package varlinkapi

import (


// ListContainers ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) ListContainers(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	var (
		listContainers []iopodman.ListContainerData

	containers, err := i.Runtime.GetAllContainers()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	opts := shared.PsOptions{
		Namespace: true,
		Size:      true,
	for _, ctr := range containers {
		batchInfo, err := shared.BatchContainerOp(ctr, opts)
		if err != nil {
			return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())

		listContainers = append(listContainers, makeListContainer(ctr.ID(), batchInfo))
	return call.ReplyListContainers(listContainers)

// GetContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) GetContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	opts := shared.PsOptions{
		Namespace: true,
		Size:      true,
	batchInfo, err := shared.BatchContainerOp(ctr, opts)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyGetContainer(makeListContainer(ctr.ID(), batchInfo))

// InspectContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) InspectContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	inspectInfo, err := ctr.Inspect(true)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	data, err := shared.GetCtrInspectInfo(ctr, inspectInfo)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	b, err := json.Marshal(data)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(fmt.Sprintf("unable to serialize"))
	return call.ReplyInspectContainer(string(b))

// ListContainerProcesses ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) ListContainerProcesses(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string, opts []string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	containerState, err := ctr.State()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	if containerState != libpod.ContainerStateRunning {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(fmt.Sprintf("container %s is not running", name))
	var psArgs []string
	psOpts := []string{"user", "pid", "ppid", "pcpu", "etime", "tty", "time", "comm"}
	if len(opts) > 1 {
		psOpts = opts
	psArgs = append(psArgs, psOpts...)
	psOutput, err := ctr.GetContainerPidInformation(psArgs)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())

	return call.ReplyListContainerProcesses(psOutput)

// GetContainerLogs ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) GetContainerLogs(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	var logs []string
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	logPath := ctr.LogPath()

	containerState, err := ctr.State()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	if _, err := os.Stat(logPath); err != nil {
		if containerState == libpod.ContainerStateConfigured {
			return call.ReplyGetContainerLogs(logs)
	file, err := os.Open(logPath)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to read container log file")
	defer file.Close()
	reader := bufio.NewReader(file)
	if call.WantsMore() {
		call.Continues = true
	for {
		line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		// We've read the entire file
		if err == io.EOF {
			if !call.WantsMore() {
				// If this is a non-following log request, we return what we have
			} else {
				// If we want to follow, return what we have, wipe the slice, and make
				// sure the container is still running before iterating.
				logs = []string{}
				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
				state, err := ctr.State()
				if err != nil {
					return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
				if state != libpod.ContainerStateRunning && state != libpod.ContainerStatePaused {
					return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(fmt.Sprintf("%s is no longer running", ctr.ID()))

		} else if err != nil {
			return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
		} else {
			logs = append(logs, line)

	call.Continues = false

	return call.ReplyGetContainerLogs(logs)

// ListContainerChanges ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) ListContainerChanges(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	changes, err := i.Runtime.GetDiff("", name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	result := iopodman.ContainerChanges{}
	for _, change := range changes {
		switch change.Kind {
		case archive.ChangeModify:
			result.Changed = append(result.Changed, change.Path)
		case archive.ChangeDelete:
			result.Deleted = append(result.Deleted, change.Path)
		case archive.ChangeAdd:
			result.Added = append(result.Added, change.Path)
	return call.ReplyListContainerChanges(result)

// ExportContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) ExportContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name, path string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.Export(path); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyExportContainer(path)

// GetContainerStats ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) GetContainerStats(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	containerStats, err := ctr.GetContainerStats(&libpod.ContainerStats{})
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	cs := iopodman.ContainerStats{
		Id:           ctr.ID(),
		Name:         ctr.Name(),
		Cpu:          containerStats.CPU,
		Cpu_nano:     int64(containerStats.CPUNano),
		System_nano:  int64(containerStats.SystemNano),
		Mem_usage:    int64(containerStats.MemUsage),
		Mem_limit:    int64(containerStats.MemLimit),
		Mem_perc:     containerStats.MemPerc,
		Net_input:    int64(containerStats.NetInput),
		Net_output:   int64(containerStats.NetOutput),
		Block_input:  int64(containerStats.BlockInput),
		Block_output: int64(containerStats.BlockOutput),
		Pids:         int64(containerStats.PIDs),
	return call.ReplyGetContainerStats(cs)

// ResizeContainerTty ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) ResizeContainerTty(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	return call.ReplyMethodNotImplemented("ResizeContainerTty")

// StartContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) StartContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	state, err := ctr.State()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	if state == libpod.ContainerStateRunning || state == libpod.ContainerStatePaused {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred("container is already running or paused")
	if err := ctr.Start(getContext()); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyStartContainer(ctr.ID())

// StopContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) StopContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string, timeout int64) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.StopWithTimeout(uint(timeout)); err != nil && err != libpod.ErrCtrStopped {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyStopContainer(ctr.ID())

// RestartContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) RestartContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string, timeout int64) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.RestartWithTimeout(getContext(), uint(timeout)); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyRestartContainer(ctr.ID())

// KillContainer kills a running container.  If you want to use the default SIGTERM signal, just send a -1
// for the signal arg.
func (i *LibpodAPI) KillContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string, signal int64) error {
	killSignal := uint(syscall.SIGTERM)
	if signal != -1 {
		killSignal = uint(signal)
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.Kill(killSignal); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyKillContainer(ctr.ID())

// UpdateContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) UpdateContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	return call.ReplyMethodNotImplemented("UpdateContainer")

// RenameContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) RenameContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	return call.ReplyMethodNotImplemented("RenameContainer")

// PauseContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) PauseContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.Pause(); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyPauseContainer(ctr.ID())

// UnpauseContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) UnpauseContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := ctr.Unpause(); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyUnpauseContainer(ctr.ID())

// AttachToContainer ...
// TODO: DO we also want a different one for websocket?
func (i *LibpodAPI) AttachToContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	return call.ReplyMethodNotImplemented("AttachToContainer")

// WaitContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) WaitContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	exitCode, err := ctr.Wait()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyWaitContainer(int64(exitCode))


// RemoveContainer ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) RemoveContainer(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string, force bool) error {
	ctx := getContext()
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)
	if err := i.Runtime.RemoveContainer(ctx, ctr, force); err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	return call.ReplyRemoveContainer(ctr.ID())


// DeleteStoppedContainers ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) DeleteStoppedContainers(call iopodman.VarlinkCall) error {
	ctx := getContext()
	var deletedContainers []string
	containers, err := i.Runtime.GetAllContainers()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
	for _, ctr := range containers {
		state, err := ctr.State()
		if err != nil {
			return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
		if state != libpod.ContainerStateRunning {
			if err := i.Runtime.RemoveContainer(ctx, ctr, false); err != nil {
				return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())
			deletedContainers = append(deletedContainers, ctr.ID())
	return call.ReplyDeleteStoppedContainers(deletedContainers)

// GetAttachSockets ...
func (i *LibpodAPI) GetAttachSockets(call iopodman.VarlinkCall, name string) error {
	ctr, err := i.Runtime.LookupContainer(name)
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyContainerNotFound(name)

	status, err := ctr.State()
	if err != nil {
		return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())

	// If the container hasn't been run, we need to run init
	// so the conmon sockets get created.
	if status == libpod.ContainerStateConfigured || status == libpod.ContainerStateStopped {
		if err := ctr.Init(getContext()); err != nil {
			return call.ReplyErrorOccurred(err.Error())

	s := iopodman.Sockets{
		Container_id:   ctr.ID(),
		Io_socket:      ctr.AttachSocketPath(),
		Control_socket: ctr.ControlSocketPath(),
	return call.ReplyGetAttachSockets(s)