package entities

import (


// NetworkListOptions describes options for listing networks in cli
type NetworkListOptions struct {
	Format string
	Quiet  bool

// NetworkListReport describes the results from listing networks
type NetworkListReport struct {

// NetworkInspectOptions describes options for inspect networks
type NetworkInspectOptions struct {

// NetworkInspectReport describes the results from inspect networks
type NetworkInspectReport map[string]interface{}

// NetworkRmOptions describes options for removing networks
type NetworkRmOptions struct {
	Force bool

//NetworkRmReport describes the results of network removal
type NetworkRmReport struct {
	Name string
	Err  error

// NetworkCreateOptions describes options to create a network
type NetworkCreateOptions struct {
	DisableDNS bool
	Driver     string
	Gateway    net.IP
	Internal   bool
	MacVLAN    string
	Range      net.IPNet
	Subnet     net.IPNet

// NetworkCreateReport describes a created network for the cli
type NetworkCreateReport struct {
	Filename string