# -*- sh -*-
# network-related tests

t GET networks/non-existing-network 404 \
  .cause='network not found'

t POST libpod/networks/create name='"network1"' 200 \
  .name=network1 \
  .created~[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}.* \

# --data '{"name":"network2","subnets":[{"subnet":""}],"Labels":{"abc":"val"}}'
t POST libpod/networks/create name='"network2"' \
  subnets='[{"subnet":""}]' \
  labels='{"abc":"val"}' \
  200 \
  .name=network2 \
  .subnets[0].subnet= \
  .subnets[0].gateway= \

# --data '{"name":"network3","subnets":[{"subnet":""}],"Labels":{"xyz":"val"}}'
t POST libpod/networks/create name="network3" \
  subnets='[{"subnet":""}]' \
  labels='{"xyz":"val"}' \
  200 \
  .name=network3 \
  .subnets[0].subnet= \
  .subnets[0].gateway= \

# --data '{"name":"network4","subnets":[{"subnet":""}],"Labels":{"zaq":"val"}}'
t POST libpod/networks/create name="network4" \
  subnets='[{"subnet":""}]' \
  labels='{"zaq":"val"}' \
  200 \
  .name=network4 \
  .subnets[0].subnet= \
  .subnets[0].gateway= \

# test for empty mask
t POST libpod/networks/create subnets='[{"subnet":""}]' 500 \
  .cause~'.*invalid CIDR address:'
# test for invalid mask
t POST libpod/networks/create subnets='[{"subnet":""}]' 500 \
  .cause~'.*invalid CIDR address:'

# network list
t GET libpod/networks/json 200
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"name":["network1"]}' 200 \
  length=1 \
t GET networks 200

#inspect network
t GET libpod/networks/network1/json 200 \

#network list docker endpoint
t GET networks?filters='{"name":["network1","network2"]}' 200 \
t GET networks?filters='{"name":["network"]}' 200 \
t GET networks?filters='{"label":["abc"]}' 200 \
# old docker filter type see #9526
t GET networks?filters='{"label":{"abc":true}}' 200 \
t GET networks?filters='{"id":["a7662f44d65029fd4635c91feea3d720a57cef52e2a9fcc7772b69072cc1ccd1"]}' 200 \
  length=1 \
  .[0].Name=network1 \
# invalid filter
t GET networks?filters='{"dangling":["1"]}' 500 \
  .cause='invalid filter "dangling"'
# (#9293 with no networks the endpoint should return empty array instead of null)
t GET networks?filters='{"name":["doesnotexists"]}' 200 \

# network inspect docker
t GET networks/a7662f44d65029fd4635c91feea3d720a57cef52e2a9fcc7772b69072cc1ccd1 200 \
  .Name=network1 \
  .Id=a7662f44d65029fd4635c91feea3d720a57cef52e2a9fcc7772b69072cc1ccd1 \

# network create docker
t POST networks/create Name=net3\ IPAM='{"Config":[]}' 201
# network delete docker
t DELETE networks/net3 204

#compat api list networks sanity checks
t GET networks?filters='garb1age}' 500 \
    .cause="invalid character 'g' looking for beginning of value"
t GET networks?filters='{"label":["testl' 500 \
    .cause="unexpected end of JSON input"

#libpod api list networks sanity checks
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='garb1age}' 500 \
    .cause="invalid character 'g' looking for beginning of value"
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"label":["testl' 500 \
    .cause="unexpected end of JSON input"

# Prune networks compat api
t POST networks/prune?filters='garb1age}' 500 \
    .cause="invalid character 'g' looking for beginning of value"
t POST networks/prune?filters='{"label":["tes' 500 \
    .cause="unexpected end of JSON input"

# Prune networks libpod api
t POST libpod/networks/prune?filters='garb1age}' 500 \
    .cause="invalid character 'g' looking for beginning of value"
t POST libpod/networks/prune?filters='{"label":["tes' 500 \
    .cause="unexpected end of JSON input"

# prune networks using filter - compat api
t POST networks/prune?filters='{"label":["xyz"]}' 200
t GET networks?filters='{"label":["xyz"]}' 200 length=0

# prune networks using filter - libpod api
t POST libpod/networks/prune?filters='{"label":["zaq=val"]}' 200
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"label":["zaq=val"]}' 200 length=0

# clean the network
t DELETE libpod/networks/network1 200 \
  .[0].Name~network1 \
t DELETE libpod/networks/network2 200 \
  .[0].Name~network2 \

# test until filter - libpod api
# create network via cli to test that the server can use it
podman network create --label xyz network5

# with date way back in the past, network should not be deleted
t POST libpod/networks/prune?filters='{"until":["500000"]}' 200
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"label":["xyz"]}' 200 length=1

# with date far in the future, network should be deleted
t POST libpod/networks/prune?filters='{"until":["5000000000"]}' 200
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"label":["xyz"]}' 200 length=0

# test until filter - compat api
t POST networks/create Name='"network6"' Labels='{"zaq":""}' 201 \

# with date way back in the past, network should not be deleted
t POST networks/prune?filters='{"until":["500000"]}' 200
t GET networks?filters='{"label":["zaq"]}' 200 length=1

# with date far in the future, network should be deleted
t POST networks/prune?filters='{"until":["5000000000"]}' 200
t GET networks?filters='{"label":["zaq"]}' 200 length=0

# test macvlan network response
t POST libpod/networks/create name='"macvlan1"' driver="macvlan" 200 \
  .name=macvlan1 \

# libpod api inspect the macvlan network
t GET libpod/networks/macvlan1/json 200 .name="macvlan1"

# compat api inspect the macvlan network
t GET networks/macvlan1 200 .Name="macvlan1"

# clean the macvlan network
t DELETE libpod/networks/macvlan1 200 \
  .[0].Name~macvlan1 \

# test networks with containers
podman pull $IMAGE &>/dev/null

# Ensure clean slate
podman rm -a -f &>/dev/null

# create a network
podman network create --subnet --gateway network5
t GET libpod/networks/json?filters='{"name":["network5"]}' 200 \
nid=$(jq -r '.[0].id' <<<"$output")
# create a pod on a network
podman run --network network5 --name $CNAME --ip --mac-address 0a:01:73:78:43:18 -td $IMAGE top
t GET libpod/containers/json?all=true 200 \
cid=$(jq -r '.[0].Id' <<<"$output")
# compat api inspect network
t GET networks/$nid 200 .Name="network5" \
  .Containers[\"$cid\"].Name=$CNAME \
  .Containers[\"$cid\"].MacAddress=0a:01:73:78:43:18 \
# clean the network
podman network rm -f network5

# vim: filetype=sh