// +build amd64,!windows arm64,!windows

package machine

import (

	If this file gets too nuts, we can perhaps use existing go code
	to create ignition files.  At this point, the file is so simple
	that I chose to use structs and not import any code as I was
	concerned (unsubstantiated) about too much bloat coming in.


// Convenience function to convert int to ptr
func intToPtr(i int) *int {
	return &i

// Convenience function to convert string to ptr
func strToPtr(s string) *string {
	return &s

// Convenience function to convert bool to ptr
func boolToPtr(b bool) *bool {
	return &b

func getNodeUsr(usrName string) NodeUser {
	return NodeUser{Name: &usrName}

func getNodeGrp(grpName string) NodeGroup {
	return NodeGroup{Name: &grpName}

type DynamicIgnition struct {
	Name      string
	Key       string
	VMName    string
	WritePath string

// NewIgnitionFile
func NewIgnitionFile(ign DynamicIgnition) error {
	if len(ign.Name) < 1 {
		ign.Name = DefaultIgnitionUserName
	ignVersion := Ignition{
		Version: "3.2.0",

	ignPassword := Passwd{
		Users: []PasswdUser{
				Name:              ign.Name,
				SSHAuthorizedKeys: []SSHAuthorizedKey{SSHAuthorizedKey(ign.Key)},
				Name:              "root",
				SSHAuthorizedKeys: []SSHAuthorizedKey{SSHAuthorizedKey(ign.Key)},

	ignStorage := Storage{
		Directories: getDirs(ign.Name),
		Files:       getFiles(ign.Name),
		Links:       getLinks(ign.Name),

	// ready is a unit file that sets up the virtual serial device
	// where when the VM is done configuring, it will send an ack
	// so a listening host knows it can being interacting with it
	ready := `[Unit]
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/echo Ready >/dev/%s'
	deMoby := `[Unit]
Description=Remove moby-engine
# Run once for the machine

ExecStart=/usr/bin/rpm-ostree override remove moby-engine
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rpm-ostree ex apply-live --allow-replacement
ExecStartPost=/bin/touch /var/lib/%N.stamp

	_ = ready
	ignSystemd := Systemd{
		Units: []Unit{
				Enabled: boolToPtr(true),
				Name:    "podman.socket",
				Enabled:  boolToPtr(true),
				Name:     "ready.service",
				Contents: strToPtr(fmt.Sprintf(ready, "vport1p1", "vport1p1")),
				Enabled: boolToPtr(false),
				Name:    "docker.service",
				Mask:    boolToPtr(true),
				Enabled: boolToPtr(false),
				Name:    "docker.socket",
				Mask:    boolToPtr(true),
				Enabled:  boolToPtr(true),
				Name:     "remove-moby.service",
				Contents: &deMoby,
	ignConfig := Config{
		Ignition: ignVersion,
		Passwd:   ignPassword,
		Storage:  ignStorage,
		Systemd:  ignSystemd,
	b, err := json.Marshal(ignConfig)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return ioutil.WriteFile(ign.WritePath, b, 0644)

func getDirs(usrName string) []Directory {
	// Ignition has a bug/feature? where if you make a series of dirs
	// in one swoop, then the leading dirs are creates as root.
	newDirs := []string{
		"/home/" + usrName + "/.config",
		"/home/" + usrName + "/.config/containers",
		"/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd",
		"/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user",
		"/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants",
	var (
		dirs = make([]Directory, len(newDirs))
	for i, d := range newDirs {
		newDir := Directory{
			Node: Node{
				Group: getNodeGrp(usrName),
				Path:  d,
				User:  getNodeUsr(usrName),
			DirectoryEmbedded1: DirectoryEmbedded1{Mode: intToPtr(0755)},
		dirs[i] = newDir

	// Issue #11489: make sure that we can inject a custom registries.conf
	// file on the system level to force a single search registry.
	// The remote client does not yet support prompting for short-name
	// resolution, so we enforce a single search registry (i.e., docker.io)
	// as a workaround.
	dirs = append(dirs, Directory{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp("root"),
			Path:  "/etc/containers/registries.conf.d",
			User:  getNodeUsr("root"),
		DirectoryEmbedded1: DirectoryEmbedded1{Mode: intToPtr(0755)},

	return dirs

func getFiles(usrName string) []File {
	var (
		files []File

	lingerExample := `[Unit]
Description=A systemd user unit demo
Wants=network-online.target podman.socket
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep infinity
	containers := `[containers]
	rootContainers := `[engine]

	// Add a fake systemd service to get the user socket rolling
	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp(usrName),
			Path:  "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/linger-example.service",
			User:  getNodeUsr(usrName),
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{
			Append: nil,
			Contents: Resource{
				Source: encodeDataURLPtr(lingerExample),
			Mode: intToPtr(0744),

	// Set containers.conf up for core user to use cni networks
	// by default
	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp(usrName),
			Path:  "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/containers/containers.conf",
			User:  getNodeUsr(usrName),
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{
			Append: nil,
			Contents: Resource{
				Source: encodeDataURLPtr(containers),
			Mode: intToPtr(0744),
	// Add a file into linger
	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp(usrName),
			Path:  "/var/lib/systemd/linger/core",
			User:  getNodeUsr(usrName),
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{Mode: intToPtr(0644)},

	// Set machine_enabled to true to indicate we're in a VM
	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp("root"),
			Path:  "/etc/containers/containers.conf",
			User:  getNodeUsr("root"),
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{
			Append: nil,
			Contents: Resource{
				Source: encodeDataURLPtr(rootContainers),
			Mode: intToPtr(0644),

	// Issue #11489: make sure that we can inject a custom registries.conf
	// file on the system level to force a single search registry.
	// The remote client does not yet support prompting for short-name
	// resolution, so we enforce a single search registry (i.e., docker.io)
	// as a workaround.
	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp("root"),
			Path:  "/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/999-podman-machine.conf",
			User:  getNodeUsr("root"),
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{
			Append: nil,
			Contents: Resource{
				Source: encodeDataURLPtr("unqualified-search-registries=[\"docker.io\"]\n"),
			Mode: intToPtr(0644),

	files = append(files, File{
		Node: Node{
			Path: "/etc/tmpfiles.d/podman-docker.conf",
		FileEmbedded1: FileEmbedded1{
			Append: nil,
			// Create a symlink from the docker socket to the podman socket.
			// Taken from https://github.com/containers/podman/blob/main/contrib/systemd/system/podman-docker.conf
			Contents: Resource{
				Source: encodeDataURLPtr("L+  /run/docker.sock   -    -    -     -   /run/podman/podman.sock\n"),
			Mode: intToPtr(0644),

	return files

func getLinks(usrName string) []Link {
	return []Link{{
		Node: Node{
			Group: getNodeGrp(usrName),
			Path:  "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/default.target.wants/linger-example.service",
			User:  getNodeUsr(usrName),
		LinkEmbedded1: LinkEmbedded1{
			Hard:   boolToPtr(false),
			Target: "/home/" + usrName + "/.config/systemd/user/linger-example.service",
	}, {
		Node: Node{
			Group:     getNodeGrp("root"),
			Path:      "/usr/local/bin/docker",
			Overwrite: boolToPtr(true),
			User:      getNodeUsr("root"),
		LinkEmbedded1: LinkEmbedded1{
			Hard:   boolToPtr(false),
			Target: "/usr/bin/podman",

func encodeDataURLPtr(contents string) *string {
	return strToPtr(fmt.Sprintf("data:,%s", url.PathEscape(contents)))