# -*- sh -*- # # test more container-related endpoints # red='\e[31m' nc='\e[0m' podman pull $IMAGE &>/dev/null # Ensure clean slate podman rm -a -f &>/dev/null CTR="ArchiveTestingCtr" TMPD=$(mktemp -d podman-apiv2-test.archive.XXXXXXXX) HELLO_TAR="${TMPD}/hello.tar" echo "Hello" > $TMPD/hello.txt tar --format=posix -C $TMPD -cvf ${HELLO_TAR} hello.txt &> /dev/null podman run -d --name "${CTR}" "${IMAGE}" top function cleanUpArchiveTest() { podman container stop "${CTR}" &> /dev/null podman container rm "${CTR}" &> /dev/null rm -fr "${TMPD}" &> /dev/null } t HEAD "containers/nonExistentCtr/archive?path=%2F" 404 t HEAD "containers/${CTR}/archive?path=%2Fnon%2Fexistent%2Fpath" 404 t HEAD "containers/${CTR}/archive?path=%2Fetc%2Fpasswd" 200 curl "http://$HOST:$PORT/containers/${CTR}/archive?path=%2Ftmp%2F" \ -X PUT \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-tar" \ --upload-file "${HELLO_TAR}" &> /dev/null if ! podman exec -it "${CTR}" "grep" "Hello" "/tmp/hello.txt" &> /dev/null ; then echo -e "${red}NOK: The hello.txt file has not been uploaded.${nc}" 1>&2; cleanUpArchiveTest exit 1 fi t HEAD "containers/${CTR}/archive?path=%2Ftmp%2Fhello.txt" 200 curl "http://$HOST:$PORT/containers/${CTR}/archive?path=%2Ftmp%2Fhello.txt" \ --dump-header "${TMPD}/headers.txt" \ -o "${TMPD}/body.tar" \ -X GET &> /dev/null PATH_STAT="$(grep X-Docker-Container-Path-Stat "${TMPD}/headers.txt" | cut -d " " -f 2 | base64 -d --ignore-garbage)" ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR="" if [ "$(echo "${PATH_STAT}" | jq ".name")" != '"hello.txt"' ]; then echo -e "${red}NOK: Wrong name in X-Docker-Container-Path-Stat header.${nc}" 1>&2; ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR="1" fi if [ "$(echo "${PATH_STAT}" | jq ".size")" != "6" ]; then echo -e "${red}NOK: Wrong size in X-Docker-Container-Path-Stat header.${nc}" 1>&2; ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR="1" fi if ! tar -tf "${TMPD}/body.tar" | grep "hello.txt" &> /dev/null; then echo -e "${red}NOK: Body doesn't contain expected file.${nc}" 1>&2; ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR="1" fi if [ "$(tar -xf "${TMPD}/body.tar" hello.txt --to-stdout)" != "Hello" ]; then echo -e "${red}NOK: Content of file doesn't match.${nc}" 1>&2; ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR="1" fi cleanUpArchiveTest if [[ "${ARCHIVE_TEST_ERROR}" ]] ; then exit 1; fi