#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers function teardown() { cleanup_test } @test "info inspect" { start_crio out=`echo -e "GET /info HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: crio\r\n" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:$CRIO_SOCKET` echo "$out" [[ "$out" =~ "\"cgroup_driver\":\"$CGROUP_MANAGER\"" ]] [[ "$out" =~ "\"storage_root\":\"$TESTDIR/crio\"" ]] run crioctl info echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [[ "$output" =~ "\"cgroup_driver\": \"$CGROUP_MANAGER\"" ]] [[ "$output" =~ "\"storage_root\": \"$TESTDIR/crio\"" ]] stop_crio } @test "ctr inspect" { start_crio run crioctl pod run --config "$TESTDATA"/sandbox_config.json echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] pod_id="$output" run crioctl ctr create --config "$TESTDATA"/container_config.json --pod "$pod_id" echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] ctr_id="$output" out=`echo -e "GET /containers/$ctr_id HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: crio\r\n" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:$CRIO_SOCKET` echo "$out" [[ "$out" =~ "\"sandbox\":\"$pod_id\"" ]] [[ "$out" =~ "\"image\":\"redis:alpine\"" ]] run crioctl ctr inspect --id $ctr_id echo "$output" [ "$status" -eq 0 ] [[ "$output" =~ "\"sandbox\": \"$pod_id\"" ]] [[ "$output" =~ "\"image\": \"redis:alpine\"" ]] inet=`crioctl ctr execsync --id $ctr_id ip addr show dev eth0 scope global 2>&1 | grep inet` IFS=" " ip=`parse_pod_ip $inet` [[ "$out" =~ "\"ip_address\":\"$ip\"" ]] [[ "$out" =~ "\"name\":\"k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1\"" ]] [[ "$output" =~ "\"ip_address\": \"$ip\"" ]] [[ "$output" =~ "\"name\": \"k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1\"" ]] # TODO: add some other check based on the json below: # # {"name":"k8s_container1_podsandbox1_redhat.test.crio_redhat-test-crio_1","pid":27477,"image":"redis:alpine","created_time":1505223601111546169,"labels":{"batch":"no","type":"small"},"annotations":{"daemon":"crio","owner":"dragon"},"log_path":"/var/log/crio/pods/297d014ba2c54236779da0c2f80dfba45dc31b106e4cd126a1c3c6d78edc2201/81567e9573ea798d6494c9aab156103ee91b72180fd3841a7c24d2ca39886ba2.log","root":"/tmp/tmp.0bkjphWudF/crio/overlay/d7cfc1de83cab9f377a4a1542427d2a019e85a70c1c660a9e6cf9e254df68873/merged","sandbox":"297d014ba2c54236779da0c2f80dfba45dc31b106e4cd126a1c3c6d78edc2201","ip_address":""} cleanup_ctrs cleanup_pods stop_crio } @test "ctr inspect not found" { start_crio out=`echo -e "GET /containers/notexists HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: crio\r\n" | socat - UNIX-CONNECT:$CRIO_SOCKET` echo "$out" [[ "$out" =~ "can't find the container with id notexists" ]] stop_crio }