package integration import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/url" "os" "path/filepath" "strconv" "strings" "text/template" "time" "" "" "" "" . "" "" . "" . "" "" . "" "" ) var unknownKindYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: UnknownKind metadata: labels: app: app1 name: unknown spec: hostname: unknown ` var workdirSymlinkPodYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: test-symlink name: test-symlink spec: containers: - image: test-symlink name: test-symlink resources: {} restartPolicy: Never ` var podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml spec: containers: - name: podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml image: ports: - containerPort: 80 ` var podWithoutAName = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod spec: containers: - name: podDoesntHaveAName image: ports: - containerPort: 80 ` var checkInfraImagePodYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: check-infra-image name: check-infra-image spec: containers: - name: alpine image: command: - sleep - 24h status: {} ` var podWithoutConfigMapDefined = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: testpod1 spec: containers: - name: alpine image: volumeMounts: - name: mycm mountPath: /mycm volumes: - name: mycm configMap: name: mycm ` var sharedNamespacePodYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: "2021-05-07T17:25:01Z" labels: app: testpod1 name: testpod1 spec: containers: - command: - top - -d - "1.5" env: - name: HOSTNAME value: label-pod image: name: alpine resources: {} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: {} privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false seLinuxOptions: {} workingDir: / dnsConfig: {} restartPolicy: Never shareProcessNamespace: true status: {} ` var livenessProbePodYaml = ` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: liveness-probe labels: app: alpine spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: alpine template: metadata: labels: app: alpine spec: containers: - command: - top - -d - "1.5" name: alpine image: ports: - containerPort: 80 livenessProbe: exec: command: - echo - hello initialDelaySeconds: 5 periodSeconds: 5 ` var livenessProbeUnhealthyPodYaml = ` apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: liveness-unhealthy-probe labels: app: alpine spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: alpine template: metadata: labels: app: alpine spec: restartPolicy: Never containers: - command: - top - -d - "1.5" name: alpine image: ports: - containerPort: 80 livenessProbe: exec: command: - cat - /randomfile initialDelaySeconds: 0 periodSeconds: 1 ` var selinuxLabelPodYaml = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: "2021-02-02T22:18:20Z" labels: app: label-pod name: label-pod spec: containers: - command: - top - -d - "1.5" env: - name: HOSTNAME value: label-pod image: name: test securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: drop: - CAP_MKNOD - CAP_NET_RAW - CAP_AUDIT_WRITE privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false seLinuxOptions: user: unconfined_u role: system_r type: spc_t level: s0 workingDir: / status: {} ` var configMapYamlTemplate = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: {{ .Name }} data: {{ with .Data }} {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ` var persistentVolumeClaimYamlTemplate = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: {{ .Name }} {{ with .Annotations }} annotations: {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} spec: accessModes: - "ReadWriteOnce" resources: requests: storage: "1Gi" storageClassName: default ` var podYamlTemplate = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: "2019-07-17T14:44:08Z" name: {{ .Name }} labels: app: {{ .Name }} {{ with .Labels }} {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Annotations }} annotations: {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} spec: restartPolicy: {{ .RestartPolicy }} hostname: {{ .Hostname }} hostNetwork: {{ .HostNetwork }} hostAliases: {{ range .HostAliases }} - hostnames: {{ range .HostName }} - {{ . }} {{ end }} ip: {{ .IP }} {{ end }} initContainers: {{ with .InitCtrs }} {{ range . }} - command: {{ range .Cmd }} - {{.}} {{ end }} image: {{ .Image }} name: {{ .Name }} {{ end }} {{ end }} containers: {{ with .Ctrs }} {{ range . }} - command: {{ range .Cmd }} - {{.}} {{ end }} args: {{ range .Arg }} - {{.}} {{ end }} env: - name: HOSTNAME {{ range .Env }} - name: {{ .Name }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "configmap") }} valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: {{ .RefName }} key: {{ .RefKey }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "secret") }} valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ .RefName }} key: {{ .RefKey }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "") }} value: {{ .Value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .EnvFrom}} envFrom: {{ range . }} {{ if (eq .From "configmap") }} - configMapRef: name: {{ .Name }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .From "secret") }} - secretRef: name: {{ .Name }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} image: {{ .Image }} name: {{ .Name }} imagePullPolicy: {{ .PullPolicy }} {{- if or .CPURequest .CPULimit .MemoryRequest .MemoryLimit }} resources: {{- if or .CPURequest .MemoryRequest }} requests: {{if .CPURequest }}cpu: {{ .CPURequest }}{{ end }} {{if .MemoryRequest }}memory: {{ .MemoryRequest }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if or .CPULimit .MemoryLimit }} limits: {{if .CPULimit }}cpu: {{ .CPULimit }}{{ end }} {{if .MemoryLimit }}memory: {{ .MemoryLimit }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ if .SecurityContext }} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true {{ if .Caps }} capabilities: {{ with .CapAdd }} add: {{ range . }} - {{.}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .CapDrop }} drop: {{ range . }} - {{.}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false ports: - containerPort: {{ .Port }} hostIP: {{ .HostIP }} hostPort: {{ .Port }} protocol: TCP workingDir: / volumeMounts: {{ if .VolumeMount }} - name: {{.VolumeName}} mountPath: {{ .VolumeMountPath }} readonly: {{.VolumeReadOnly}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Volumes }} volumes: {{ range . }} - name: {{ .Name }} {{- if (eq .VolumeType "HostPath") }} hostPath: path: {{ .HostPath.Path }} type: {{ .HostPath.Type }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq .VolumeType "PersistentVolumeClaim") }} persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: {{ .PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq .VolumeType "ConfigMap") }} configMap: name: {{ .ConfigMap.Name }} optional: {{ .ConfigMap.Optional }} {{- with .ConfigMap.Items }} items: {{- range . }} - key: {{ .key }} path: {{ .path }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} status: {} ` var deploymentYamlTemplate = ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: "2019-07-17T14:44:08Z" name: {{ .Name }} labels: app: {{ .Name }} {{ with .Labels }} {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Annotations }} annotations: {{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} spec: replicas: {{ .Replicas }} selector: matchLabels: app: {{ .Name }} template: {{ with .PodTemplate }} metadata: labels: app: {{ .Name }} {{- with .Labels }}{{ range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{- end }}{{ end }} {{- with .Annotations }} annotations: {{- range $key, $value := . }} {{ $key }}: {{ $value }} {{- end }} {{- end }} spec: restartPolicy: {{ .RestartPolicy }} hostname: {{ .Hostname }} hostNetwork: {{ .HostNetwork }} containers: {{ with .Ctrs }} {{ range . }} - command: {{ range .Cmd }} - {{.}} {{ end }} args: {{ range .Arg }} - {{.}} {{ end }} env: - name: HOSTNAME {{ range .Env }} - name: {{ .Name }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "configmap") }} valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: name: {{ .RefName }} key: {{ .RefKey }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "secret") }} valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: {{ .RefName }} key: {{ .RefKey }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .ValueFrom "") }} value: {{ .Value }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .EnvFrom}} envFrom: {{ range . }} {{ if (eq .From "configmap") }} - configMapRef: name: {{ .Name }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ if (eq .From "secret") }} - secretRef: name: {{ .Name }} optional: {{ .Optional }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} image: {{ .Image }} name: {{ .Name }} imagePullPolicy: {{ .PullPolicy }} {{- if or .CPURequest .CPULimit .MemoryRequest .MemoryLimit }} resources: {{- if or .CPURequest .MemoryRequest }} requests: {{if .CPURequest }}cpu: {{ .CPURequest }}{{ end }} {{if .MemoryRequest }}memory: {{ .MemoryRequest }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- if or .CPULimit .MemoryLimit }} limits: {{if .CPULimit }}cpu: {{ .CPULimit }}{{ end }} {{if .MemoryLimit }}memory: {{ .MemoryLimit }}{{ end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{ if .SecurityContext }} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: true {{ if .Caps }} capabilities: {{ with .CapAdd }} add: {{ range . }} - {{.}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .CapDrop }} drop: {{ range . }} - {{.}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} privileged: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false workingDir: / volumeMounts: {{ if .VolumeMount }} - name: {{.VolumeName}} mountPath: {{ .VolumeMountPath }} readonly: {{.VolumeReadOnly}} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Volumes }} volumes: {{ range . }} - name: {{ .Name }} {{- if (eq .VolumeType "HostPath") }} hostPath: path: {{ .HostPath.Path }} type: {{ .HostPath.Type }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq .VolumeType "PersistentVolumeClaim") }} persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: {{ .PersistentVolumeClaim.ClaimName }} {{- end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ` var ( defaultCtrName = "testCtr" defaultCtrCmd = []string{"top"} defaultCtrArg = []string{"-d", "1.5"} defaultCtrImage = ALPINE defaultPodName = "testPod" defaultVolName = "testVol" defaultDeploymentName = "testDeployment" defaultConfigMapName = "testConfigMap" defaultPVCName = "testPVC" seccompPwdEPERM = []byte(`{"defaultAction":"SCMP_ACT_ALLOW","syscalls":[{"name":"getcwd","action":"SCMP_ACT_ERRNO"}]}`) // CPU Period in ms defaultCPUPeriod = 100 // Default secret in JSON. Note that the values ("foo" and "bar") are base64 encoded. defaultSecret = []byte(`{"FOO":"Zm9v","BAR":"YmFy"}`) ) // getKubeYaml returns a kubernetes YAML document. func getKubeYaml(kind string, object interface{}) (string, error) { var yamlTemplate string templateBytes := &bytes.Buffer{} switch kind { case "configmap": yamlTemplate = configMapYamlTemplate case "pod": yamlTemplate = podYamlTemplate case "deployment": yamlTemplate = deploymentYamlTemplate case "persistentVolumeClaim": yamlTemplate = persistentVolumeClaimYamlTemplate default: return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported kubernetes kind") } t, err := template.New(kind).Parse(yamlTemplate) if err != nil { return "", err } if err := t.Execute(templateBytes, object); err != nil { return "", err } return templateBytes.String(), nil } // generateKubeYaml writes a kubernetes YAML document. func generateKubeYaml(kind string, object interface{}, pathname string) error { k, err := getKubeYaml(kind, object) if err != nil { return err } return writeYaml(k, pathname) } // generateMultiDocKubeYaml writes multiple kube objects in one Yaml document. func generateMultiDocKubeYaml(kubeObjects []string, pathname string) error { var multiKube string for _, k := range kubeObjects { multiKube += "---\n" multiKube += k } return writeYaml(multiKube, pathname) } func createSecret(podmanTest *PodmanTestIntegration, name string, value []byte) { secretFilePath := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "secret") err := ioutil.WriteFile(secretFilePath, value, 0755) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) secret := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"secret", "create", name, secretFilePath}) secret.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(secret).Should(Exit(0)) } // CM describes the options a kube yaml can be configured at configmap level type CM struct { Name string Data map[string]string } func getConfigMap(options ...configMapOption) *CM { cm := CM{ Name: defaultConfigMapName, Data: map[string]string{}, } for _, option := range options { option(&cm) } return &cm } type configMapOption func(*CM) func withConfigMapName(name string) configMapOption { return func(configmap *CM) { configmap.Name = name } } func withConfigMapData(k, v string) configMapOption { return func(configmap *CM) { configmap.Data[k] = v } } // PVC describes the options a kube yaml can be configured at persistent volume claim level type PVC struct { Name string Annotations map[string]string } func getPVC(options ...pvcOption) *PVC { pvc := PVC{ Name: defaultPVCName, Annotations: map[string]string{}, } for _, option := range options { option(&pvc) } return &pvc } type pvcOption func(*PVC) func withPVCName(name string) pvcOption { return func(pvc *PVC) { pvc.Name = name } } func withPVCAnnotations(k, v string) pvcOption { return func(pvc *PVC) { pvc.Annotations[k] = v } } // Pod describes the options a kube yaml can be configured at pod level type Pod struct { Name string RestartPolicy string Hostname string HostNetwork bool HostAliases []HostAlias Ctrs []*Ctr InitCtrs []*Ctr Volumes []*Volume Labels map[string]string Annotations map[string]string } type HostAlias struct { IP string HostName []string } // getPod takes a list of podOptions and returns a pod with sane defaults // and the configured options // if no containers are added, it will add the default container func getPod(options ...podOption) *Pod { p := Pod{ Name: defaultPodName, RestartPolicy: "Never", Hostname: "", HostNetwork: false, HostAliases: nil, Ctrs: make([]*Ctr, 0), InitCtrs: make([]*Ctr, 0), Volumes: make([]*Volume, 0), Labels: make(map[string]string), Annotations: make(map[string]string), } for _, option := range options { option(&p) } if len(p.Ctrs) == 0 { p.Ctrs = []*Ctr{getCtr()} } return &p } type podOption func(*Pod) func withPodName(name string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Name = name } } func withHostname(h string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Hostname = h } } func withHostAliases(ip string, host []string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.HostAliases = append(pod.HostAliases, HostAlias{ IP: ip, HostName: host, }) } } func withCtr(c *Ctr) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Ctrs = append(pod.Ctrs, c) } } func withPodInitCtr(ic *Ctr) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.InitCtrs = append(pod.InitCtrs, ic) } } func withRestartPolicy(policy string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.RestartPolicy = policy } } func withLabel(k, v string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Labels[k] = v } } func withAnnotation(k, v string) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Annotations[k] = v } } func withVolume(v *Volume) podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.Volumes = append(pod.Volumes, v) } } func withHostNetwork() podOption { return func(pod *Pod) { pod.HostNetwork = true } } // Deployment describes the options a kube yaml can be configured at deployment level type Deployment struct { Name string Replicas int32 Labels map[string]string Annotations map[string]string PodTemplate *Pod } func getDeployment(options ...deploymentOption) *Deployment { d := Deployment{ Name: defaultDeploymentName, Replicas: 1, Labels: make(map[string]string), Annotations: make(map[string]string), PodTemplate: getPod(), } for _, option := range options { option(&d) } return &d } type deploymentOption func(*Deployment) func withDeploymentAnnotation(k, v string) deploymentOption { return func(deployment *Deployment) { deployment.Annotations[k] = v } } func withPod(pod *Pod) deploymentOption { return func(d *Deployment) { d.PodTemplate = pod } } func withReplicas(replicas int32) deploymentOption { return func(d *Deployment) { d.Replicas = replicas } } // getPodNamesInDeployment returns list of Pod objects // with just their name set, so that it can be passed around // and into getCtrNameInPod for ease of testing func getPodNamesInDeployment(d *Deployment) []Pod { var pods []Pod var i int32 for i = 0; i < d.Replicas; i++ { p := Pod{} p.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-pod-%d", d.Name, i) pods = append(pods, p) } return pods } // Ctr describes the options a kube yaml can be configured at container level type Ctr struct { Name string Image string Cmd []string Arg []string CPURequest string CPULimit string MemoryRequest string MemoryLimit string SecurityContext bool Caps bool CapAdd []string CapDrop []string PullPolicy string HostIP string Port string VolumeMount bool VolumeMountPath string VolumeName string VolumeReadOnly bool Env []Env EnvFrom []EnvFrom InitCtrType string } // getCtr takes a list of ctrOptions and returns a Ctr with sane defaults // and the configured options func getCtr(options ...ctrOption) *Ctr { c := Ctr{ Name: defaultCtrName, Image: defaultCtrImage, Cmd: defaultCtrCmd, Arg: defaultCtrArg, SecurityContext: true, Caps: false, CapAdd: nil, CapDrop: nil, PullPolicy: "", HostIP: "", Port: "", VolumeMount: false, VolumeMountPath: "", VolumeName: "", VolumeReadOnly: false, Env: []Env{}, EnvFrom: []EnvFrom{}, InitCtrType: "", } for _, option := range options { option(&c) } return &c } type ctrOption func(*Ctr) func withName(name string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.Name = name } } func withInitCtr() ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.InitCtrType = define.AlwaysInitContainer } } func withCmd(cmd []string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.Cmd = cmd } } func withArg(arg []string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.Arg = arg } } func withImage(img string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.Image = img } } func withCPURequest(request string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.CPURequest = request } } func withCPULimit(limit string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.CPULimit = limit } } func withMemoryRequest(request string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.MemoryRequest = request } } func withMemoryLimit(limit string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.MemoryLimit = limit } } func withSecurityContext(sc bool) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.SecurityContext = sc } } func withCapAdd(caps []string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.CapAdd = caps c.Caps = true } } func withCapDrop(caps []string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.CapDrop = caps c.Caps = true } } func withPullPolicy(policy string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.PullPolicy = policy } } func withHostIP(ip string, port string) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.HostIP = ip c.Port = port } } func withVolumeMount(mountPath string, readonly bool) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { c.VolumeMountPath = mountPath c.VolumeName = defaultVolName c.VolumeReadOnly = readonly c.VolumeMount = true } } func withEnv(name, value, valueFrom, refName, refKey string, optional bool) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { e := Env{ Name: name, Value: value, ValueFrom: valueFrom, RefName: refName, RefKey: refKey, Optional: optional, } c.Env = append(c.Env, e) } } func withEnvFrom(name, from string, optional bool) ctrOption { return func(c *Ctr) { e := EnvFrom{ Name: name, From: from, Optional: optional, } c.EnvFrom = append(c.EnvFrom, e) } } func getCtrNameInPod(pod *Pod) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", pod.Name, defaultCtrName) } type HostPath struct { Path string Type string } type PersistentVolumeClaim struct { ClaimName string } type ConfigMap struct { Name string Items []map[string]string Optional bool } type Volume struct { VolumeType string Name string HostPath PersistentVolumeClaim ConfigMap } // getHostPathVolume takes a type and a location for a HostPath // volume giving it a default name of volName func getHostPathVolume(vType, vPath string) *Volume { return &Volume{ VolumeType: "HostPath", Name: defaultVolName, HostPath: HostPath{ Path: vPath, Type: vType, }, } } // getHostPathVolume takes a name for a Persistentvolumeclaim // volume giving it a default name of volName func getPersistentVolumeClaimVolume(vName string) *Volume { return &Volume{ VolumeType: "PersistentVolumeClaim", Name: defaultVolName, PersistentVolumeClaim: PersistentVolumeClaim{ ClaimName: vName, }, } } // getConfigMap returns a new ConfigMap Volume given the name and items // of the ConfigMap. func getConfigMapVolume(vName string, items []map[string]string, optional bool) *Volume { return &Volume{ VolumeType: "ConfigMap", Name: defaultVolName, ConfigMap: ConfigMap{ Name: vName, Items: items, Optional: optional, }, } } type Env struct { Name string Value string ValueFrom string RefName string RefKey string Optional bool } type EnvFrom struct { Name string From string Optional bool } func milliCPUToQuota(milliCPU string) int { milli, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(milliCPU, "m")) return milli * defaultCPUPeriod } var _ = Describe("Podman play kube", func() { var ( tempdir string err error podmanTest *PodmanTestIntegration kubeYaml string ) BeforeEach(func() { tempdir, err = CreateTempDirInTempDir() if err != nil { os.Exit(1) } podmanTest = PodmanTestCreate(tempdir) podmanTest.Setup() podmanTest.SeedImages() kubeYaml = filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "kube.yaml") }) AfterEach(func() { podmanTest.Cleanup() f := CurrentGinkgoTestDescription() processTestResult(f) }) It("podman play kube fail with yaml of unsupported kind", func() { err := writeYaml(unknownKindYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube fail with custom selinux label", func() { if !selinux.GetEnabled() { Skip("SELinux not enabled") } err := writeYaml(selinuxLabelPodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "label-pod-test", "--format", "'{{ .ProcessLabel }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() label := inspect.OutputToString() Expect(label).To(ContainSubstring("unconfined_u:system_r:spc_t:s0")) }) It("podman play kube --no-host", func() { err := writeYaml(checkInfraImagePodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--no-hosts", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podInspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "inspect", "check-infra-image"}) podInspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(podInspect).Should(Exit(0)) data := podInspect.InspectPodToJSON() for _, ctr := range data.Containers { if strings.HasSuffix(ctr.Name, "-infra") { continue } exec := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", ctr.ID, "cat", "/etc/hosts"}) exec.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(exec).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(exec.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring("check-infra-image"))) } }) It("podman play kube with non-existing configmap", func() { err := writeYaml(podWithoutConfigMapDefined, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) Expect(kube.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("failed to create volume \"mycm\": no such ConfigMap \"mycm\"")) }) It("podman play kube test HostAliases with --no-hosts", func() { pod := getPod(withHostAliases("", []string{ "", "", }), withHostAliases("", []string{ "", "", }), ) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--no-hosts", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) Expect(kube.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("HostAliases in yaml file will not work with --no-hosts")) }) It("podman play kube should use customized infra_image", func() { conffile := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "container.conf") infraImage := "" err := ioutil.WriteFile(conffile, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("[engine]\ninfra_image=\"%s\"\n", infraImage)), 0644) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) os.Setenv("CONTAINERS_CONF", conffile) defer os.Unsetenv("CONTAINERS_CONF") if IsRemote() { podmanTest.RestartRemoteService() } err = writeYaml(checkInfraImagePodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podInspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "check-infra-image", "--format", "{{ .InfraContainerID }}"}) podInspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() infraContainerID := podInspect.OutputToString() conInspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", infraContainerID, "--format", "{{ .ImageName }}"}) conInspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() infraContainerImage := conInspect.OutputToString() Expect(infraContainerImage).To(Equal(infraImage)) }) It("podman play kube should share ipc,net,uts when shareProcessNamespace is set", func() { SkipIfRootless("Requires root privileges for sharing few namespaces") err := writeYaml(sharedNamespacePodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "testpod1", "--format", "'{{ .SharedNamespaces }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() sharednamespaces := inspect.OutputToString() Expect(sharednamespaces).To(ContainSubstring("ipc")) Expect(sharednamespaces).To(ContainSubstring("net")) Expect(sharednamespaces).To(ContainSubstring("uts")) Expect(sharednamespaces).To(ContainSubstring("pid")) }) It("podman play kube should be able to run image where workdir is a symlink", func() { session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{ "build", "-f", "build/workdir-symlink/Dockerfile", "-t", "test-symlink", }) session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(session).Should(Exit(0)) err := writeYaml(workdirSymlinkPodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "logs", "-c", "test-symlink-test-symlink", "test-symlink"}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("hello")) }) It("podman play kube should not rename pod if container in pod has same name", func() { err := writeYaml(podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) testPodCreated := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "exists", "podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml"}) testPodCreated.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(testPodCreated).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() podInspect := inspect.InspectPodArrToJSON() Expect(podInspect).Should(HaveLen(1)) var containerNames []string for _, container := range podInspect[0].Containers { containerNames = append(containerNames, container.Name) } Expect(containerNames).To(ContainElement("podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml-podnameEqualsContainerNameYaml")) }) It("podman play kube should error if pod dont have a name", func() { err := writeYaml(podWithoutAName, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) }) It("podman play kube support container liveness probe", func() { err := writeYaml(livenessProbePodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "liveness-probe-pod-0-alpine", "--format", "'{{ .Config.Healthcheck }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() healthcheckcmd := inspect.OutputToString() // check if CMD-SHELL based equivalent health check is added to container Expect(healthcheckcmd).To(ContainSubstring("CMD-SHELL")) }) It("podman play kube liveness probe should fail", func() { err := writeYaml(livenessProbeUnhealthyPodYaml, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) hc := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"healthcheck", "run", "liveness-unhealthy-probe-pod-0-alpine"}) hc.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() hcoutput := hc.OutputToString() Expect(hcoutput).To(ContainSubstring(define.HealthCheckUnhealthy)) }) It("podman play kube fail with nonexistent authfile", func() { err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--authfile", "/tmp/nonexistent", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test correct command", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Cmd }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) cmd := inspect.OutputToString() inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) ep := inspect.OutputToString() // Use the defined command to override the image's command Expect(ep).To(ContainSubstring(strings.Join(defaultCtrCmd, " "))) Expect(cmd).To(ContainSubstring(strings.Join(defaultCtrArg, " "))) }) // If you do not supply command or args for a Container, the defaults defined in the Docker image are used. It("podman play kube test correct args and cmd when not specified", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withImage(registry), withCmd(nil), withArg(nil)))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // this image's ENTRYPOINT is `/` inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`/`)) // and its COMMAND is `/etc/docker/registry/config.yml` inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Cmd }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`[/etc/docker/registry/config.yml]`)) }) // If you supply a command but no args for a Container, only the supplied command is used. // The default EntryPoint and the default Cmd defined in the Docker image are ignored. It("podman play kube test correct command with only set command in yaml file", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withImage(registry), withCmd([]string{"echo", "hello"}), withArg(nil)))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // Use the defined command to override the image's command, and don't set the args // so the full command in result should not contains the image's command inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`echo hello`)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Cmd }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) // an empty command is reported as '[]' Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`[]`)) }) // If you have an init container in the pod yaml, podman should create and run the init container with play kube It("podman play kube test with init containers", func() { pod := getPod(withPodInitCtr(getCtr(withImage(ALPINE), withCmd([]string{"echo", "hello"}), withInitCtr(), withName("init-test"))), withCtr(getCtr(withImage(ALPINE), withCmd([]string{"top"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // Expect the number of containers created to be 3, one init, infra, and regular container numOfCtrs := podmanTest.NumberOfContainers() Expect(numOfCtrs).To(Equal(3)) // Init container should have exited after running inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "--format", "{{.State.Status}}", "testPod-init-test"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("exited")) // Regular container should be in running state inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "--format", "{{.State.Status}}", "testPod-" + defaultCtrName}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("running")) }) // If you supply only args for a Container, the default Entrypoint defined in the Docker image is run with the args that you supplied. It("podman play kube test correct command with only set args in yaml file", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withImage(registry), withCmd(nil), withArg([]string{"echo", "hello"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // this image's ENTRYPOINT is `/` inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`/`)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Cmd }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`[echo hello]`)) }) // If you supply a command and args, // the default Entrypoint and the default Cmd defined in the Docker image are ignored. // Your command is run with your args. It("podman play kube test correct command with both set args and cmd in yaml file", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withImage(registry), withCmd([]string{"echo"}), withArg([]string{"hello"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`echo`)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Cmd }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`[hello]`)) }) It("podman play kube test correct output", func() { p := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withCmd([]string{"echo", "hello"}), withArg([]string{"world"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", p, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"logs", getCtrNameInPod(p)}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("hello world")) }) It("podman pod logs test", func() { SkipIfRemote("podman-remote pod logs -c is mandatory for remote machine") p := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withCmd([]string{"echo", "hello"}), withArg([]string{"world"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", p, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "logs", p.Name}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("hello world")) }) It("podman-remote pod logs test", func() { // -c or --container is required in podman-remote due to api limitation. p := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withCmd([]string{"echo", "hello"}), withArg([]string{"world"})))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", p, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "logs", "-c", getCtrNameInPod(p), p.Name}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("hello world")) }) It("podman play kube test restartPolicy", func() { // podName, set, expect testSli := [][]string{ {"testPod1", "", "always"}, // Default equal to always {"testPod2", "Always", "always"}, {"testPod3", "OnFailure", "on-failure"}, {"testPod4", "Never", "no"}, } for _, v := range testSli { pod := getPod(withPodName(v[0]), withRestartPolicy(v[1])) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "{{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(v[2])) } }) It("podman play kube test env value from configmap", func() { SkipIfRemote("configmap list is not supported as a param") cmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", cm, cmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", cmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) }) It("podman play kube test required env value from configmap with missing key", func() { SkipIfRemote("configmap list is not supported as a param") cmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", cm, cmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "MISSING_KEY", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", cmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test required env value from missing configmap", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "missing_cm", "FOO", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test optional env value from configmap with missing key", func() { SkipIfRemote("configmap list is not supported as a param") cmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", cm, cmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "MISSING_KEY", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", cmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ range .Config.Env }}[{{ . }}]{{end}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring(`[FOO=]`))) }) It("podman play kube test optional env value from missing configmap", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "missing_cm", "FOO", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ range .Config.Env }}[{{ . }}]{{end}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring(`[FOO=]`))) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from configmap as envs", func() { SkipIfRemote("configmap list is not supported as a param") cmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO1", "foo1"), withConfigMapData("FOO2", "foo2")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", cm, cmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("foo", "configmap", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", cmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO1=foo1`)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO2=foo2`)) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from required configmap as envs", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("missing_cm", "configmap", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from optional configmap as envs", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("missing_cm", "configmap", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube test env value from secret", func() { createSecret(podmanTest, "foo", defaultSecret) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "secret", "foo", "FOO", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) }) It("podman play kube test required env value from missing secret", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "secret", "foo", "FOO", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test required env value from secret with missing key", func() { createSecret(podmanTest, "foo", defaultSecret) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "secret", "foo", "MISSING", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test optional env value from missing secret", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "secret", "foo", "FOO", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ range .Config.Env }}[{{ . }}]{{end}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring(`[FOO=]`))) }) It("podman play kube test optional env value from secret with missing key", func() { createSecret(podmanTest, "foo", defaultSecret) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "secret", "foo", "MISSING", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ range .Config.Env }}[{{ . }}]{{end}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring(`[FOO=]`))) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from secret as envs", func() { createSecret(podmanTest, "foo", defaultSecret) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("foo", "secret", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`BAR=bar`)) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from required secret as envs", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("missing_secret", "secret", false)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test get all key-value pairs from optional secret as envs", func() { pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("missing_secret", "secret", true)))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube test hostname", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "{{ .Config.Hostname }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(defaultPodName)) }) It("podman play kube test with customized hostname", func() { hostname := "myhostname" pod := getPod(withHostname(hostname)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(withHostname(hostname)), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "{{ .Config.Hostname }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(hostname)) hostnameInCtr := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "hostname"}) hostnameInCtr.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(hostnameInCtr).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(hostnameInCtr.OutputToString()).To(Equal(hostname)) }) It("podman play kube test HostAliases", func() { pod := getPod(withHostAliases("", []string{ "", "", }), withHostAliases("", []string{ "", "", }), ) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", pod.Name, "--format", "{{ .InfraConfig.HostAdd}}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()). To(Equal("[]")) }) It("podman play kube cap add", func() { capAdd := "CAP_SYS_ADMIN" ctr := getCtr(withCapAdd([]string{capAdd}), withCmd([]string{"cat", "/proc/self/status"}), withArg(nil)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(capAdd)) }) It("podman play kube cap drop", func() { capDrop := "CAP_CHOWN" ctr := getCtr(withCapDrop([]string{capDrop})) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(capDrop)) }) It("podman play kube no security context", func() { // expect play kube to not fail if no security context is specified pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withSecurityContext(false)))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube seccomp container level", func() { SkipIfRemote("podman-remote does not support --seccomp-profile-root flag") // expect play kube is expected to set a seccomp label if it's applied as an annotation jsonFile, err := podmanTest.CreateSeccompJSON(seccompPwdEPERM) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) Skip("Failed to prepare seccomp.json for test.") } ctrAnnotation := "" + defaultCtrName ctr := getCtr(withCmd([]string{"pwd"}), withArg(nil)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr), withAnnotation(ctrAnnotation, "localhost/"+filepath.Base(jsonFile))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // CreateSeccompJSON will put the profile into podmanTest.TempDir. Use --seccomp-profile-root to tell play kube where to look kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--seccomp-profile-root", podmanTest.TempDir, kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"logs", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Operation not permitted")) }) It("podman play kube seccomp pod level", func() { SkipIfRemote("podman-remote does not support --seccomp-profile-root flag") // expect play kube is expected to set a seccomp label if it's applied as an annotation jsonFile, err := podmanTest.CreateSeccompJSON(seccompPwdEPERM) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) Skip("Failed to prepare seccomp.json for test.") } defer os.Remove(jsonFile) ctr := getCtr(withCmd([]string{"pwd"}), withArg(nil)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr), withAnnotation("", "localhost/"+filepath.Base(jsonFile))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // CreateSeccompJSON will put the profile into podmanTest.TempDir. Use --seccomp-profile-root to tell play kube where to look kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--seccomp-profile-root", podmanTest.TempDir, kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) logs := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"logs", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) logs.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(logs).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(logs.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Operation not permitted")) }) It("podman play kube with pull policy of never should be 125", func() { ctr := getCtr(withPullPolicy("never"), withImage(BB_GLIBC)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(withCtr(ctr)), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) }) It("podman play kube with pull policy of missing", func() { ctr := getCtr(withPullPolicy("Missing"), withImage(BB)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(withCtr(ctr)), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube with pull always", func() { oldBB := "" pull := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pull", oldBB}) pull.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() tag := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"tag", oldBB, BB}) tag.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(tag).Should(Exit(0)) rmi := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"rmi", oldBB}) rmi.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(rmi).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", BB}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() oldBBinspect := inspect.InspectImageJSON() ctr := getCtr(withPullPolicy("always"), withImage(BB)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(withCtr(ctr)), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", BB}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() newBBinspect := inspect.InspectImageJSON() Expect(oldBBinspect[0].Digest).To(Not(Equal(newBBinspect[0].Digest))) }) It("podman play kube with latest image should always pull", func() { oldBB := "" pull := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pull", oldBB}) pull.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() tag := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"tag", oldBB, BB}) tag.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(tag).Should(Exit(0)) rmi := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"rmi", oldBB}) rmi.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(rmi).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", BB}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() oldBBinspect := inspect.InspectImageJSON() ctr := getCtr(withImage(BB)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", getPod(withCtr(ctr)), kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", BB}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() newBBinspect := inspect.InspectImageJSON() Expect(oldBBinspect[0].Digest).To(Not(Equal(newBBinspect[0].Digest))) }) It("podman play kube with image data", func() { testyaml := ` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: demo_pod spec: containers: - image: demo name: demo_kube ` pull := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"create", "--workdir", "/etc", "--name", "newBB", "--label", "key1=value1", "alpine"}) pull.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(pull).Should(Exit(0)) c := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"commit", "-c", "STOPSIGNAL=51", "newBB", "demo"}) c.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(c).Should(Exit(0)) conffile := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "kube.yaml") tempdir, err = CreateTempDirInTempDir() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) err := ioutil.WriteFile(conffile, []byte(testyaml), 0755) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", conffile}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "demo_pod-demo_kube"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) ctr := inspect.InspectContainerToJSON() Expect(ctr[0].Config.WorkingDir).To(ContainSubstring("/etc")) Expect(ctr[0].Config.Labels).To(HaveKeyWithValue("key1", ContainSubstring("value1"))) Expect(ctr[0].Config.Labels).To(HaveKeyWithValue("key1", ContainSubstring("value1"))) Expect(ctr[0].Config.StopSignal).To(Equal(uint(51))) }) // Deployment related tests It("podman play kube deployment 1 replica test correct command", func() { deployment := getDeployment() err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podNames := getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&podNames[0]), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) // yaml's command should override the image's Entrypoint Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(strings.Join(defaultCtrCmd, " "))) }) It("podman play kube deployment more than 1 replica test correct command", func() { var i, numReplicas int32 numReplicas = 5 deployment := getDeployment(withReplicas(numReplicas)) err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podNames := getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) for i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++ { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&podNames[i]), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Entrypoint }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(strings.Join(defaultCtrCmd, " "))) } }) It("podman play kube --ip and --mac-address", func() { var i, numReplicas int32 numReplicas = 3 deployment := getDeployment(withReplicas(numReplicas)) err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) net := "playkube" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID() session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"network", "create", "--subnet", "", net}) session.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() defer podmanTest.removeNetwork(net) Expect(session).Should(Exit(0)) ips := []string{"", "", ""} playArgs := []string{"play", "kube", "--network", net} for _, ip := range ips { playArgs = append(playArgs, "--ip", ip) } macs := []string{"e8:d8:82:c9:80:40", "e8:d8:82:c9:80:50", "e8:d8:82:c9:80:60"} for _, mac := range macs { playArgs = append(playArgs, "--mac-address", mac) } kube := podmanTest.Podman(append(playArgs, kubeYaml)) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podNames := getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) for i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++ { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&podNames[i]), "--format", "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks." + net + ".IPAddress }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(ips[i])) } for i = 0; i < numReplicas; i++ { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&podNames[i]), "--format", "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks." + net + ".MacAddress }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(macs[i])) } }) It("podman play kube with multiple networks", func() { ctr := getCtr(withImage(ALPINE)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) net1 := "net1" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID() net2 := "net2" + stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID() net := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"network", "create", "--subnet", "", net1}) net.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() defer podmanTest.removeNetwork(net1) Expect(net).Should(Exit(0)) net = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"network", "create", "--subnet", "", net2}) net.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() defer podmanTest.removeNetwork(net2) Expect(net).Should(Exit(0)) ip1 := "" ip2 := "" kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--network", net1 + ":ip=" + ip1, "--network", net2 + ":ip=" + ip2, kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "ip", "addr"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(ip1)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(ip2)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("eth0")) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("eth1")) }) It("podman play kube test with network portbindings", func() { ip := "" port := "5000" ctr := getCtr(withHostIP(ip, port), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr)) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"port", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal("5000/tcp ->")) }) It("podman play kube test with nonexistent empty HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume(`""`, hostPathLocation))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) Expect(kube.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring(defaultVolName)) }) It("podman play kube test with empty HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") f, err := os.Create(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) f.Close() pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume(`""`, hostPathLocation))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube test with nonexistent File HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("File", hostPathLocation))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test with File HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") f, err := os.Create(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) f.Close() pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("File", hostPathLocation))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube test with FileOrCreate HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("FileOrCreate", hostPathLocation))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // the file should have been created _, err = os.Stat(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) }) It("podman play kube test with DirectoryOrCreate HostPath type volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("DirectoryOrCreate", hostPathLocation))) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) // the file should have been created st, err := os.Stat(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) Expect(st.Mode().IsDir()).To(Equal(true)) }) It("podman play kube test with Socket HostPath type volume should fail if not socket", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") f, err := os.Create(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) f.Close() pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("Socket", hostPathLocation))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube test with read only HostPath volume", func() { hostPathLocation := filepath.Join(tempdir, "file") f, err := os.Create(hostPathLocation) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) f.Close() ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount(hostPathLocation, true), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withVolume(getHostPathVolume("File", hostPathLocation)), withCtr(ctr)) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{.HostConfig.Binds}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) correct := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", hostPathLocation, hostPathLocation, "ro") Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(correct)) }) It("podman play kube test duplicate volume destination between host path and image volumes", func() { // Create host test directory and file testdir := "testdir" testfile := "testfile" hostPathDir := filepath.Join(tempdir, testdir) err := os.Mkdir(hostPathDir, 0755) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) hostPathDirFile := filepath.Join(hostPathDir, testfile) f, err := os.Create(hostPathDirFile) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) f.Close() // Create container image with named volume containerfile := fmt.Sprintf(` FROM %s VOLUME %s`, ALPINE, hostPathDir+"/") image := "podman-kube-test:podman" podmanTest.BuildImage(containerfile, image, "false") // Create and play kube pod ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount(hostPathDir+"/", false), withImage(image)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctr), withVolume(getHostPathVolume("Directory", hostPathDir+"/"))) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) result := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "ls", hostPathDir + "/" + testfile}) result.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(result).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) // If two volumes are specified and share the same destination, // only one will be mounted. Host path volumes take precedence. ctrJSON := inspect.InspectContainerToJSON() Expect(ctrJSON[0].Mounts).To(HaveLen(1)) Expect(ctrJSON[0].Mounts[0].Type).To(Equal("bind")) }) It("podman play kube test with PersistentVolumeClaim volume", func() { volumeName := "namedVolume" ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount("/test", false), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withVolume(getPersistentVolumeClaimVolume(volumeName)), withCtr(ctr)) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "{{ (index .Mounts 0).Type }}:{{ (index .Mounts 0).Name }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) correct := fmt.Sprintf("volume:%s", volumeName) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal(correct)) }) It("podman play kube ConfigMap volume with no items", func() { volumeName := "cmVol" cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName(volumeName), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foobar")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount("/test", false), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withVolume(getConfigMapVolume(volumeName, []map[string]string{}, false)), withCtr(ctr)) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) cmData := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "cat", "/test/FOO"}) cmData.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(cmData).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(cmData.OutputToString()).To(Equal("foobar")) }) It("podman play kube ConfigMap volume with items", func() { volumeName := "cmVol" cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName(volumeName), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foobar")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) volumeContents := []map[string]string{{ "key": "FOO", "path": "BAR", }} ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount("/test", false), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withVolume(getConfigMapVolume(volumeName, volumeContents, false)), withCtr(ctr)) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) cmData := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "cat", "/test/BAR"}) cmData.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(cmData).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(cmData.OutputToString()).To(Equal("foobar")) cmData = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"exec", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "cat", "/test/FOO"}) cmData.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(cmData).Should(Not(Exit(0))) }) It("podman play kube with a missing optional ConfigMap volume", func() { volumeName := "cmVol" ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount("/test", false), withImage(BB)) pod := getPod(withVolume(getConfigMapVolume(volumeName, []map[string]string{}, true)), withCtr(ctr)) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube applies labels to pods", func() { var numReplicas int32 = 5 expectedLabelKey := "key1" expectedLabelValue := "value1" deployment := getDeployment( withReplicas(numReplicas), withPod(getPod(withLabel(expectedLabelKey, expectedLabelValue))), ) err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) correctLabels := expectedLabelKey + ":" + expectedLabelValue for _, pod := range getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "inspect", pod.Name, "--format", "'{{ .Labels }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(correctLabels)) } }) It("podman play kube allows setting resource limits", func() { SkipIfContainerized("Resource limits require a running systemd") SkipIfRootless("CPU limits require root") podmanTest.CgroupManager = "systemd" var ( numReplicas int32 = 3 expectedCPURequest string = "100m" expectedCPULimit string = "200m" expectedMemoryRequest string = "10000000" expectedMemoryLimit string = "20000000" ) expectedCPUQuota := milliCPUToQuota(expectedCPULimit) deployment := getDeployment( withReplicas(numReplicas), withPod(getPod(withCtr(getCtr( withCPURequest(expectedCPURequest), withCPULimit(expectedCPULimit), withMemoryRequest(expectedMemoryRequest), withMemoryLimit(expectedMemoryLimit), ))))) err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) for _, pod := range getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) { pod := pod // copy into local scope inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&pod), "--format", ` CpuPeriod: {{ .HostConfig.CpuPeriod }} CpuQuota: {{ .HostConfig.CpuQuota }} Memory: {{ .HostConfig.Memory }} MemoryReservation: {{ .HostConfig.MemoryReservation }}`}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d", "CpuQuota", expectedCPUQuota))) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("MemoryReservation: " + expectedMemoryRequest)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Memory: " + expectedMemoryLimit)) } }) It("podman play kube allows setting resource limits with --cpus 1", func() { SkipIfContainerized("Resource limits require a running systemd") SkipIfRootless("CPU limits require root") podmanTest.CgroupManager = "systemd" var ( expectedCPULimit string = "1" ) deployment := getDeployment( withPod(getPod(withCtr(getCtr( withCPULimit(expectedCPULimit), ))))) err := generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) for _, pod := range getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment) { pod := pod // copy into local scope inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(&pod), "--format", `{{ .HostConfig.CpuPeriod }}:{{ .HostConfig.CpuQuota }}`}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) parts := strings.Split(strings.Trim(inspect.OutputToString(), "\n"), ":") Expect(parts).To(HaveLen(2)) Expect(parts[0]).To(Equal(parts[1])) } }) It("podman play kube reports invalid image name", func() { invalidImageName := "./myimage" pod := getPod( withCtr( getCtr( withImage(invalidImageName), ), ), ) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) Expect(kube.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("invalid reference format")) }) It("podman play kube applies log driver to containers", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--log-opt=max-size=10k", "--log-driver", "journald", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) cid := getCtrNameInPod(pod) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", cid, "--format", "'{{ .HostConfig.LogConfig.Type }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("journald")) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"container", "inspect", "--format", "{{.HostConfig.LogConfig.Size}}", cid}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).To(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal("10kB")) }) It("podman play kube test only creating the containers", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--start=false", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "{{ .State.Running }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal("false")) }) It("podman play kube test with HostNetwork", func() { if !strings.Contains(podmanTest.OCIRuntime, "crun") { Skip("Test only works on crun") } pod := getPod(withHostNetwork()) err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", pod.Name, "--format", "{{ .InfraConfig.HostNetwork }}"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal("true")) }) It("podman play kube persistentVolumeClaim", func() { volName := "myvol" volDevice := "tmpfs" volType := "tmpfs" volOpts := "nodev,noexec" pvc := getPVC(withPVCName(volName), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeDeviceAnnotation, volDevice), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeTypeAnnotation, volType), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeMountOptsAnnotation, volOpts)) err = generateKubeYaml("persistentVolumeClaim", pvc, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", volName, "--format", ` Name: {{ .Name }} Device: {{ .Options.device }} Type: {{ .Options.type }} o: {{ .Options.o }}`}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Name: " + volName)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Device: " + volDevice)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("Type: " + volType)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring("o: " + volOpts)) }) // Multi doc related tests It("podman play kube multi doc yaml with persistentVolumeClaim, service and deployment", func() { yamlDocs := []string{} serviceTemplate := `apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: %s spec: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9376 selector: app: %s ` // generate persistentVolumeClaim volName := "multiFoo" pvc := getPVC(withPVCName(volName)) // generate deployment deploymentName := "multiFoo" podName := "multiFoo" ctrName := "ctr-01" ctr := getCtr(withVolumeMount("/test", false)) ctr.Name = ctrName pod := getPod(withPodName(podName), withVolume(getPersistentVolumeClaimVolume(volName)), withCtr(ctr)) deployment := getDeployment(withPod(pod)) deployment.Name = deploymentName // add pvc k, err := getKubeYaml("persistentVolumeClaim", pvc) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, k) // add service yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, fmt.Sprintf(serviceTemplate, deploymentName, deploymentName)) // add deployment k, err = getKubeYaml("deployment", deployment) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, k) // generate multi doc yaml err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamlDocs, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspectVolume := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", volName, "--format", "'{{ .Name }}'"}) inspectVolume.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspectVolume).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspectVolume.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(volName)) inspectPod := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", podName + "-pod-0", "--format", "'{{ .State }}'"}) inspectPod.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspectPod).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspectPod.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`Running`)) inspectMounts := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", podName + "-pod-0-" + ctrName, "--format", "{{ (index .Mounts 0).Type }}:{{ (index .Mounts 0).Name }}"}) inspectMounts.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspectMounts).Should(Exit(0)) correct := fmt.Sprintf("volume:%s", volName) Expect(inspectMounts.OutputToString()).To(Equal(correct)) }) It("podman play kube multi doc yaml with multiple services, pods and deployments", func() { yamlDocs := []string{} podNames := []string{} serviceTemplate := `apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: %s spec: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9376 selector: app: %s ` // generate services, pods and deployments for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { podName := fmt.Sprintf("testPod%d", i) deploymentName := fmt.Sprintf("testDeploy%d", i) deploymentPodName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-pod-0", deploymentName) podNames = append(podNames, podName) podNames = append(podNames, deploymentPodName) pod := getPod(withPodName(podName)) podDeployment := getPod(withPodName(deploymentName)) deployment := getDeployment(withPod(podDeployment)) deployment.Name = deploymentName // add services yamlDocs = append([]string{ fmt.Sprintf(serviceTemplate, podName, podName), fmt.Sprintf(serviceTemplate, deploymentPodName, deploymentPodName)}, yamlDocs...) // add pods k, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, k) // add deployments k, err = getKubeYaml("deployment", deployment) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, k) } // generate multi doc yaml err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamlDocs, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) for _, n := range podNames { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", n, "--format", "'{{ .State }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`Running`)) } }) It("podman play kube invalid multi doc yaml", func() { yamlDocs := []string{} serviceTemplate := `apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: %s spec: ports: - port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9376 selector: app: %s --- invalid kube kind ` // add invalid multi doc yaml yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, fmt.Sprintf(serviceTemplate, "foo", "foo")) // add pod pod := getPod() k, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamlDocs = append(yamlDocs, k) // generate multi doc yaml err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamlDocs, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube with auto update annotations for all containers", func() { ctr01Name := "ctr01" ctr02Name := "ctr02" podName := "foo" autoUpdateRegistry := "io.containers.autoupdate" autoUpdateRegistryValue := "registry" autoUpdateAuthfile := "io.containers.autoupdate.authfile" autoUpdateAuthfileValue := "/some/authfile.json" ctr01 := getCtr(withName(ctr01Name)) ctr02 := getCtr(withName(ctr02Name)) pod := getPod( withPodName(podName), withCtr(ctr01), withCtr(ctr02), withAnnotation(autoUpdateRegistry, autoUpdateRegistryValue), withAnnotation(autoUpdateAuthfile, autoUpdateAuthfileValue)) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) for _, ctr := range []string{podName + "-" + ctr01Name, podName + "-" + ctr02Name} { inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", ctr, "--format", "'{{.Config.Labels}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(autoUpdateRegistry + ":" + autoUpdateRegistryValue)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(autoUpdateAuthfile + ":" + autoUpdateAuthfileValue)) } }) It("podman play kube with auto update annotations for first container only", func() { ctr01Name := "ctr01" ctr02Name := "ctr02" autoUpdateRegistry := "io.containers.autoupdate" autoUpdateRegistryValue := "local" ctr01 := getCtr(withName(ctr01Name)) ctr02 := getCtr(withName(ctr02Name)) pod := getPod( withCtr(ctr01), withCtr(ctr02), ) deployment := getDeployment( withPod(pod), withDeploymentAnnotation(autoUpdateRegistry+"/"+ctr01Name, autoUpdateRegistryValue), ) err = generateKubeYaml("deployment", deployment, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podName := getPodNamesInDeployment(deployment)[0].Name inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", podName + "-" + ctr01Name, "--format", "'{{.Config.Labels}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(autoUpdateRegistry + ":" + autoUpdateRegistryValue)) inspect = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", podName + "-" + ctr02Name, "--format", "'{{.Config.Labels}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).NotTo(ContainSubstring(autoUpdateRegistry + ":" + autoUpdateRegistryValue)) }) It("podman play kube teardown", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) ls := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "ps", "--format", "'{{.ID}}'"}) ls.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(ls).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(ls.OutputToStringArray()).To(HaveLen(1)) // teardown teardown := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--down", kubeYaml}) teardown.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(teardown).Should(Exit(0)) checkls := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "ps", "--format", "'{{.ID}}'"}) checkls.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(checkls).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(checkls.OutputToStringArray()).To(BeEmpty()) }) It("podman play kube teardown pod does not exist", func() { // teardown teardown := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--down", kubeYaml}) teardown.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(teardown).Should(Exit(125)) }) It("podman play kube teardown with volume", func() { volName := RandomString(12) volDevice := "tmpfs" volType := "tmpfs" volOpts := "nodev,noexec" pvc := getPVC(withPVCName(volName), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeDeviceAnnotation, volDevice), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeTypeAnnotation, volType), withPVCAnnotations(util.VolumeMountOptsAnnotation, volOpts)) err = generateKubeYaml("persistentVolumeClaim", pvc, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) exists := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "exists", volName}) exists.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(exists).To(Exit(0)) teardown := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--down", kubeYaml}) teardown.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(teardown).To(Exit(0)) // volume should not be deleted on teardown exists = podmanTest.Podman([]string{"volume", "exists", volName}) exists.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(exists).To(Exit(0)) }) It("podman play kube use network mode from config", func() { confPath, err := filepath.Abs("config/containers-netns2.conf") Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) os.Setenv("CONTAINERS_CONF", confPath) defer os.Unsetenv("CONTAINERS_CONF") if IsRemote() { podmanTest.RestartRemoteService() } pod := getPod() err = generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) podInspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "inspect", pod.Name, "--format", "{{.InfraContainerID}}"}) podInspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(podInspect).To(Exit(0)) infraID := podInspect.OutputToString() inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", "--format", "{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}", infraID}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).To(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Equal("bridge")) }) It("podman play kube replace", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) ls := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "ps", "--format", "'{{.ID}}'"}) ls.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(ls).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(ls.OutputToStringArray()).To(HaveLen(1)) containerLen := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "inspect", pod.Name, "--format", "'{{len .Containers}}'"}) ctr01Name := "ctr01" ctr02Name := "ctr02" ctr01 := getCtr(withName(ctr01Name)) ctr02 := getCtr(withName(ctr02Name)) newPod := getPod( withCtr(ctr01), withCtr(ctr02), ) err = generateKubeYaml("pod", newPod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) replace := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--replace", kubeYaml}) replace.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(replace).Should(Exit(0)) newContainerLen := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "inspect", newPod.Name, "--format", "'{{len .Containers}}'"}) newContainerLen.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(newContainerLen).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(newContainerLen.OutputToString()).NotTo(Equal(containerLen.OutputToString())) }) It("podman play kube replace non-existing pod", func() { pod := getPod() err := generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) replace := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--replace", kubeYaml}) replace.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(replace).Should(Exit(0)) ls := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"pod", "ps", "--format", "'{{.ID}}'"}) ls.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(ls).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(ls.OutputToStringArray()).To(HaveLen(1)) }) Describe("verify environment variables", func() { var maxLength int BeforeEach(func() { maxLength = format.MaxLength format.MaxLength = 0 }) AfterEach(func() { format.MaxLength = maxLength }) It("values containing equal sign", func() { javaToolOptions := `-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle -Xshareclasses:name=openj9_system_scc,cacheDir=/opt/java/.scc,readonly,nonFatal` openj9JavaOptions := `-XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+IdleTuningGcOnIdle -Xshareclasses:name=openj9_system_scc,cacheDir=/opt/java/.scc,readonly,nonFatal -Dosgi.checkConfiguration=false` containerfile := fmt.Sprintf(`FROM %s ENV JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=%q ENV OPENJ9_JAVA_OPTIONS=%q `, ALPINE, javaToolOptions, openj9JavaOptions) image := "podman-kube-test:env" podmanTest.BuildImage(containerfile, image, "false") ctnr := getCtr(withImage(image)) pod := getPod(withCtr(ctnr)) Expect(generateKubeYaml("pod", pod, kubeYaml)).Should(Succeed()) play := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", "--start", kubeYaml}) play.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(play).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"container", "inspect", "--format=json", getCtrNameInPod(pod)}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) contents := string(inspect.Out.Contents()) Expect(contents).To(ContainSubstring(javaToolOptions)) Expect(contents).To(ContainSubstring(openj9JavaOptions)) }) }) Context("with configmap in multi-doc yaml", func() { It("podman play kube uses env value", func() { cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false)))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) }) It("podman play kube fails for required env value with missing key", func() { cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "MISSING_KEY", false)))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).To(ExitWithError()) }) It("podman play kube succeeds for optional env value with missing key", func() { cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "MISSING_KEY", true)))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ range .Config.Env }}[{{ . }}]{{end}}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(Not(ContainSubstring(`[FOO=]`))) }) It("podman play kube uses all key-value pairs as envs", func() { cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO1", "foo1"), withConfigMapData("FOO2", "foo2")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnvFrom("foo", "configmap", false)))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO1=foo1`)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO2=foo2`)) }) It("podman play kube deployment uses variable from config map", func() { cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false)))) deployment := getDeployment(withPod(pod)) deploymentYaml, err := getKubeYaml("deployment", deployment) Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "getKubeYaml(deployment)") yamls := []string{cmYaml, deploymentYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", deployment.Name, "pod-0", defaultCtrName), "--format", "'{{ .Config }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) }) It("podman play kube uses env value from configmap for HTTP API client", func() { SkipIfRemote("cannot run in a remote setup") address := url.URL{ Scheme: "tcp", Host: net.JoinHostPort("localhost", randomPort()), } session := podmanTest.Podman([]string{ "system", "service", "--log-level=debug", "--time=0", address.String(), }) defer session.Kill() WaitForService(address) cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr(withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false)))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) podmanConnection, err := bindings.NewConnection(context.Background(), address.String()) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) _, err = play.Kube(podmanConnection, kubeYaml, nil) Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred()) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`)) }) }) Context("with configmap in multi-doc yaml and files", func() { It("podman play kube uses env values from both sources", func() { SkipIfRemote("--configmaps is not supported for remote") fsCmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") fsCm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("fooFs"), withConfigMapData("FOO_FS", "fooFS")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", fsCm, fsCmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr( withEnv("FOO_FS", "", "configmap", "fooFs", "FOO_FS", false), withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false), ))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", fsCmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(And( ContainSubstring(`FOO=foo`), ContainSubstring(`FOO_FS=fooFS`), )) }) It("podman play kube uses all env values from both sources", func() { SkipIfRemote("--configmaps is not supported for remote") fsCmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") fsCm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("fooFs"), withConfigMapData("FOO_FS_1", "fooFS1"), withConfigMapData("FOO_FS_2", "fooFS2")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", fsCm, fsCmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO_1", "foo1"), withConfigMapData("FOO_2", "foo2"), ) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr( withEnvFrom("foo", "configmap", false), withEnvFrom("fooFs", "configmap", false), ))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", fsCmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(0)) inspect := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"inspect", getCtrNameInPod(pod), "--format", "'{{ .Config.Env }}'"}) inspect.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(inspect).Should(Exit(0)) Expect(inspect.OutputToString()).To(And( ContainSubstring(`FOO_1=foo1`), ContainSubstring(`FOO_2=foo2`), ContainSubstring(`FOO_FS_1=fooFS1`), ContainSubstring(`FOO_FS_2=fooFS2`), )) }) It("podman play kube reports error when the same configmap name is present in both sources", func() { SkipIfRemote("--configmaps is not supported for remote") fsCmYamlPathname := filepath.Join(podmanTest.TempDir, "foo-cm.yaml") fsCm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "fooFS")) err := generateKubeYaml("configmap", fsCm, fsCmYamlPathname) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) cm := getConfigMap(withConfigMapName("foo"), withConfigMapData("FOO", "foo")) cmYaml, err := getKubeYaml("configmap", cm) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) pod := getPod(withCtr(getCtr( withEnv("FOO", "", "configmap", "foo", "FOO", false), ))) podYaml, err := getKubeYaml("pod", pod) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) yamls := []string{cmYaml, podYaml} err = generateMultiDocKubeYaml(yamls, kubeYaml) Expect(err).To(BeNil()) kube := podmanTest.Podman([]string{"play", "kube", kubeYaml, "--configmap", fsCmYamlPathname}) kube.WaitWithDefaultTimeout() Expect(kube).Should(Exit(125)) Expect(kube.ErrorToString()).To(ContainSubstring("ambiguous configuration: the same config map foo is present in YAML and in --configmaps")) }) }) })