// +build remoteclient

package integration

import (

func SkipIfRemote() {
	ginkgo.Skip("This function is not enabled for remote podman")

func SkipIfRootless() {}

// Cleanup cleans up the temporary store
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) Cleanup() {
	// TODO
	// Stop all containers
	// Rm all containers

	if err := os.RemoveAll(p.TempDir); err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%q\n", err)

	// Clean up the registries configuration file ENV variable set in Create

// Podman is the exec call to podman on the filesystem
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) Podman(args []string) *PodmanSessionIntegration {
	podmanSession := p.PodmanBase(args)
	return &PodmanSessionIntegration{podmanSession}

//RunTopContainer runs a simple container in the background that
// runs top.  If the name passed != "", it will have a name
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) RunTopContainer(name string) *PodmanSessionIntegration {
	// TODO
	return nil

//RunLsContainer runs a simple container in the background that
// simply runs ls. If the name passed != "", it will have a name
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) RunLsContainer(name string) (*PodmanSessionIntegration, int, string) {
	// TODO
	return nil, 0, ""

// InspectImageJSON takes the session output of an inspect
// image and returns json
//func (s *PodmanSessionIntegration) InspectImageJSON() []inspect.ImageData {
//	// TODO
//	return nil

func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) setDefaultRegistriesConfigEnv() {
	defaultFile := filepath.Join(INTEGRATION_ROOT, "test/registries.conf")
	os.Setenv("REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH", defaultFile)

func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) setRegistriesConfigEnv(b []byte) {
	outfile := filepath.Join(p.TempDir, "registries.conf")
	os.Setenv("REGISTRIES_CONFIG_PATH", outfile)
	ioutil.WriteFile(outfile, b, 0644)

func resetRegistriesConfigEnv() {

// InspectContainerToJSON takes the session output of an inspect
// container and returns json
func (s *PodmanSessionIntegration) InspectContainerToJSON() []inspect.ContainerData {
	// TODO
	return nil

// CreatePod creates a pod with no infra container
// it optionally takes a pod name
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) CreatePod(name string) (*PodmanSessionIntegration, int, string) {
	// TODO
	return nil, 0, ""

func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) RunTopContainerInPod(name, pod string) *PodmanSessionIntegration {
	// TODO
	return nil

// BuildImage uses podman build and buildah to build an image
// called imageName based on a string dockerfile
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) BuildImage(dockerfile, imageName string, layers string) {
	// TODO

// CleanupPod cleans up the temporary store
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) CleanupPod() {
	// TODO

// InspectPodToJSON takes the sessions output from a pod inspect and returns json
func (s *PodmanSessionIntegration) InspectPodToJSON() libpod.PodInspect {
	// TODO
	return libpod.PodInspect{}
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) RunLsContainerInPod(name, pod string) (*PodmanSessionIntegration, int, string) {
	// TODO
	return nil, 0, ""

// PullImages pulls multiple images
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) PullImages(images []string) error {
	// TODO
	return libpod.ErrNotImplemented

// PodmanPID execs podman and returns its PID
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) PodmanPID(args []string) (*PodmanSessionIntegration, int) {
	// TODO
	return nil, 0

// CleanupVolume cleans up the temporary store
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) CleanupVolume() {
	// TODO

func PodmanTestCreate(tempDir string) *PodmanTestIntegration {
	pti := PodmanTestCreateUtil(tempDir, true)
	return pti

func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) StartVarlink() {
	if _, err := os.Stat("/path/to/whatever"); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		os.MkdirAll("/run/podman", 0755)
	args := []string{"varlink", "--timeout", "0", "unix:/run/podman/io.podman"}
	podmanOptions := getVarlinkOptions(p, args)
	command := exec.Command(p.PodmanBinary, podmanOptions...)
	fmt.Printf("Running: %s %s\n", p.PodmanBinary, strings.Join(podmanOptions, " "))
	p.VarlinkSession = command.Process

func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) StopVarlink() {
	varlinkSession := p.VarlinkSession

//MakeOptions assembles all the podman main options
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) makeOptions(args []string) []string {
	return args

//MakeOptions assembles all the podman main options
func getVarlinkOptions(p *PodmanTestIntegration, args []string) []string {
	podmanOptions := strings.Split(fmt.Sprintf("--root %s --runroot %s --runtime %s --conmon %s --cni-config-dir %s --cgroup-manager %s",
		p.CrioRoot, p.RunRoot, p.OCIRuntime, p.ConmonBinary, p.CNIConfigDir, p.CgroupManager), " ")
	if os.Getenv("HOOK_OPTION") != "" {
		podmanOptions = append(podmanOptions, os.Getenv("HOOK_OPTION"))
	podmanOptions = append(podmanOptions, strings.Split(p.StorageOptions, " ")...)
	podmanOptions = append(podmanOptions, args...)
	return podmanOptions

// RestoreArtifact puts the cached image into our test store
func (p *PodmanTestIntegration) RestoreArtifact(image string) error {
	fmt.Printf("Restoring %s...\n", image)
	dest := strings.Split(image, "/")
	destName := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/%s.tar", strings.Replace(strings.Join(strings.Split(dest[len(dest)-1], "/"), ""), ":", "-", -1))
	args := []string{"load", "-q", "-i", destName}
	podmanOptions := getVarlinkOptions(p, args)
	command := exec.Command(p.PodmanBinary, podmanOptions...)
	fmt.Printf("Running: %s %s\n", p.PodmanBinary, strings.Join(podmanOptions, " "))
	return nil