#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers IMAGE="redis:alpine" # Returns the POD ID function pod_run_from_template(){ #1=name, 2=uid, 3=namespace) { NAME=$1 CUID=$2 NAMESPACE=$3 envsubst < ${TESTDATA}/template_sandbox_config.json > ${TESTDIR}/pod-${1}.json crioctl pod run --config ${TESTDIR}/pod-${1}.json } # Returns the container ID function container_create_from_template() { #1=name, 2=image, 3=command, 4=id) { NAME=$1 IMAGE=$2 COMMAND=$3 envsubst < ${TESTDATA}/template_container_config.json > ${TESTDIR}/ctr-${1}.json crioctl ctr create --config ${TESTDIR}/ctr-${1}.json --pod "$4" } function container_start() { #1=id crioctl ctr start --id "$1" } @test "wait on a bogus container" { skip "Needs to be converted to kpod run" start_crio run bash -c ${KPOD_BINARY} ${KPOD_OPTIONS} wait 12343 echo $output [ "$status" -eq 1 ] stop_crio } @test "wait on a stopped container" { skip "Needs to be converted to kpod run" run bash -c ${KPOD_BINARY} ${KPOD_OPTIONS} pull docker.io/library/busybox:latest echo $output [ "$status" -eq 0 ] start_crio pod_id=$( pod_run_from_template "test" "test" "test1-1" ) echo $pod_id ctr_id=$(container_create_from_template "test-CTR" "docker.io/library/busybox:latest" '["ls"]' "${pod_id}") echo $ctr_id container_start $ctr_id run bash -c ${KPOD_BINARY} ${KPOD_OPTIONS} wait $ctr_id [ "$status" -eq 0 ] cleanup_ctrs cleanup_pods stop_crio } @test "wait on a sleeping container" { skip "Needs to be converted to kpod run" run bash -c ${KPOD_BINARY} ${KPOD_OPTIONS} pull docker.io/library/busybox:latest echo $output [ "$status" -eq 0 ] start_crio pod_id=$( pod_run_from_template "test" "test" "test1-1" ) echo $pod_id ctr_id=$(container_create_from_template "test-CTR" "docker.io/library/busybox:latest" '["sleep", "5"]' "${pod_id}") echo $ctr_id run container_start $ctr_id echo $output [ "$status" -eq 0 ] run bash -c ${KPOD_BINARY} ${KPOD_OPTIONS} wait $ctr_id echo $output [ "$status" -eq 0 ] cleanup_ctrs cleanup_pods stop_crio }