# -*- sh -*-
# test pod-related endpoints

t GET  libpod/pods/json            200 null
t POST libpod/pods/create name=foo 201 '{"id":"machine.slice"}'   # FIXME!
t GET  libpod/pods/foo/exists      204
t GET  libpod/pods/notfoo/exists   404
t GET  libpod/pods/foo/json        200     .Config.name=foo     .Containers=null
t GET  libpod/pods/json            200 .[0].Config.name=foo .[0].Containers=null

# Cannot create a dup pod with the same name (FIXME: should that be 409?)
t POST libpod/pods/create name=foo 500 .cause="pod already exists"

#t POST libpod/pods/create a=b 400 .cause='bad parameter'  # FIXME: unimplemented

t POST libpod/pods/foo/pause   '' 204
t POST libpod/pods/foo/unpause '' 200
t POST libpod/pods/foo/unpause '' 200   # (2nd time)
t POST libpod/pods/foo/stop    '' 304
t POST libpod/pods/foo/restart '' 500 .cause="no such container"

t POST libpod/pods/bar/restart '' 404

#t POST libpod/pods/prune ''    200     # FIXME: unimplemented, returns 500
#t POST libpod/pods/prune 'a=b' 400     # FIXME: unimplemented, returns 500

# Clean up; and try twice, making sure that the second time fails
t DELETE libpod/pods/foo 204
t DELETE libpod/pods/foo 404

# vim: filetype=sh