servers
				if searches := infraDNS.Searches; len(searches) > 0 {
					dnsInfo.Searches = searches
				if options := infraDNS.Options; len(options) > 0 {
					dnsInfo.Options = options
	podVolumes := make([]v1.Volume, 0, len(deDupPodVolumes))
	for _, vol := range deDupPodVolumes {
		podVolumes = append(podVolumes, *vol)

	return newPodObject(
		hostNetwork), nil

func newPodObject(podName string, annotations map[string]string, initCtrs, containers []v1.Container, volumes []v1.Volume, dnsOptions *v1.PodDNSConfig, hostNetwork bool) *v1.Pod {
	tm := v12.TypeMeta{
		Kind:       "Pod",
		APIVersion: "v1",

	// Add a label called "app" with the containers name as a value
	labels := make(map[string]string)
	labels["app"] = removeUnderscores(podName)
	om := v12.ObjectMeta{
		// The name of the pod is container_name-libpod
		Name:   podName,
		Labels: labels,
		// CreationTimestamp seems to be required, so adding it; in doing so, the timestamp
		// will reflect time this is run (not container create time) because the conversion
		// of the container create time to v1 Time is probably not warranted nor worthwhile.
		CreationTimestamp: v12.Now(),
		Annotations:       annotations,
	ps := v1.PodSpec{
		Containers:     containers,
		HostNetwork:    hostNetwork,
		InitContainers: initCtrs,
		Volumes:        volumes,
	if dnsOptions != nil && (len(dnsOptions.Nameservers)+len(dnsOptions.Searches)+len(dnsOptions.Options) > 0) {
		ps.DNSConfig = dnsOptions
	p := v1.Pod{
		TypeMeta:   tm,
		ObjectMeta: om,
		Spec:       ps,
	return &p

// simplePodWithV1Containers is a function used by inspect when kube yaml needs to be generated
// for a single container.  we "insert" that container description in a pod.
func simplePodWithV1Containers(ctx context.Context, ctrs []*Container) (*v1.Pod, error) {
	kubeCtrs := make([]v1.Container, 0, len(ctrs))
	kubeInitCtrs := []v1.Container{}
	kubeVolumes := make([]v1.Volume, 0)
	hostNetwork := true
	podDNS := v1.PodDNSConfig{}
	kubeAnnotations := make(map[string]string)
	for _, ctr := range ctrs {
		// Convert auto-update labels into kube annotations
		for k, v := range getAutoUpdateAnnotations(removeUnderscores(ctr.Name()), ctr.Labels()) {
			kubeAnnotations[k] = v

		isInit := ctr.IsInitCtr()

		if !ctr.HostNetwork() {
			hostNetwork = false
		kubeCtr, kubeVols, ctrDNS, annotations, err := containerToV1Container(ctx, ctr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for k, v := range annotations {
			kubeAnnotations[define.BindMountPrefix+k] = strings.TrimSpace(v)
		if isInit {
			kubeInitCtrs = append(kubeInitCtrs, kubeCtr)
		} else {
			kubeCtrs = append(kubeCtrs, kubeCtr)
		kubeVolumes = append(kubeVolumes, kubeVols...)
		// Combine DNS information in sum'd structure
		if ctrDNS != nil {
			// nameservers
			if servers := ctrDNS.Nameservers; servers != nil {
				if podDNS.Nameservers == nil {
					podDNS.Nameservers = make([]string, 0)
				for _, s := range servers {
					if !util.StringInSlice(s, podDNS.Nameservers) { // only append if it does not exist
						podDNS.Nameservers = append(podDNS.Nameservers, s)
			// search domains
			if domains := ctrDNS.Searches; domains != nil {
				if podDNS.Searches == nil {
					podDNS.Searches = make([]string, 0)
				for _, d := range domains {
					if !util.StringInSlice(d, podDNS.Searches) { // only append if it does not exist
						podDNS.Searches = append(podDNS.Searches, d)
			// dns options
			if options := ctrDNS.Options; options != nil {
				if podDNS.Options == nil {
					podDNS.Options = make([]v1.PodDNSConfigOption, 0)
				podDNS.Options = append(podDNS.Options, options...)
		} // end if ctrDNS
	return newPodObject(
		strings.ReplaceAll(ctrs[0].Name(), "_", ""),
		hostNetwork), nil

// containerToV1Container converts information we know about a libpod container
// to a V1.Container specification.
func containerToV1Container(ctx context.Context, c *Container) (v1.Container, []v1.Volume, *v1.PodDNSConfig, map[string]string, error) {
	kubeContainer := v1.Container{}
	kubeVolumes := []v1.Volume{}
	annotations := make(map[string]string)
	kubeSec, err := generateKubeSecurityContext(c)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err

	// NOTE: a privileged container mounts all of /dev/*.
	if !c.Privileged() && len(c.config.Spec.Linux.Devices) > 0 {
		// TODO Enable when we can support devices and their names
		kubeContainer.VolumeDevices = generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice(c.config.Spec.Linux.Devices)
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, errors.Wrapf(define.ErrNotImplemented, "linux devices")

	if len(c.config.UserVolumes) > 0 {
		volumeMounts, volumes, localAnnotations, err := libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts(c)
		if err != nil {
			return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, nil, err
		annotations = localAnnotations
		kubeContainer.VolumeMounts = volumeMounts
		kubeVolumes = append(kubeVolumes, volumes...)

	portmappings, err := c.PortMappings()
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err
	ports, err := ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(portmappings)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err

	// Handle command and arguments.
	if ep := c.Entrypoint(); len(ep) > 0 {
		// If we have an entrypoint, set the container's command as
		// arguments.
		kubeContainer.Command = ep
		kubeContainer.Args = c.Command()
	} else {
		kubeContainer.Command = c.Command()

	kubeContainer.Name = removeUnderscores(c.Name())
	_, image := c.Image()
	kubeContainer.Image = image
	kubeContainer.Stdin = c.Stdin()
	img, _, err := c.runtime.libimageRuntime.LookupImage(image, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err
	imgData, err := img.Inspect(ctx, false)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err
	// If the user doesn't set a command/entrypoint when creating the container with podman and
	// is using the image command or entrypoint from the image, don't add it to the generated kube yaml
	if reflect.DeepEqual(imgData.Config.Cmd, kubeContainer.Command) || reflect.DeepEqual(imgData.Config.Entrypoint, kubeContainer.Command) {
		kubeContainer.Command = nil

	if c.WorkingDir() != "/" && imgData.Config.WorkingDir != c.WorkingDir() {
		kubeContainer.WorkingDir = c.WorkingDir()

	if imgData.User == c.User() {
		kubeSec.RunAsGroup, kubeSec.RunAsUser = nil, nil

	envVariables, err := libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars(c.config.Spec.Process.Env, imgData.Config.Env)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, nil, annotations, err
	kubeContainer.Env = envVariables

	kubeContainer.Ports = ports
	// This should not be applicable
	//container.EnvFromSource =
	kubeContainer.SecurityContext = kubeSec
	kubeContainer.StdinOnce = false
	kubeContainer.TTY = c.config.Spec.Process.Terminal

	if c.config.Spec.Linux != nil &&
		c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources != nil {
		if c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.Memory != nil &&
			c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit != nil {
			if kubeContainer.Resources.Limits == nil {
				kubeContainer.Resources.Limits = v1.ResourceList{}

			qty := kubeContainer.Resources.Limits.Memory()
			kubeContainer.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceMemory] = *qty

		if c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU != nil &&
			c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota != nil &&
			c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Period != nil {
			quota := *c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Quota
			period := *c.config.Spec.Linux.Resources.CPU.Period

			if quota > 0 && period > 0 {
				cpuLimitMilli := int64(1000 * util.PeriodAndQuotaToCores(period, quota))

				// Kubernetes: precision finer than 1m is not allowed
				if cpuLimitMilli >= 1 {
					if kubeContainer.Resources.Limits == nil {
						kubeContainer.Resources.Limits = v1.ResourceList{}

					qty := kubeContainer.Resources.Limits.Cpu()
					kubeContainer.Resources.Limits[v1.ResourceCPU] = *qty

	// Obtain the DNS entries from the container
	dns := v1.PodDNSConfig{}

	// DNS servers
	if servers := c.config.DNSServer; len(servers) > 0 {
		dnsServers := make([]string, 0)
		for _, server := range servers {
			dnsServers = append(dnsServers, server.String())
		dns.Nameservers = dnsServers

	// DNS search domains
	if searches := c.config.DNSSearch; len(searches) > 0 {
		dns.Searches = searches

	// DNS options
	if options := c.config.DNSOption; len(options) > 0 {
		dnsOptions := make([]v1.PodDNSConfigOption, 0)
		for _, option := range options {
			// the option can be "k:v" or just "k", no delimiter is required
			opts := strings.SplitN(option, ":", 2)
			dnsOpt := v1.PodDNSConfigOption{
				Name:  opts[0],
				Value: &opts[1],
			dnsOptions = append(dnsOptions, dnsOpt)
		dns.Options = dnsOptions
	return kubeContainer, kubeVolumes, &dns, annotations, nil

// ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort takes an ocicni portmapping and converts
// it to a v1.ContainerPort format for kube output
func ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(portMappings []ocicni.PortMapping) ([]v1.ContainerPort, error) {
	containerPorts := make([]v1.ContainerPort, 0, len(portMappings))
	for _, p := range portMappings {
		var protocol v1.Protocol
		switch strings.ToUpper(p.Protocol) {
		case "TCP":
			// do nothing as it is the default protocol in k8s, there is no need to explicitly
			// add it to the generated yaml
		case "UDP":
			protocol = v1.ProtocolUDP
			return containerPorts, errors.Errorf("unknown network protocol %s", p.Protocol)
		cp := v1.ContainerPort{
			// Name will not be supported
			HostPort:      p.HostPort,
			HostIP:        p.HostIP,
			ContainerPort: p.ContainerPort,
			Protocol:      protocol,
		containerPorts = append(containerPorts, cp)
	return containerPorts, nil

// libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars converts a key=value string slice to []v1.EnvVar
func libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars(envs []string, imageEnvs []string) ([]v1.EnvVar, error) {
	defaultEnv := env.DefaultEnvVariables()
	envVars := make([]v1.EnvVar, 0, len(envs))
	imageMap := make(map[string]string, len(imageEnvs))
	for _, ie := range envs {
		split := strings.SplitN(ie, "=", 2)
		imageMap[split[0]] = split[1]
	for _, e := range envs {
		split := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)
		if len(split) != 2 {
			return envVars, errors.Errorf("environment variable %s is malformed; should be key=value", e)
		if defaultEnv[split[0]] == split[1] {
		if imageMap[split[0]] == split[1] {
		ev := v1.EnvVar{
			Name:  split[0],
			Value: split[1],
		envVars = append(envVars, ev)
	return envVars, nil

// libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts converts the containers mounts to a struct kube understands
func libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts(c *Container) ([]v1.VolumeMount, []v1.Volume, map[string]string, error) {
	namedVolumes, mounts := c.sortUserVolumes(c.config.Spec)
	vms := make([]v1.VolumeMount, 0, len(mounts))
	vos := make([]v1.Volume, 0, len(mounts))
	annotations := make(map[string]string)

	var suffix string
	for index, m := range mounts {
		for _, opt := range m.Options {
			if opt == "Z" || opt == "z" {
				annotations[m.Source] = opt
		vm, vo, err := generateKubeVolumeMount(m)
		if err != nil {
			return vms, vos, annotations, err
		// Name will be the same, so use the index as suffix
		suffix = fmt.Sprintf("-%d", index)
		vm.Name += suffix
		vo.Name += suffix
		vms = append(vms, vm)
		vos = append(vos, vo)
	for _, v := range namedVolumes {
		vm, vo := generateKubePersistentVolumeClaim(v)
		vms = append(vms, vm)
		vos = append(vos, vo)
	return vms, vos, annotations, nil

// generateKubePersistentVolumeClaim converts a ContainerNamedVolume to a Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaim
func generateKubePersistentVolumeClaim(v *ContainerNamedVolume) (v1.VolumeMount, v1.Volume) {
	ro := util.StringInSlice("ro", v.Options)

	// To avoid naming conflicts with any host path mounts, add a unique suffix to the volume's name.
	name := v.Name + "-pvc"

	vm := v1.VolumeMount{}
	vm.Name = name
	vm.MountPath = v.Dest
	vm.ReadOnly = ro

	pvc := v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ClaimName: v.Name, ReadOnly: ro}
	vs := v1.VolumeSource{}
	vs.PersistentVolumeClaim = &pvc
	vo := v1.Volume{Name: name, VolumeSource: vs}

	return vm, vo

// generateKubeVolumeMount takes a user specified mount and returns
// a kubernetes VolumeMount (to be added to the container) and a kubernetes Volume
// (to be added to the pod)
func generateKubeVolumeMount(m specs.Mount) (v1.VolumeMount, v1.Volume, error) {
	vm := v1.VolumeMount{}
	vo := v1.Volume{}

	name, err := convertVolumePathToName(m.Source)
	if err != nil {
		return vm, vo, err
	// To avoid naming conflicts with any persistent volume mounts, add a unique suffix to the volume's name.
	name += "-host"
	vm.Name = name
	vm.MountPath = m.Destination
	if util.StringInSlice("ro", m.Options) {
		vm.ReadOnly = true

	vo.Name = name
	vo.HostPath = &v1.HostPathVolumeSource{}
	vo.HostPath.Path = m.Source
	isDir, err := isHostPathDirectory(m.Source)
	// neither a directory or a file lives here, default to creating a directory
	// TODO should this be an error instead?
	var hostPathType v1.HostPathType
	switch {
	case err != nil:
		hostPathType = v1.HostPathDirectoryOrCreate
	case isDir:
		hostPathType = v1.HostPathDirectory
		hostPathType = v1.HostPathFile
	vo.HostPath.Type = &hostPathType

	return vm, vo, nil

func isHostPathDirectory(hostPathSource string) (bool, error) {
	info, err := os.Stat(hostPathSource)
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	return info.Mode().IsDir(), nil

func convertVolumePathToName(hostSourcePath string) (string, error) {
	if len(hostSourcePath) == 0 {
		return "", errors.Errorf("hostSourcePath must be specified to generate volume name")
	if len(hostSourcePath) == 1 {
		if hostSourcePath != "/" {
			return "", errors.Errorf("hostSourcePath malformatted: %s", hostSourcePath)
		// add special case name
		return "root", nil
	// First, trim trailing slashes, then replace slashes with dashes.
	// Thus, /mnt/data/ will become mnt-data
	return strings.Replace(strings.Trim(hostSourcePath, "/"), "/", "-", -1), nil

func determineCapAddDropFromCapabilities(defaultCaps, containerCaps []string) *v1.Capabilities {
	var (
		drop = []v1.Capability{}
		add  = []v1.Capability{}
	dedupDrop := make(map[string]bool)
	dedupAdd := make(map[string]bool)
	// Find caps in the defaultCaps but not in the container's
	// those indicate a dropped cap
	for _, capability := range defaultCaps {
		if !util.StringInSlice(capability, containerCaps) {
			if _, ok := dedupDrop[capability]; !ok {
				drop = append(drop, v1.Capability(capability))
				dedupDrop[capability] = true
	// Find caps in the container but not in the defaults; those indicate
	// an added cap
	for _, capability := range containerCaps {
		if !util.StringInSlice(capability, defaultCaps) {
			if _, ok := dedupAdd[capability]; !ok {
				add = append(add, v1.Capability(capability))
				dedupAdd[capability] = true

	return &v1.Capabilities{
		Add:  add,
		Drop: drop,

func capAddDrop(caps *specs.LinuxCapabilities) (*v1.Capabilities, error) {
	g, err := generate.New("linux")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Combine all the default capabilities into a slice
	defaultCaps := append(g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Ambient, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Bounding...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Effective...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Inheritable...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Permitted...)

	// Combine all the container's capabilities into a slice
	containerCaps := append(caps.Ambient, caps.Bounding...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Effective...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Inheritable...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Permitted...)

	calculatedCaps := determineCapAddDropFromCapabilities(defaultCaps, containerCaps)
	return calculatedCaps, nil

// generateKubeSecurityContext generates a securityContext based on the existing container
func generateKubeSecurityContext(c *Container) (*v1.SecurityContext, error) {
	privileged := c.Privileged()
	ro := c.IsReadOnly()
	allowPrivEscalation := !c.config.Spec.Process.NoNewPrivileges

	var capabilities *v1.Capabilities
	if !privileged {
		// Running privileged adds all caps.
		newCaps, err := capAddDrop(c.config.Spec.Process.Capabilities)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		capabilities = newCaps

	sc := v1.SecurityContext{
		// RunAsNonRoot is an optional parameter; our first implementations should be root only; however
		// I'm leaving this as a bread-crumb for later
		//RunAsNonRoot:             &nonRoot,
	if capabilities != nil {
		sc.Capabilities = capabilities
	var selinuxOpts v1.SELinuxOptions
	opts := strings.SplitN(c.config.Spec.Annotations[define.InspectAnnotationLabel], ":", 2)
	switch len(opts) {
	case 2:
		switch opts[0] {
		case "type":
			selinuxOpts.Type = opts[1]
			sc.SELinuxOptions = &selinuxOpts
		case "level":
			selinuxOpts.Level = opts[1]
			sc.SELinuxOptions = &selinuxOpts
	case 1:
		if opts[0] == "disable" {
			selinuxOpts.Type = "spc_t"
			sc.SELinuxOptions = &selinuxOpts

	if !allowPrivEscalation {
		sc.AllowPrivilegeEscalation = &allowPrivEscalation
	if privileged {
		sc.Privileged = &privileged
	if ro {
		sc.ReadOnlyRootFilesystem = &ro
	if c.User() != "" {
		if !c.batched {
			defer c.lock.Unlock()
		if err := c.syncContainer(); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to sync container during YAML generation")

		mountpoint := c.state.Mountpoint
		if mountpoint == "" {
			var err error
			mountpoint, err = c.mount()
			if err != nil {
				return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to mount %s mountpoint", c.ID())
			defer c.unmount(false)
		logrus.Debugf("Looking in container for user: %s", c.User())

		execUser, err := lookup.GetUserGroupInfo(mountpoint, c.User(), nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		uid := int64(execUser.Uid)
		gid := int64(execUser.Gid)
		sc.RunAsUser = &uid
		sc.RunAsGroup = &gid
	return &sc, nil

// generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice takes a list of devices and makes a VolumeDevice struct for kube
func generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice(devices []specs.LinuxDevice) []v1.VolumeDevice {
	volumeDevices := make([]v1.VolumeDevice, 0, len(devices))
	for _, d := range devices {
		vd := v1.VolumeDevice{
			// TBD How are we going to sync up these names
			DevicePath: d.Path,
		volumeDevices = append(volumeDevices, vd)
	return volumeDevices

func removeUnderscores(s string) string {
	return strings.Replace(s, "_", "", -1)

// getAutoUpdateAnnotations searches for auto-update container labels
// and returns them as kube annotations
func getAutoUpdateAnnotations(ctrName string, ctrLabels map[string]string) map[string]string {
	autoUpdateLabel := "io.containers.autoupdate"
	annotations := make(map[string]string)

	for k, v := range ctrLabels {
		if strings.Contains(k, autoUpdateLabel) {
			// since labels can variate between containers within a pod, they will be
			// identified with the container name when converted into kube annotations
			kc := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", k, ctrName)
			annotations[kc] = v

	return annotations