# -*- sh -*-
# system related tests

## ensure system is clean
t POST 'libpod/system/prune?volumes=true&all=true' params='' 200

## podman system df
t GET system/df 200 '{"LayersSize":0,"Images":[],"Containers":[],"Volumes":[],"BuildCache":[],"BuilderSize":0}'
t GET libpod/system/df 200 '{"Images":[],"Containers":[],"Volumes":[]}'

# Create volume. We expect df to report this volume next invocation of system/df
t GET libpod/info 200
volumepath=$(jq -r ".store.volumePath" <<<"$output")
t POST libpod/volumes/create name=foo1  201 \
    .Name=foo1 \
    .Driver=local \
    .Mountpoint=$volumepath/foo1/_data \
    .CreatedAt~[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}.* \
    .Labels={} \

t GET system/df 200 '.Volumes[0].Name=foo1'

t GET libpod/system/df 200 '.Volumes[0].VolumeName=foo1'

# Create two more volumes to test pruneing
t POST libpod/volumes/create \
    '"Name":"foo2","Label":{"testlabel1":""},"Options":{"type":"tmpfs","o":"nodev,noexec"}}' 201 \
    .Name=foo2 \
    .Driver=local \
    .Mountpoint=$volumepath/foo2/_data \
    .CreatedAt~[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}.* \
    .Labels.testlabel1="" \

t POST libpod/volumes/create \
    '"Name":"foo3","Label":{"testlabel1":"testonly"},"Options":{"type":"tmpfs","o":"nodev,noexec"}}' 201 \
    .Name=foo3 \
    .Driver=local \
    .Mountpoint=$volumepath/foo3/_data \
    .CreatedAt~[0-9]\\{4\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}-[0-9]\\{2\\}.* \
    .Labels.testlabel1=testonly \

t GET system/df 200 '.Volumes | length=3'
t GET libpod/system/df 200 '.Volumes | length=3'

# Prune volumes

# -G --data-urlencode 'volumes=true&filters={"label":["testlabel1=idontmatch"]}'
t POST 'libpod/system/prune?volumes=true&filters=%7B%22label%22:%5B%22testlabel1=idontmatch%22%5D%7D' params='' 200

# nothing should have been pruned
t GET system/df 200 '.Volumes | length=3'
t GET libpod/system/df 200 '.Volumes | length=3'

# -G --data-urlencode 'volumes=true&filters={"label":["testlabel1=testonly"]}'
# only foo3 should be pruned because of filter
t POST 'libpod/system/prune?volumes=true&filters=%7B%22label%22:%5B%22testlabel1=testonly%22%5D%7D' params='' 200 .VolumePruneReports[0].Id=foo3
# only foo2 should be pruned because of filter
t POST 'libpod/system/prune?volumes=true&filters=%7B%22label%22:%5B%22testlabel1%22%5D%7D' params='' 200 .VolumePruneReports[0].Id=foo2
# foo1, the last remaining volume should be pruned without any filters applied
t POST 'libpod/system/prune?volumes=true' params='' 200 .VolumePruneReports[0].Id=foo1

# TODO add other system prune tests for pods / images