package libpod

import (

	v12 ""

// GenerateForKube takes a slice of libpod containers and generates
// one v1.Pod description that includes just a single container.
func (c *Container) GenerateForKube() (*v1.Pod, error) {
	// Generate the v1.Pod yaml description
	return simplePodWithV1Container(c)

// GenerateForKube takes a slice of libpod containers and generates
// one v1.Pod description
func (p *Pod) GenerateForKube() (*v1.Pod, []v1.ServicePort, error) {
	// Generate the v1.Pod yaml description
	var (
		servicePorts []v1.ServicePort
		ports        []v1.ContainerPort

	allContainers, err := p.allContainers()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, servicePorts, err
	// If the pod has no containers, no sense to generate YAML
	if len(allContainers) == 0 {
		return nil, servicePorts, errors.Errorf("pod %s has no containers", p.ID())
	// If only an infra container is present, makes no sense to generate YAML
	if len(allContainers) == 1 && p.HasInfraContainer() {
		return nil, servicePorts, errors.Errorf("pod %s only has an infra container", p.ID())

	if p.HasInfraContainer() {
		infraContainer, err := p.getInfraContainer()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, servicePorts, err

		ports, err = ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(infraContainer.config.PortMappings)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, servicePorts, err
		servicePorts = containerPortsToServicePorts(ports)
	pod, err := p.podWithContainers(allContainers, ports)
	return pod, servicePorts, err

func (p *Pod) getInfraContainer() (*Container, error) {
	infraID, err := p.InfraContainerID()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return p.runtime.GetContainer(infraID)

// GenerateKubeServiceFromV1Pod creates a v1 service object from a v1 pod object
func GenerateKubeServiceFromV1Pod(pod *v1.Pod, servicePorts []v1.ServicePort) v1.Service {
	service := v1.Service{}
	selector := make(map[string]string)
	selector["app"] = pod.Labels["app"]
	ports := servicePorts
	if len(ports) == 0 {
		ports = containersToServicePorts(pod.Spec.Containers)
	serviceSpec := v1.ServiceSpec{
		Ports:    ports,
		Selector: selector,
		Type:     v1.ServiceTypeNodePort,
	service.Spec = serviceSpec
	service.ObjectMeta = pod.ObjectMeta
	tm := v12.TypeMeta{
		Kind:       "Service",
		APIVersion: pod.TypeMeta.APIVersion,
	service.TypeMeta = tm
	return service

// containerPortsToServicePorts takes a slice of containerports and generates a
// slice of service ports
func containerPortsToServicePorts(containerPorts []v1.ContainerPort) []v1.ServicePort {
	var sps []v1.ServicePort
	for _, cp := range containerPorts {
		nodePort := 30000 + rand.Intn(32767-30000+1)
		servicePort := v1.ServicePort{
			Protocol: cp.Protocol,
			Port:     cp.ContainerPort,
			NodePort: int32(nodePort),
			Name:     strconv.Itoa(int(cp.ContainerPort)),
		sps = append(sps, servicePort)
	return sps

// containersToServicePorts takes a slice of v1.Containers and generates an
// inclusive list of serviceports to expose
func containersToServicePorts(containers []v1.Container) []v1.ServicePort {
	var sps []v1.ServicePort
	// Without the call to rand.Seed, a program will produce the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers
	// for each execution. Legal nodeport range is 30000-32767

	for _, ctr := range containers {
		sps = append(sps, containerPortsToServicePorts(ctr.Ports)...)
	return sps

func (p *Pod) podWithContainers(containers []*Container, ports []v1.ContainerPort) (*v1.Pod, error) {
	var (
		podContainers []v1.Container
	first := true
	for _, ctr := range containers {
		if !ctr.IsInfra() {
			result, err := containerToV1Container(ctr)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			// We add the original port declarations from the libpod infra container
			// to the first kubernetes container description because otherwise we loose
			// the original container/port bindings.
			if first && len(ports) > 0 {
				result.Ports = ports
				first = false
			podContainers = append(podContainers, result)
	return addContainersToPodObject(podContainers, p.Name()), nil

func addContainersToPodObject(containers []v1.Container, podName string) *v1.Pod {
	tm := v12.TypeMeta{
		Kind:       "Pod",
		APIVersion: "v1",

	// Add a label called "app" with the containers name as a value
	labels := make(map[string]string)
	labels["app"] = removeUnderscores(podName)
	om := v12.ObjectMeta{
		// The name of the pod is container_name-libpod
		Name:   fmt.Sprintf("%s", removeUnderscores(podName)),
		Labels: labels,
		// CreationTimestamp seems to be required, so adding it; in doing so, the timestamp
		// will reflect time this is run (not container create time) because the conversion
		// of the container create time to v1 Time is probably not warranted nor worthwhile.
		CreationTimestamp: v12.Now(),
	ps := v1.PodSpec{
		Containers: containers,
	p := v1.Pod{
		TypeMeta:   tm,
		ObjectMeta: om,
		Spec:       ps,
	return &p

// simplePodWithV1Container is a function used by inspect when kube yaml needs to be generated
// for a single container.  we "insert" that container description in a pod.
func simplePodWithV1Container(ctr *Container) (*v1.Pod, error) {
	var containers []v1.Container
	result, err := containerToV1Container(ctr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	containers = append(containers, result)
	return addContainersToPodObject(containers, ctr.Name()), nil


// containerToV1Container converts information we know about a libpod container
// to a V1.Container specification.
func containerToV1Container(c *Container) (v1.Container, error) {
	kubeContainer := v1.Container{}
	kubeSec, err := generateKubeSecurityContext(c)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, err

	if len(c.config.Spec.Linux.Devices) > 0 {
		// TODO Enable when we can support devices and their names
		devices, err := generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice(c.Spec().Linux.Devices)
		if err != nil {
			return kubeContainer, err
		kubeContainer.VolumeDevices = devices
		return kubeContainer, errors.Wrapf(ErrNotImplemented, "linux devices")

	if len(c.config.UserVolumes) > 0 {
		// TODO When we until we can resolve what the volume name should be, this is disabled
		// Volume names need to be coordinated "globally" in the kube files.
		volumes, err := libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts(c)
		if err != nil {
			return kubeContainer, err
		kubeContainer.VolumeMounts = volumes
		//return kubeContainer, errors.Wrapf(ErrNotImplemented, "volume names")

	envVariables, err := libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars(c.config.Spec.Process.Env)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, err

	portmappings, err := c.PortMappings()
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, err
	ports, err := ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(portmappings)
	if err != nil {
		return kubeContainer, err

	containerCommands := c.Command()
	kubeContainer.Name = removeUnderscores(c.Name())

	_, image := c.Image()
	kubeContainer.Image = image
	kubeContainer.Stdin = c.Stdin()
	kubeContainer.Command = containerCommands
	// TODO need to figure out how we handle command vs entry point.  Kube appears to prefer entrypoint.
	// right now we just take the container's command
	//container.Args = args
	kubeContainer.WorkingDir = c.WorkingDir()
	kubeContainer.Ports = ports
	// This should not be applicable
	//container.EnvFromSource =
	kubeContainer.Env = envVariables
	// TODO enable resources when we can support naming conventions
	kubeContainer.SecurityContext = kubeSec
	kubeContainer.StdinOnce = false
	kubeContainer.TTY = c.config.Spec.Process.Terminal

	return kubeContainer, nil

// ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort takes an ocicni portmapping and converts
// it to a v1.ContainerPort format for kube output
func ocicniPortMappingToContainerPort(portMappings []ocicni.PortMapping) ([]v1.ContainerPort, error) {
	var containerPorts []v1.ContainerPort
	for _, p := range portMappings {
		var protocol v1.Protocol
		switch strings.ToUpper(p.Protocol) {
		case "TCP":
			protocol = v1.ProtocolTCP
		case "UDP":
			protocol = v1.ProtocolUDP
			return containerPorts, errors.Errorf("unknown network protocol %s", p.Protocol)
		cp := v1.ContainerPort{
			// Name will not be supported
			HostPort:      p.HostPort,
			HostIP:        p.HostIP,
			ContainerPort: p.ContainerPort,
			Protocol:      protocol,
		containerPorts = append(containerPorts, cp)
	return containerPorts, nil

// libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars converts a key=value string slice to []v1.EnvVar
func libpodEnvVarsToKubeEnvVars(envs []string) ([]v1.EnvVar, error) {
	var envVars []v1.EnvVar
	for _, e := range envs {
		splitE := strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)
		if len(splitE) != 2 {
			return envVars, errors.Errorf("environment variable %s is malformed; should be key=value", e)
		ev := v1.EnvVar{
			Name:  splitE[0],
			Value: splitE[1],
		envVars = append(envVars, ev)
	return envVars, nil

// Is this worth it?
func libpodMaxAndMinToResourceList(c *Container) (v1.ResourceList, v1.ResourceList) { //nolint
	// It does not appear we can properly calculate CPU resources from the information
	// we know in libpod.  Libpod knows CPUs by time, shares, etc.

	// We also only know about a memory limit; no memory minimum
	maxResources := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
	minResources := make(map[v1.ResourceName]resource.Quantity)
	config := c.Config()
	maxMem := config.Spec.Linux.Resources.Memory.Limit

	_ = maxMem

	return maxResources, minResources

func generateKubeVolumeMount(hostSourcePath string, mounts []specs.Mount) (v1.VolumeMount, error) {
	vm := v1.VolumeMount{}
	for _, m := range mounts {
		if m.Source == hostSourcePath {
			// TODO Name is not provided and is required by Kube; therefore, this is disabled earlier
			//vm.Name =
			vm.MountPath = m.Source
			vm.SubPath = m.Destination
			if util.StringInSlice("ro", m.Options) {
				vm.ReadOnly = true
			return vm, nil
	return vm, errors.New("unable to find mount source")

// libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts converts the containers mounts to a struct kube understands
func libpodMountsToKubeVolumeMounts(c *Container) ([]v1.VolumeMount, error) {
	// At this point, I dont think we can distinguish between the default
	// volume mounts and user added ones.  For now, we pass them all.
	var vms []v1.VolumeMount
	for _, hostSourcePath := range c.config.UserVolumes {
		vm, err := generateKubeVolumeMount(hostSourcePath, c.config.Spec.Mounts)
		if err != nil {
		vms = append(vms, vm)
	return vms, nil

func determineCapAddDropFromCapabilities(defaultCaps, containerCaps []string) *v1.Capabilities {
	var (
		drop []v1.Capability
		add  []v1.Capability
	// Find caps in the defaultCaps but not in the container's
	// those indicate a dropped cap
	for _, capability := range defaultCaps {
		if !util.StringInSlice(capability, containerCaps) {
			cap := v1.Capability(capability)
			drop = append(drop, cap)
	// Find caps in the container but not in the defaults; those indicate
	// an added cap
	for _, capability := range containerCaps {
		if !util.StringInSlice(capability, defaultCaps) {
			cap := v1.Capability(capability)
			add = append(add, cap)

	return &v1.Capabilities{
		Add:  add,
		Drop: drop,

func capAddDrop(caps *specs.LinuxCapabilities) (*v1.Capabilities, error) {
	g, err := generate.New("linux")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Combine all the default capabilities into a slice
	defaultCaps := append(g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Ambient, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Bounding...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Effective...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Inheritable...)
	defaultCaps = append(defaultCaps, g.Config.Process.Capabilities.Permitted...)

	// Combine all the container's capabilities into a slic
	containerCaps := append(caps.Ambient, caps.Bounding...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Effective...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Inheritable...)
	containerCaps = append(containerCaps, caps.Permitted...)

	calculatedCaps := determineCapAddDropFromCapabilities(defaultCaps, containerCaps)
	return calculatedCaps, nil

// generateKubeSecurityContext generates a securityContext based on the existing container
func generateKubeSecurityContext(c *Container) (*v1.SecurityContext, error) {
	priv := c.Privileged()
	ro := c.IsReadOnly()
	allowPrivEscalation := !c.config.Spec.Process.NoNewPrivileges

	newCaps, err := capAddDrop(c.config.Spec.Process.Capabilities)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	sc := v1.SecurityContext{
		Capabilities: newCaps,
		Privileged:   &priv,
		// TODO How do we know if selinux were passed into podman
		// RunAsNonRoot is an optional parameter; our first implementations should be root only; however
		// I'm leaving this as a bread-crumb for later
		//RunAsNonRoot:             &nonRoot,
		ReadOnlyRootFilesystem:   &ro,
		AllowPrivilegeEscalation: &allowPrivEscalation,

	if c.User() != "" {
		if !c.batched {
			defer c.lock.Unlock()
		if err := c.syncContainer(); err != nil {
			return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to sync container during YAML generation")
		logrus.Debugf("Looking in container for user: %s", c.User())
		u, err := lookup.GetUser(c.state.Mountpoint, c.User())
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		user := int64(u.Uid)
		sc.RunAsUser = &user
	return &sc, nil

// generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice takes a list of devices and makes a VolumeDevice struct for kube
func generateKubeVolumeDeviceFromLinuxDevice(devices []specs.LinuxDevice) ([]v1.VolumeDevice, error) {
	var volumeDevices []v1.VolumeDevice
	for _, d := range devices {
		vd := v1.VolumeDevice{
			// TBD How are we going to sync up these names
			DevicePath: d.Path,
		volumeDevices = append(volumeDevices, vd)
	return volumeDevices, nil

func removeUnderscores(s string) string {
	return strings.Replace(s, "_", "", -1)