# -*- sh -*-
# Tests for more image-related endpoints


podman pull -q $IMAGE

t GET libpod/images/json 200 \
iid=$(jq -r '.[0].Id' <<<"$output")

# Retrieve the image tree
t GET libpod/images/$IMAGE/tree 200 \

# Tag nonesuch image
t POST "libpod/images/nonesuch/tag?repo=myrepo&tag=mytag" 404

# Tag the image
t POST "libpod/images/$IMAGE/tag?repo=localhost:5000/myrepo&tag=mytag" 201

t GET libpod/images/$IMAGE/json 200 \

# Run registry container
podman run -d --name registry -p 5000:5000 quay.io/libpod/registry:2.6 /entrypoint.sh /etc/docker/registry/config.yml
wait_for_port localhost 5000

# Push to local registry and check output
while read -r LINE
  if echo "${LINE}" | jq --exit-status 'select( .status != null) | select ( .status | contains("digest: sha256:"))' &>/dev/null; then
done < <(curl -sL "http://$HOST:$PORT/images/localhost:5000/myrepo/push?tlsVerify=false&tag=mytag" -XPOST)
if [ -z "${GOT_DIGEST}" ] ; then
  echo -e "${red}not ok: did not found digest in output${nc}"  1>&2;

# Push to local registry
t POST "images/localhost:5000/myrepo/push?tlsVerify=false&tag=mytag" 200

# Untag the image
t POST "libpod/images/$iid/untag?repo=localhost:5000/myrepo&tag=mytag" 201

# Try to push non-existing image
t POST "images/localhost:5000/idonotexist/push?tlsVerify=false" 200
jq -re 'select(.errorDetail)' <<<"$output" &>/dev/null || echo -e "${red}not ok: error message not found in output${nc}" 1>&2

t GET libpod/images/$IMAGE/json 200 \

# Remove the registry container
t DELETE libpod/containers/registry?force=true 204

# Remove images
t DELETE libpod/images/$IMAGE 200 \
t DELETE libpod/images/quay.io/libpod/registry:2.6 200 \

if [ -z "${GOT_DIGEST}" ] ; then
  exit 1;