#!/usr/bin/env bats -*- bats -*- # # Tests for 'podman cp' # # ASSUMPTION FOR ALL THESE TESTS: /tmp in the container starts off empty # load helpers # Create two random-name random-content files in /tmp in the container # podman-cp them into the host using '/tmp/*', i.e. asking podman to # perform wildcard expansion in the container. We should get both # files copied into the host. @test "podman cp * - wildcard copy multiple files from container to host" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in dstdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-out mkdir -p $srcdir $dstdir rand_filename1=$(random_string 20) rand_content1=$(random_string 50) rand_filename2=$(random_string 20) rand_content2=$(random_string 50) run_podman run --name cpcontainer $IMAGE sh -c \ "echo $rand_content1 >/tmp/$rand_filename1; echo $rand_content2 >/tmp/$rand_filename2" # cp no longer supports wildcarding run_podman 125 cp 'cpcontainer:/tmp/*' $dstdir run_podman rm cpcontainer } # Create a file on the host; make a symlink in the container pointing # into host-only space. Try to podman-cp that symlink. It should fail. @test "podman cp - will not recognize symlink pointing into host space" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" skip "BROKEN: PLEASE ENABLE ONCE #3829 GETS FIXED" srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in dstdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-out mkdir -p $srcdir $dstdir echo "this file is on the host" >$srcdir/hostfile run_podman run --name cpcontainer $IMAGE \ sh -c "ln -s $srcdir/hostfile /tmp/badlink" # This should fail because, from the container's perspective, the symlink # points to a nonexistent file run_podman 125 cp 'cpcontainer:/tmp/*' $dstdir/ # FIXME: this might not be the exactly correct error message is "$output" ".*error evaluating symlinks.*lstat.*no such file or dir" \ "Expected error from copying invalid symlink" # make sure there are no files in dstdir is "$(/bin/ls -1 $dstdir)" "" "incorrectly copied symlink from host" run_podman rm cpcontainer } # Issue #3829 - like the above, but with a level of indirection in the # wildcard expansion: create a file on the host; create a symlink in # the container named 'file1' pointing to this file; then another symlink # in the container pointing to 'file*' (file star). Try to podman-cp # this invalid double symlink. It must fail. @test "podman cp - will not expand globs in host space (#3829)" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" skip "BROKEN: PLEASE ENABLE ONCE #3829 GETS FIXED" srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in dstdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-out mkdir -p $srcdir $dstdir echo "This file is on the host" > $srcdir/hostfile run_podman run --name cpcontainer $IMAGE \ sh -c "ln -s $srcdir/hostfile file1;ln -s file\* copyme" run_podman 125 cp cpcontainer:copyme $dstdir is "$output" ".*error evaluating symlinks.*lstat.*no such file or dir" \ "Expected error from copying invalid symlink" # make sure there are no files in dstdir is "$(/bin/ls -1 $dstdir)" "" "incorrectly copied symlink from host" run_podman rm cpcontainer } # Another symlink into host space, this one named '*' (star). cp should fail. @test "podman cp - will not expand wildcard" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in dstdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-out mkdir -p $srcdir $dstdir echo "This file lives on the host" > $srcdir/hostfile run_podman run --name cpcontainer $IMAGE \ sh -c "ln -s $srcdir/hostfile /tmp/\*" run_podman 125 cp 'cpcontainer:/tmp/*' $dstdir is "$output" ".*error evaluating symlinks.*lstat.*no such file or dir" \ "Expected error from copying invalid symlink" # dstdir must be empty is "$(/bin/ls -1 $dstdir)" "" "incorrectly copied symlink from host" run_podman rm cpcontainer } ############################################################################### # cp INTO container # THIS IS EXTREMELY WEIRD. Podman expands symlinks in weird ways. @test "podman cp into container: weird symlink expansion" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in dstdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-out mkdir -p $srcdir $dstdir rand_filename1=$(random_string 20) rand_content1=$(random_string 50) echo $rand_content1 > $srcdir/$rand_filename1 rand_filename2=$(random_string 20) rand_content2=$(random_string 50) echo $rand_content2 > $srcdir/$rand_filename2 rand_filename3=$(random_string 20) rand_content3=$(random_string 50) echo $rand_content3 > $srcdir/$rand_filename3 # Create tmp subdirectories in container, most with an invalid 'x' symlink # Keep container running so we can exec into it. run_podman run -d --name cpcontainer $IMAGE \ sh -c "mkdir /tmp/d1;ln -s /tmp/nonesuch1 /tmp/d1/x; mkdir /tmp/d2;ln -s /tmp/nonesuch2 /tmp/d2/x; mkdir /tmp/d3; trap 'exit 0' 15;while :;do sleep 0.5;done" # Copy file from host into container, into a file named 'x' # Note that the second has a trailing slash; this will trigger mkdir run_podman cp --pause=false $srcdir/$rand_filename1 cpcontainer:/tmp/d1/x is "$output" "" "output from podman cp 1" run_podman cp --pause=false $srcdir/$rand_filename2 cpcontainer:/tmp/d2/x/ is "$output" "" "output from podman cp 3" run_podman cp --pause=false $srcdir/$rand_filename3 cpcontainer:/tmp/d3/x is "$output" "" "output from podman cp 3" # Read back. # In the first case, podman actually creates the file nonesuch1 (i.e. # podman expands 'x -> nonesuch1' and, instead of overwriting x, # creates an actual file). run_podman exec cpcontainer cat /tmp/nonesuch1 is "$output" "$rand_content1" "cp creates destination file" # In the second case, podman creates a directory nonesuch2, then # creates a file with the same name as the input file. THIS IS WEIRD! run_podman exec cpcontainer cat /tmp/nonesuch2/$rand_filename2 is "$output" "$rand_content2" "cp creates destination dir and file" # In the third case, podman (correctly imo) creates a file named 'x' run_podman exec cpcontainer cat /tmp/d3/x is "$output" "$rand_content3" "cp creates file named x" run_podman rm -f cpcontainer } # rhbz1741718 : file copied into container:/var/lib/foo appears as /foo # (docker only, never seems to have affected podman. Make sure it never does). @test "podman cp into a subdirectory matching GraphRoot" { skip_if_remote "podman-remote does not yet handle cp" # Create tempfile with random name and content srcdir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/cp-test-in mkdir -p $srcdir rand_filename=$(random_string 20) rand_content=$(random_string 50) echo $rand_content > $srcdir/$rand_filename chmod 644 $srcdir/$rand_filename # Determine path to podman storage (eg /var/lib/c/s, or $HOME/.local/...) run_podman info --format '{{.store.GraphRoot}}' graphroot=$output # Create that directory in the container, and sleep (to keep container # running, so we can exec into it). The trap/while is so podman-rm will # run quickly instead of taking 10 seconds. run_podman run -d --name cpcontainer $IMAGE sh -c \ "mkdir -p $graphroot; trap 'exit 0' 15;while :;do sleep 0.5;done" # Copy from host into container. run_podman cp --pause=false $srcdir/$rand_filename cpcontainer:$graphroot/$rand_filename # ls, and confirm it's there. run_podman exec cpcontainer ls -l $graphroot/$rand_filename is "$output" "-rw-r--r-- .* 1 .* root .* 51 .* $graphroot/$rand_filename" \ "File is copied into container in the correct (full) path" # Confirm it has the expected content (this is unlikely to ever fail) run_podman exec cpcontainer cat $graphroot/$rand_filename is "$output" "$rand_content" "Contents of file copied into container" run_podman rm -f cpcontainer } function teardown() { # In case any test fails, clean up the container we left behind run_podman rm -f cpcontainer basic_teardown } # vim: filetype=sh