// Code generated by ffjson <https://github.com/pquerna/ffjson>. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: /home/mcs/code/gopath//src/github.com/projectatomic/libpod/libpod/pod.go

package libpod

import (
	fflib "github.com/pquerna/ffjson/fflib/v1"

// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
func (j *PodConfig) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	var buf fflib.Buffer
	if j == nil {
		return buf.Bytes(), nil
	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return buf.Bytes(), nil

// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
func (j *PodConfig) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
	if j == nil {
		return nil
	var err error
	var obj []byte
	_ = obj
	_ = err
	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.ID))
	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Name))
	if len(j.Namespace) != 0 {
		fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.Namespace))
	if j.Labels == nil {
	} else {
		buf.WriteString(`"labels":{ `)
		for key, value := range j.Labels {
			fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, key)
			fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(value))
	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.CgroupParent))
	if j.UsePodCgroup {
	} else {


		obj, err = j.CreatedTime.MarshalJSON()
		if err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

const (
	ffjtPodConfigbase = iota








var ffjKeyPodConfigID = []byte("id")

var ffjKeyPodConfigName = []byte("name")

var ffjKeyPodConfigNamespace = []byte("namespace")

var ffjKeyPodConfigLabels = []byte("labels")

var ffjKeyPodConfigCgroupParent = []byte("cgroupParent")

var ffjKeyPodConfigUsePodCgroup = []byte("UsePodCgroup")

var ffjKeyPodConfigCreatedTime = []byte("created")

// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
func (j *PodConfig) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)

// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
func (j *PodConfig) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
	var err error
	currentKey := ffjtPodConfigbase
	_ = currentKey
	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init

	for {
		tok = fs.Scan()
		//	println(fmt.Sprintf("debug: tok: %v  state: %v", tok, state))
		if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
			goto tokerror

		switch state {

		case fflib.FFParse_map_start:
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_left_bracket
				goto wrongtokenerror
			state = fflib.FFParse_want_key

		case fflib.FFParse_after_value:
			if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
			} else if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
				goto done
			} else {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_comma
				goto wrongtokenerror

		case fflib.FFParse_want_key:
			// json {} ended. goto exit. woo.
			if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
				goto done
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_string
				goto wrongtokenerror

			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
			if len(kn) <= 0 {
				// "" case. hrm.
				currentKey = ffjtPodConfignosuchkey
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
				goto mainparse
			} else {
				switch kn[0] {

				case 'U':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigUsePodCgroup, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigUsePodCgroup
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

				case 'c':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigCgroupParent, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigCgroupParent
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigCreatedTime, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigCreatedTime
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

				case 'i':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigID, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigID
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

				case 'l':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigLabels, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigLabels
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

				case 'n':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigName, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigName
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse

					} else if bytes.Equal(ffjKeyPodConfigNamespace, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtPodConfigNamespace
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse


				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyPodConfigCreatedTime, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigCreatedTime
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyPodConfigUsePodCgroup, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigUsePodCgroup
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyPodConfigCgroupParent, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigCgroupParent
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyPodConfigLabels, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigLabels
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.EqualFoldRight(ffjKeyPodConfigNamespace, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigNamespace
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyPodConfigName, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigName
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeyPodConfigID, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtPodConfigID
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				currentKey = ffjtPodConfignosuchkey
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
				goto mainparse

		case fflib.FFParse_want_colon:
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_colon
				goto wrongtokenerror
			state = fflib.FFParse_want_value
		case fflib.FFParse_want_value:

			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
				switch currentKey {

				case ffjtPodConfigID:
					goto handle_ID

				case ffjtPodConfigName:
					goto handle_Name

				case ffjtPodConfigNamespace:
					goto handle_Namespace

				case ffjtPodConfigLabels:
					goto handle_Labels

				case ffjtPodConfigCgroupParent:
					goto handle_CgroupParent

				case ffjtPodConfigUsePodCgroup:
					goto handle_UsePodCgroup

				case ffjtPodConfigCreatedTime:
					goto handle_CreatedTime

				case ffjtPodConfignosuchkey:
					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
					if err != nil {
						return fs.WrapErr(err)
					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
					goto mainparse
			} else {
				goto wantedvalue


	/* handler: j.ID type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

			j.ID = string(string(outBuf))


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.Name type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

			j.Name = string(string(outBuf))


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.Namespace type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

			j.Namespace = string(string(outBuf))


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.Labels type=map[string]string kind=map quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for ", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
			j.Labels = nil
		} else {

			j.Labels = make(map[string]string, 0)

			wantVal := true

			for {

				var k string

				var tmpJLabels string

				tok = fs.Scan()
				if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
					goto tokerror
				if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {

				if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
					if wantVal == true {
						// TODO(pquerna): this isn't an ideal error message, this handles
						// things like [,,,] as an array value.
						return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
				} else {
					wantVal = true

				/* handler: k type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


						if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
							return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

					} else {

						outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

						k = string(string(outBuf))


				// Expect ':' after key
				tok = fs.Scan()
				if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
					return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted colon token, but got token: %v", tok))

				tok = fs.Scan()
				/* handler: tmpJLabels type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


						if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
							return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

					if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

					} else {

						outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

						tmpJLabels = string(string(outBuf))


				j.Labels[k] = tmpJLabels

				wantVal = false


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.CgroupParent type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

			j.CgroupParent = string(string(outBuf))


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.UsePodCgroup type=bool kind=bool quoted=false*/

		if tok != fflib.FFTok_bool && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
			return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for bool", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {
			tmpb := fs.Output.Bytes()

			if bytes.Compare([]byte{'t', 'r', 'u', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {

				j.UsePodCgroup = true

			} else if bytes.Compare([]byte{'f', 'a', 'l', 's', 'e'}, tmpb) == 0 {

				j.UsePodCgroup = false

			} else {
				err = errors.New("unexpected bytes for true/false value")
				return fs.WrapErr(err)


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse


	/* handler: j.CreatedTime type=time.Time kind=struct quoted=false*/

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			tbuf, err := fs.CaptureField(tok)
			if err != nil {
				return fs.WrapErr(err)

			err = j.CreatedTime.UnmarshalJSON(tbuf)
			if err != nil {
				return fs.WrapErr(err)
		state = fflib.FFParse_after_value

	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse

	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("ffjson: wanted token: %v, but got token: %v output=%s", wantedTok, tok, fs.Output.String()))
	if fs.BigError != nil {
		return fs.WrapErr(fs.BigError)
	err = fs.Error.ToError()
	if err != nil {
		return fs.WrapErr(err)
	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")

	return nil

// MarshalJSON marshal bytes to json - template
func (j *podState) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	var buf fflib.Buffer
	if j == nil {
		return buf.Bytes(), nil
	err := j.MarshalJSONBuf(&buf)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return buf.Bytes(), nil

// MarshalJSONBuf marshal buff to json - template
func (j *podState) MarshalJSONBuf(buf fflib.EncodingBuffer) error {
	if j == nil {
		return nil
	var err error
	var obj []byte
	_ = obj
	_ = err
	fflib.WriteJsonString(buf, string(j.CgroupPath))
	return nil

const (
	ffjtpodStatebase = iota


var ffjKeypodStateCgroupPath = []byte("CgroupPath")

// UnmarshalJSON umarshall json - template of ffjson
func (j *podState) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
	fs := fflib.NewFFLexer(input)
	return j.UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs, fflib.FFParse_map_start)

// UnmarshalJSONFFLexer fast json unmarshall - template ffjson
func (j *podState) UnmarshalJSONFFLexer(fs *fflib.FFLexer, state fflib.FFParseState) error {
	var err error
	currentKey := ffjtpodStatebase
	_ = currentKey
	tok := fflib.FFTok_init
	wantedTok := fflib.FFTok_init

	for {
		tok = fs.Scan()
		//	println(fmt.Sprintf("debug: tok: %v  state: %v", tok, state))
		if tok == fflib.FFTok_error {
			goto tokerror

		switch state {

		case fflib.FFParse_map_start:
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_left_bracket {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_left_bracket
				goto wrongtokenerror
			state = fflib.FFParse_want_key

		case fflib.FFParse_after_value:
			if tok == fflib.FFTok_comma {
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_key
			} else if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
				goto done
			} else {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_comma
				goto wrongtokenerror

		case fflib.FFParse_want_key:
			// json {} ended. goto exit. woo.
			if tok == fflib.FFTok_right_bracket {
				goto done
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_string
				goto wrongtokenerror

			kn := fs.Output.Bytes()
			if len(kn) <= 0 {
				// "" case. hrm.
				currentKey = ffjtpodStatenosuchkey
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
				goto mainparse
			} else {
				switch kn[0] {

				case 'C':

					if bytes.Equal(ffjKeypodStateCgroupPath, kn) {
						currentKey = ffjtpodStateCgroupPath
						state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
						goto mainparse


				if fflib.SimpleLetterEqualFold(ffjKeypodStateCgroupPath, kn) {
					currentKey = ffjtpodStateCgroupPath
					state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
					goto mainparse

				currentKey = ffjtpodStatenosuchkey
				state = fflib.FFParse_want_colon
				goto mainparse

		case fflib.FFParse_want_colon:
			if tok != fflib.FFTok_colon {
				wantedTok = fflib.FFTok_colon
				goto wrongtokenerror
			state = fflib.FFParse_want_value
		case fflib.FFParse_want_value:

			if tok == fflib.FFTok_left_brace || tok == fflib.FFTok_left_bracket || tok == fflib.FFTok_integer || tok == fflib.FFTok_double || tok == fflib.FFTok_string || tok == fflib.FFTok_bool || tok == fflib.FFTok_null {
				switch currentKey {

				case ffjtpodStateCgroupPath:
					goto handle_CgroupPath

				case ffjtpodStatenosuchkey:
					err = fs.SkipField(tok)
					if err != nil {
						return fs.WrapErr(err)
					state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
					goto mainparse
			} else {
				goto wantedvalue


	/* handler: j.CgroupPath type=string kind=string quoted=false*/


			if tok != fflib.FFTok_string && tok != fflib.FFTok_null {
				return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %s into Go value for string", tok))

		if tok == fflib.FFTok_null {

		} else {

			outBuf := fs.Output.Bytes()

			j.CgroupPath = string(string(outBuf))


	state = fflib.FFParse_after_value
	goto mainparse

	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("wanted value token, but got token: %v", tok))
	return fs.WrapErr(fmt.Errorf("ffjson: wanted token: %v, but got token: %v output=%s", wantedTok, tok, fs.Output.String()))
	if fs.BigError != nil {
		return fs.WrapErr(fs.BigError)
	err = fs.Error.ToError()
	if err != nil {
		return fs.WrapErr(err)
	panic("ffjson-generated: unreachable, please report bug.")

	return nil