package utils import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/url" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "strconv" "strings" "time" scpD "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func ExecuteTransfer(src, dst string, parentFlags []string, quiet bool) (*entities.ImageLoadReport, *entities.ImageScpOptions, *entities.ImageScpOptions, []string, error) { source := entities.ImageScpOptions{} dest := entities.ImageScpOptions{} sshInfo := entities.ImageScpConnections{} report := entities.ImageLoadReport{Names: []string{}} podman, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "podman") // open temp file for load/save output if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } confR, err := config.NewConfig("") // create a hand made config for the remote engine since we might use remote and native at once if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not make config: %w", err) } cfg, err := config.ReadCustomConfig() // get ready to set ssh destination if necessary if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } locations := []*entities.ImageScpOptions{} cliConnections := []string{} args := []string{src} if len(dst) > 0 { args = append(args, dst) } for _, arg := range args { loc, connect, err := ParseImageSCPArg(arg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } locations = append(locations, loc) cliConnections = append(cliConnections, connect...) } source = *locations[0] switch { case len(locations) > 1: if err = ValidateSCPArgs(locations); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } dest = *locations[1] case len(locations) == 1: switch { case len(locations[0].Image) == 0: return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("no source image specified: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) case len(locations[0].Image) > 0 && !locations[0].Remote && len(locations[0].User) == 0: // if we have podman image scp $IMAGE return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("must specify a destination: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) } } source.Quiet = quiet source.File = f.Name() // after parsing the arguments, set the file for the save/load dest.File = source.File if err = os.Remove(source.File); err != nil { // remove the file and simply use its name so podman creates the file upon save. avoids umask errors return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } allLocal := true // if we are all localhost, do not validate connections but if we are using one localhost and one non we need to use sshd for _, val := range cliConnections { if !strings.Contains(val, "@localhost::") { allLocal = false break } } if allLocal { cliConnections = []string{} } var serv map[string]config.Destination serv, err = GetServiceInformation(&sshInfo, cliConnections, cfg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } confR.Engine = config.EngineConfig{Remote: true, CgroupManager: "cgroupfs", ServiceDestinations: serv} // pass the service dest (either remote or something else) to engine saveCmd, loadCmd := CreateCommands(source, dest, parentFlags, podman) switch { case source.Remote: // if we want to load FROM the remote, dest can either be local or remote in this case err = SaveToRemote(source.Image, source.File, "", sshInfo.URI[0], sshInfo.Identities[0]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if dest.Remote { // we want to load remote -> remote, both source and dest are remote rep, id, err := LoadToRemote(dest, dest.File, "", sshInfo.URI[1], sshInfo.Identities[1]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if len(rep) > 0 { fmt.Println(rep) } if len(id) > 0 { report.Names = append(report.Names, id) } break } id, err := ExecPodman(dest, podman, loadCmd) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if len(id) > 0 { report.Names = append(report.Names, id) } case dest.Remote: // remote host load, implies source is local _, err = ExecPodman(dest, podman, saveCmd) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } rep, id, err := LoadToRemote(dest, source.File, "", sshInfo.URI[0], sshInfo.Identities[0]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } if len(rep) > 0 { fmt.Println(rep) } if len(id) > 0 { report.Names = append(report.Names, id) } if err = os.Remove(source.File); err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, err } default: // else native load, both source and dest are local and transferring between users if source.User == "" { // source user has to be set, destination does not source.User = os.Getenv("USER") if source.User == "" { u, err := user.Current() if err != nil { return nil, nil, nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("could not obtain user, make sure the environmental variable $USER is set: %w", err) } source.User = u.Username } } return nil, &source, &dest, parentFlags, nil // transfer needs to be done in ABI due to cross issues } return &report, nil, nil, nil, nil } // CreateSCPCommand takes an existing command, appends the given arguments and returns a configured podman command for image scp func CreateSCPCommand(cmd *exec.Cmd, command []string) *exec.Cmd { cmd.Args = append(cmd.Args, command...) cmd.Env = os.Environ() cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout return cmd } // ScpTag is a helper function for native podman to tag an image after a local load from image SCP func ScpTag(cmd *exec.Cmd, podman string, dest entities.ImageScpOptions) error { cmd.Stdout = nil out, err := cmd.Output() // this function captures the output temporarily in order to execute the next command if err != nil { return err } image := ExtractImage(out) if cmd.Args[0] == "sudo" { // transferRootless will need the sudo since we are loading to sudo from a user acct cmd = exec.Command("sudo", podman, "tag", image, dest.Tag) } else { cmd = exec.Command(podman, "tag", image, dest.Tag) } cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout return cmd.Run() } // ExtractImage pulls out the last line of output from save/load (image id) func ExtractImage(out []byte) string { fmt.Println(strings.TrimSuffix(string(out), "\n")) // print output stringOut := string(out) // get all output arrOut := strings.Split(stringOut, " ") // split it into an array return strings.ReplaceAll(arrOut[len(arrOut)-1], "\n", "") // replace the trailing \n } // LoginUser starts the user process on the host so that image scp can use systemd-run func LoginUser(user string) (*exec.Cmd, error) { sleep, err := exec.LookPath("sleep") if err != nil { return nil, err } machinectl, err := exec.LookPath("machinectl") if err != nil { return nil, err } cmd := exec.Command(machinectl, "shell", "-q", user+"", sleep, "inf") err = cmd.Start() return cmd, err } // loadToRemote takes image and remote connection information. it connects to the specified client // and copies the saved image dir over to the remote host and then loads it onto the machine // returns a string containing output or an error func LoadToRemote(dest entities.ImageScpOptions, localFile string, tag string, url *url.URL, iden string) (string, string, error) { dial, remoteFile, err := CreateConnection(url, iden) if err != nil { return "", "", err } defer dial.Close() n, err := scpD.CopyTo(dial, localFile, remoteFile) if err != nil { errOut := strconv.Itoa(int(n)) + " Bytes copied before error" return " ", "", fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", errOut, err) } var run string if tag != "" { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("renaming of an image is currently not supported: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) } podman := os.Args[0] run = podman + " image load --input=" + remoteFile + ";rm " + remoteFile // run ssh image load of the file copied via scp out, err := ExecRemoteCommand(dial, run) if err != nil { return "", "", err } rep := strings.TrimSuffix(string(out), "\n") outArr := strings.Split(rep, " ") id := outArr[len(outArr)-1] if len(dest.Tag) > 0 { // tag the remote image using the output ID run = podman + " tag " + id + " " + dest.Tag _, err = ExecRemoteCommand(dial, run) if err != nil { return "", "", err } } return rep, id, nil } // saveToRemote takes image information and remote connection information. it connects to the specified client // and saves the specified image on the remote machine and then copies it to the specified local location // returns an error if one occurs. func SaveToRemote(image, localFile string, tag string, uri *url.URL, iden string) error { dial, remoteFile, err := CreateConnection(uri, iden) if err != nil { return err } defer dial.Close() if tag != "" { return fmt.Errorf("renaming of an image is currently not supported: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) } podman := os.Args[0] run := podman + " image save " + image + " --format=oci-archive --output=" + remoteFile // run ssh image load of the file copied via scp. Files are reverse in this case... _, err = ExecRemoteCommand(dial, run) if err != nil { return err } n, err := scpD.CopyFrom(dial, remoteFile, localFile) if _, conErr := ExecRemoteCommand(dial, "rm "+remoteFile); conErr != nil { logrus.Errorf("Removing file on endpoint: %v", conErr) } if err != nil { errOut := strconv.Itoa(int(n)) + " Bytes copied before error" return fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", errOut, err) } return nil } // makeRemoteFile creates the necessary remote file on the host to // save or load the image to. returns a string with the file name or an error func MakeRemoteFile(dial *ssh.Client) (string, error) { run := "mktemp" remoteFile, err := ExecRemoteCommand(dial, run) if err != nil { return "", err } return strings.TrimSuffix(string(remoteFile), "\n"), nil } // createConnections takes a boolean determining which ssh client to dial // and returns the dials client, its newly opened remote file, and an error if applicable. func CreateConnection(url *url.URL, iden string) (*ssh.Client, string, error) { cfg, err := ValidateAndConfigure(url, iden) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } dialAdd, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", url.Host, cfg) // dial the client if err != nil { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("failed to connect: %w", err) } file, err := MakeRemoteFile(dialAdd) if err != nil { return nil, "", err } return dialAdd, file, nil } // GetSerivceInformation takes the parsed list of hosts to connect to and validates the information func GetServiceInformation(sshInfo *entities.ImageScpConnections, cliConnections []string, cfg *config.Config) (map[string]config.Destination, error) { var serv map[string]config.Destination var urlS string var iden string for i, val := range cliConnections { splitEnv := strings.SplitN(val, "::", 2) sshInfo.Connections = append(sshInfo.Connections, splitEnv[0]) conn, found := cfg.Engine.ServiceDestinations[sshInfo.Connections[i]] if found { urlS = conn.URI iden = conn.Identity } else { // no match, warn user and do a manual connection. urlS = "ssh://" + sshInfo.Connections[i] iden = "" logrus.Warnf("Unknown connection name given. Please use system connection add to specify the default remote socket location") } urlFinal, err := url.Parse(urlS) // create an actual url to pass to exec command if err != nil { return nil, err } if urlFinal.User.Username() == "" { if urlFinal.User, err = GetUserInfo(urlFinal); err != nil { return nil, err } } sshInfo.URI = append(sshInfo.URI, urlFinal) sshInfo.Identities = append(sshInfo.Identities, iden) } return serv, nil } // execPodman executes the podman save/load command given the podman binary func ExecPodman(dest entities.ImageScpOptions, podman string, command []string) (string, error) { cmd := exec.Command(podman) CreateSCPCommand(cmd, command[1:]) logrus.Debugf("Executing podman command: %q", cmd) if strings.Contains(strings.Join(command, " "), "load") { // need to tag if len(dest.Tag) > 0 { return "", ScpTag(cmd, podman, dest) } cmd.Stdout = nil out, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { return "", err } img := ExtractImage(out) return img, nil } return "", cmd.Run() } // createCommands forms the podman save and load commands used by SCP func CreateCommands(source entities.ImageScpOptions, dest entities.ImageScpOptions, parentFlags []string, podman string) ([]string, []string) { var parentString string quiet := "" if source.Quiet { quiet = "-q " } if len(parentFlags) > 0 { parentString = strings.Join(parentFlags, " ") + " " // if there are parent args, an extra space needs to be added } else { parentString = strings.Join(parentFlags, " ") } loadCmd := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%s %sload %s--input %s", podman, parentString, quiet, dest.File), " ") saveCmd := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("%s %vsave %s--output %s %s", podman, parentString, quiet, source.File, source.Image), " ") return saveCmd, loadCmd } // parseImageSCPArg returns the valid connection, and source/destination data based off of the information provided by the user // arg is a string containing one of the cli arguments returned is a filled out source/destination options structs as well as a connections array and an error if applicable func ParseImageSCPArg(arg string) (*entities.ImageScpOptions, []string, error) { location := entities.ImageScpOptions{} var err error cliConnections := []string{} switch { case strings.Contains(arg, "@localhost::"): // image transfer between users location.User = strings.Split(arg, "@")[0] location, err = ValidateImagePortion(location, arg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } cliConnections = append(cliConnections, arg) case strings.Contains(arg, "::"): location, err = ValidateImagePortion(location, arg) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } location.Remote = true cliConnections = append(cliConnections, arg) default: location.Image = arg } return &location, cliConnections, nil } // validateImagePortion is a helper function to validate the image name in an SCP argument func ValidateImagePortion(location entities.ImageScpOptions, arg string) (entities.ImageScpOptions, error) { if RemoteArgLength(arg, 1) > 0 { err := ValidateImageName(strings.Split(arg, "::")[1]) if err != nil { return location, err } location.Image = strings.Split(arg, "::")[1] // this will get checked/set again once we validate connections } return location, nil } // validateSCPArgs takes the array of source and destination options and checks for common errors func ValidateSCPArgs(locations []*entities.ImageScpOptions) error { if len(locations) > 2 { return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify more than two arguments: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) } switch { case len(locations[0].Image) > 0 && len(locations[1].Image) > 0: locations[1].Tag = locations[1].Image locations[1].Image = "" case len(locations[0].Image) == 0 && len(locations[1].Image) == 0: return fmt.Errorf("a source image must be specified: %w", define.ErrInvalidArg) } return nil } // validateImageName makes sure that the image given is valid and no injections are occurring // we simply use this for error checking, bot setting the image func ValidateImageName(input string) error { // ParseNormalizedNamed transforms a shortname image into its // full name reference so busybox => // we want to keep our shortnames, so only return an error if // we cannot parse what the user has given us _, err := reference.ParseNormalizedNamed(input) return err } // remoteArgLength is a helper function to simplify the extracting of host argument data // returns an int which contains the length of a specified index in a host::image string func RemoteArgLength(input string, side int) int { if strings.Contains(input, "::") { return len((strings.Split(input, "::"))[side]) } return -1 } // ExecRemoteCommand takes a ssh client connection and a command to run and executes the // command on the specified client. The function returns the Stdout from the client or the Stderr func ExecRemoteCommand(dial *ssh.Client, run string) ([]byte, error) { sess, err := dial.NewSession() // new ssh client session if err != nil { return nil, err } defer sess.Close() var buffer bytes.Buffer var bufferErr bytes.Buffer sess.Stdout = &buffer // output from client funneled into buffer sess.Stderr = &bufferErr // err form client funneled into buffer if err := sess.Run(run); err != nil { // run the command on the ssh client return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", bufferErr.String(), err) } return buffer.Bytes(), nil } func GetUserInfo(uri *url.URL) (*url.Userinfo, error) { var ( usr *user.User err error ) if u, found := os.LookupEnv("_CONTAINERS_ROOTLESS_UID"); found { usr, err = user.LookupId(u) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to lookup rootless user: %w", err) } } else { usr, err = user.Current() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to obtain current user: %w", err) } } pw, set := uri.User.Password() if set { return url.UserPassword(usr.Username, pw), nil } return url.User(usr.Username), nil } // ValidateAndConfigure will take a ssh url and an identity key (rsa and the like) and ensure the information given is valid // iden iden can be blank to mean no identity key // once the function validates the information it creates and returns an ssh.ClientConfig. func ValidateAndConfigure(uri *url.URL, iden string) (*ssh.ClientConfig, error) { var signers []ssh.Signer passwd, passwdSet := uri.User.Password() if iden != "" { // iden might be blank if coming from image scp or if no validation is needed value := iden s, err := terminal.PublicKey(value, []byte(passwd)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read identity %q: %w", value, err) } signers = append(signers, s) logrus.Debugf("SSH Ident Key %q %s %s", value, ssh.FingerprintSHA256(s.PublicKey()), s.PublicKey().Type()) } if sock, found := os.LookupEnv("SSH_AUTH_SOCK"); found { // validate ssh information, specifically the unix file socket used by the ssh agent. logrus.Debugf("Found SSH_AUTH_SOCK %q, ssh-agent signer enabled", sock) c, err := net.Dial("unix", sock) if err != nil { return nil, err } agentSigners, err := agent.NewClient(c).Signers() if err != nil { return nil, err } signers = append(signers, agentSigners...) if logrus.IsLevelEnabled(logrus.DebugLevel) { for _, s := range agentSigners { logrus.Debugf("SSH Agent Key %s %s", ssh.FingerprintSHA256(s.PublicKey()), s.PublicKey().Type()) } } } var authMethods []ssh.AuthMethod // now we validate and check for the authorization methods, most notaibly public key authorization if len(signers) > 0 { var dedup = make(map[string]ssh.Signer) for _, s := range signers { fp := ssh.FingerprintSHA256(s.PublicKey()) if _, found := dedup[fp]; found { logrus.Debugf("Dedup SSH Key %s %s", ssh.FingerprintSHA256(s.PublicKey()), s.PublicKey().Type()) } dedup[fp] = s } var uniq []ssh.Signer for _, s := range dedup { uniq = append(uniq, s) } authMethods = append(authMethods, ssh.PublicKeysCallback(func() ([]ssh.Signer, error) { return uniq, nil })) } if passwdSet { // if password authentication is given and valid, add to the list authMethods = append(authMethods, ssh.Password(passwd)) } if len(authMethods) == 0 { authMethods = append(authMethods, ssh.PasswordCallback(func() (string, error) { pass, err := terminal.ReadPassword(fmt.Sprintf("%s's login password:", uri.User.Username())) return string(pass), err })) } tick, err := time.ParseDuration("40s") if err != nil { return nil, err } cfg := &ssh.ClientConfig{ User: uri.User.Username(), Auth: authMethods, HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(), Timeout: tick, } return cfg, nil }