# *** NOTE TO READER: Please skip down to "user-customizable section" below!
# Not all tests in buildah/tests/bud.bats work under podman.
# Some work, but emit different error messages.
# This script is used to skip the former, and munge expect_output messages
# for the latter.
ME=$(basename $0)


if [[ ! -e $BUD ]]; then
    echo "$ME: $BUD not found: please run me from buildah subdir" >&2
    exit 1

# BEGIN handlers
# *** NOTE TO READER (again): Please skip down to "user-customizable section"
# You almost certainly don't care about anything in this section.
set -e


if [[ -n $DEBUG_PODMAN_DELTAS ]]; then

# Issue a warning, and set exit status (but do not exit now)
function warn() {
    echo "$ME: ERROR: $*" >&2

# errmsg: used to change the text of a message, probably in expect_output()
function errmsg() {
    local msg_orig=${1//\//\\/}; shift
    local msg_new=${1//\//\\/};  shift

    for t in "$@"; do
        if fgrep -qx "@test \"$t\" {" $BUD; then
            $ECHO "@test \"$t\" : updating to \"$msg_new\""
            # FIXME: emit error if msg_orig not found
            sed -i -e "/^\@test \"$t\" {/,/^}/s/\"$msg_orig\"/\"$msg_new\"/" $BUD
            warn "[errmsg] Did not find test \"$t\" in $BUD"

# _skip: used to add a 'skip' or 'skip_if_remote' to one specific test
function _skip() {
    local skip=$1;   shift
    local reason=$1; shift

    # All further arguments are test names
    for t in "$@"; do
        if fgrep -qx "@test \"$t\" {" $BUD; then
            $ECHO "@test \"$t\" : $skip \"$reason\""
            sed -i -e "/^\@test \"$t\" {/ a \ \ $skip \"$reason\"" $BUD
            warn "[$skip] Did not find test \"$t\" in $BUD"

function skip() {
    _skip "skip" "$@"

function skip_if_remote() {
    _skip "skip_if_remote" "$@"

# END   handlers
# BEGIN user-customizable section
# These are the hand-maintained exceptions. This is what you want to edit
# or update as needed.
# There are three directives you can use below:
#    errmsg "old-message" "new-message" "test name" ["test name"...]
# This replaced "old-message" with "new-message" in @test "test name".
# It is used when a podman error message differs from buildah's.
#    [skip | skip_if_remote] "reason" "test name" ["test name"...]
# This adds a 'skip' statement as the first line of @test "test name".
# It is used when a test does not work in podman, either for permanent
# design-related reasons or for hopefully-temporary bug-in-podman reasons.
# (If the latter, please file an issue before adding the skip, and include
# the issue number in your skip message. This makes it possible to remove
# the skip once the issue is fixed).
# For both cases, you can list multiple "test names" at the end. This
# is not used much right now, but will be once I file my podman-remote PR
# because there are some cases where the same issue affects up to fifty
# different bud.bats tests.

# BEGIN differences in error messages between buildah and podman

errmsg "non-directory/Dockerfile: not a directory" \
       "Error: context must be a directory:" \
       "bud with a path to a Dockerfile (-f) containing a non-directory entry"

errmsg "no such file or directory" \
       "Error: context must be a directory:" \
       "bud with dir for file but no Dockerfile in dir" \
       "bud with bad dir Dockerfile"

errmsg "no such file or directory" \
       "Error: no context directory and no Containerfile specified" \
       "bud without any arguments should fail when no Dockerfile exist"

errmsg "is not a file" \
       "Error: open .*: no such file or directory" \
       "bud with specified context should fail if assumed Dockerfile is a directory"

errmsg "no such file or directory" \
       "context must be a directory" \
       "bud with specified context should fail if context contains not-existing Dockerfile"

# BEGIN tests that don't make sense under podman due to fundamental differences

skip "N/A under podman" \

skip "does not work under podman" \
     "bud without any arguments should succeed"

skip "podman requires a directory, not a Dockerfile" \
     "bud with specified context should succeed if context contains existing Dockerfile"

# ...or due to Ed's laziness
skip "Too much effort to spin up a local registry" \
     "bud with encrypted FROM image" \
     "bud --authfile"

# ...or due to a fundamental arg-parsing difference between buildah and podman
# which we could and perhaps should fix in the buildah repo via:
#    - ... ${TESTSDIR}/bud/layers-squash/Dockerfile.hardlinks
#    + ... -f Dockerfile.hardlinks ${TESTSDIR}/bud/layers-squash
skip "FIXME FIXME FIXME: argument-order incompatible with podman" \

skip "FIXME FIXME FIXME: this passes on Ed's laptop, fails in CI??" \

# This will probably never work: buildah and podman have incompatible defaults
# Documented in https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/10412
skip "buildah runs with --cgroup-manager=cgroupfs, podman with systemd" \
     "bud with --cgroup-parent"

# BEGIN tests which are skipped because they make no sense under podman-remote

skip_if_remote "--target does not work with podman-remote" \

skip_if_remote "--runtime not meaningful under podman-remote" \
               "bud with --runtime and --runtime-flag"

skip_if_remote "secret files not implemented under podman-remote" \
               "bud with containerfile secret" \
               "bud with containerfile secret accessed on second RUN" \
               "bud with containerfile secret options" \
               "bud with containerfile env secret" \
               "bud with containerfile env secret priority"

skip_if_remote "volumes don't work with podman-remote" \
               "buildah bud --volume" \

# See podman #9890 for discussion
skip_if_remote "--stdin option will not be implemented in podman-remote" \
               "bud test no --stdin"

# BEGIN tests which are skipped due to actual podman or podman-remote bugs.

skip_if_remote "Podman #12838: different error messages" \
               "bud with .dockerignore #2"

# These two tests, new in 2022-01, invoke podman (create, export) in ways
# that don't work with podman-remote due to the use of --registries-conf
skip_if_remote "FIXME FIXME FIXME: find a way to clean up their podman calls" \
               "bud with run should not leave mounts behind cleanup test" \
               "bud with custom files in /run/ should persist cleanup test"

skip_if_remote "Do envariables work with -remote? Please look into this." \
               "build proxy"

# Done.

exit $RC