// +build amd64,!windows arm64,!windows package machine import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" ) /* If this file gets too nuts, we can perhaps use existing go code to create ignition files. At this point, the file is so simple that I chose to use structs and not import any code as I was concerned (unsubstantiated) about too much bloat coming in. https://github.com/openshift/machine-config-operator/blob/master/pkg/server/server.go */ // Convenience function to convert int to ptr func intToPtr(i int) *int { return &i } // Convenience function to convert string to ptr func strToPtr(s string) *string { return &s } // Convenience function to convert bool to ptr func boolToPtr(b bool) *bool { return &b } func getNodeUsr(usrName string) NodeUser { return NodeUser{Name: &usrName} } func getNodeGrp(grpName string) NodeGroup { return NodeGroup{Name: &grpName} } type DynamicIgnition struct { Name string Key string VMName string WritePath string } // NewIgnitionFile func NewIgnitionFile(ign DynamicIgnition) error { if len(ign.Name) < 1 { ign.Name = DefaultIgnitionUserName } ignVersion := Ignition{ Version: "3.2.0", } ignPassword := Passwd{ Users: []PasswdUser{ { Name: ign.Name, SSHAuthorizedKeys: []SSHAuthorizedKey{SSHAuthorizedKey(ign.Key)}, }, { Name: "root", SSHAuthorizedKeys: []SSHAuthorizedKey{SSHAuthorizedKey(ign.Key)}, }, }, } ignStorage := Storage{ Directories: getDirs(ign.Name), Files: getFiles(ign.Name), Links: getLinks(ign.Name), } // ready is a unit file that sets up the virtual serial device // where when the VM is done configuring, it will send an ack // so a listening host knows it can being interacting with it ready := `[Unit] Requires=dev-virtio\\x2dports-%s.device OnFailure=emergency.target OnFailureJobMode=isolate [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/echo Ready >/dev/%s' [Install] RequiredBy=multi-user.target ` _ = ready ignSystemd := Systemd{ Units: []Unit{ { Enabled: boolToPtr(true), Name: "podman.socket", }, { Enabled: boolToPtr(true), Name: "ready.service", Contents: strToPtr(fmt.Sprintf(ready, "vport1p1", "vport1p1")), }, }} ignConfig := Config{ Ignition: ignVersion, Passwd: ignPassword, Storage: ignStorage, Systemd: ignSystemd, } b, err := json.Marshal(ignConfig) if err != nil { return err } return ioutil.WriteFile(ign.WritePath, b, 0644) } func getDirs(usrName string) []Directory { // Ignition has a bug/feature? where if you make a series of dirs // in one swoop, then the leading dirs are creates as root. newDirs := []string{ "/home/" + usrName + "/.config", "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/containers", "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd", "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user", "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants", } var ( dirs = make([]Directory, len(newDirs)) ) for i, d := range newDirs { newDir := Directory{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp(usrName), Path: d, User: getNodeUsr(usrName), }, DirectoryEmbedded1: DirectoryEmbedded1{Mode: intToPtr(493)}, } dirs[i] = newDir } return dirs } func getFiles(usrName string) []File { var ( files []File ) // Add a fake systemd service to get the user socket rolling files = append(files, File{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp(usrName), Path: "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/linger-example.service", User: getNodeUsr(usrName), }, FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{ Append: nil, Contents: Resource{ Source: strToPtr("data:,%5BUnit%5D%0ADescription%3DA%20systemd%20user%20unit%20demo%0AAfter%3Dnetwork-online.target%0AWants%3Dnetwork-online.target%20podman.socket%0A%5BService%5D%0AExecStart%3D%2Fusr%2Fbin%2Fsleep%20infinity%0A"), }, Mode: intToPtr(484), }, }) // Set containers.conf up for core user to use cni networks // by default files = append(files, File{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp(usrName), Path: "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/containers/containers.conf", User: getNodeUsr(usrName), }, FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{ Append: nil, Contents: Resource{ Source: strToPtr("data:,%5Bcontainers%5D%0D%0Anetns%3D%22bridge%22%0D%0Arootless_networking%3D%22cni%22"), }, Mode: intToPtr(484), }, }) // Add a file into linger files = append(files, File{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp(usrName), Path: "/var/lib/systemd/linger/core", User: getNodeUsr(usrName), }, FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{Mode: intToPtr(420)}, }) // Set machine_enabled to true to indicate we're in a VM files = append(files, File{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp("root"), Path: "/etc/containers/containers.conf", User: getNodeUsr("root"), }, FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{ Append: nil, Contents: Resource{ Source: strToPtr("data:,%5Bengine%5D%0Amachine_enabled%3Dtrue%0A"), }, Mode: intToPtr(420), }, }) return files } func getLinks(usrName string) []Link { return []Link{{ Node: Node{ Group: getNodeGrp(usrName), Path: "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/linger-example.service", User: getNodeUsr(usrName), }, LinkEmbedded1: LinkEmbedded1{ Hard: boolToPtr(false), Target: "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/linger-example.service", }, }} }