#!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
# Basic tests for podman logs

load helpers

@test "podman logs - basic test" {
    rand_string=$(random_string 40)

    run_podman create $IMAGE echo $rand_string

    run_podman logs $cid
    is "$output" ""  "logs on created container: empty"

    run_podman start --attach --interactive $cid
    is "$output" "$rand_string" "output from podman-start on created ctr"
    is "$output" "$rand_string" "logs of started container"

    run_podman logs $cid
    is "$output" "$rand_string" "output from podman-logs after container is run"

    run_podman rm $cid

@test "podman logs - multi" {
    skip_if_remote "logs does not support multiple containers when run remotely"

    # Simple helper to make the container starts, below, easier to read
    local -a cid
    doit() {
        run_podman run --rm -d --name "$1" $IMAGE sh -c "$2";
        cid+=($(echo "${output:0:12}"))

    # Not really a guarantee that we'll get a-b-c-d in order, but it's
    # the best we can do. The trailing 'sleep' in each container
    # minimizes the chance of a race condition in which the container
    # is removed before 'podman logs' has a chance to wake up and read
    # the final output.
    doit c1         "echo a;sleep 10;echo d;sleep 3"
    doit c2 "sleep 1;echo b;sleep  2;echo c;sleep 3"

    run_podman logs -f c1 c2
    is "$output" \
       "${cid[0]} a
${cid[1]} b
${cid[1]} c
${cid[0]} d"   "Sequential output from logs"

@test "podman logs over journald" {
    msg=$(random_string 20)

    run_podman run --name myctr --log-driver journald $IMAGE echo $msg

    run_podman logs myctr
    is "$output" "$msg" "check that log output equals the container output"

    run_podman rm myctr

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