# -*- sh -*-
# volume-related tests

## create volume
t GET libpod/info 200
volumepath=$(jq -r ".store.volumePath" <<<"$output")
t POST libpod/volumes/create name=foo1  201 \
    .Name=foo1 \
    .Driver=local \
    .Mountpoint=$volumepath/foo1/_data \
    .CreatedAt~[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}.* \
    .Labels={} \
t POST libpod/volumes/create ''  201
t POST libpod/volumes/create \
    '"Name":"foo2","Label":{"testlabel":"testonly"},"Options":{"type":"tmpfs","o":"nodev,noexec"}}' 201 \
    .Name=foo2 \
    .Labels.testlabel=testonly \
    .Options.type=tmpfs \

# Negative test
# We have created a volume named "foo1"
t POST libpod/volumes/create name=foo1 500 \
    .cause="volume already exists" \
    .message~.* \

## list volume
t GET libpod/volumes/json 200 \
    .[0].Name~.* \
    .[0].Mountpoint~.* \
# -G --data-urlencode 'filters={"name":["foo1"]}'
t GET libpod/volumes/json?filters=%7B%22name%22%3A%5B%22foo1%22%5D%7D 200 length=1 .[0].Name=foo1
# -G --data-urlencode 'filters={"name":["notexist"]}'
t GET libpod/volumes/json?filters=%7B%22name%22%3A%5B%22notexists%22%5D%7D 200 length=0

## inspect volume
t GET libpod/volumes/foo1/json 200 \
    .Name=foo1 \
    .Mountpoint=$volumepath/foo1/_data \
t GET libpod/volumes/notexist/json 404 \
    .cause="no such volume" \
    .message~.* \

## Remove volumes
t DELETE libpod/volumes/foo1 204
#After remove foo1 volume, this volume should not exist
t GET libpod/volumes/foo1/json 404
# Negative test
t DELETE libpod/volumes/foo1 404 \
    .cause="no such volume" \
    .message~.* \

## Prune volumes
t POST libpod/volumes/prune "" 200
#After prune volumes, there should be no volume existing
t GET libpod/volumes/json 200 length=0

# vim: filetype=sh