#!/usr/bin/env bats load helpers # This is a long ugly way to clean up pods and remove the pause image function teardown() { run_podman pod rm -f -a run_podman rm -f -a run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}' while read id name; do if [[ "$name" =~ /pause ]]; then run_podman rmi $id fi done <<<"$output" basic_teardown } @test "podman pod top - containers in different PID namespaces" { skip_if_remote "podman-pod does not work with podman-remote" # With infra=false, we don't get a /pause container (we also # don't pull k8s.gcr.io/pause ) no_infra='--infra=false' run_podman pod create $no_infra podid="$output" # Start two containers... run_podman run -d --pod $podid $IMAGE top -d 2 cid1="$output" run_podman run -d --pod $podid $IMAGE top -d 2 cid2="$output" # ...and wait for them to actually start. wait_for_output "PID \+PPID \+USER " $cid1 wait_for_output "PID \+PPID \+USER " $cid2 # Both containers have emitted at least one top-like line. # Now run 'pod top', and expect two 'top -d 2' processes running. run_podman pod top $podid is "$output" ".*root.*top -d 2.*root.*top -d 2" "two 'top' containers" # By default (podman pod create w/ default --infra) there should be # a /pause container. if [ -z "$no_infra" ]; then is "$output" ".*0 \+1 \+0 \+[0-9. ?s]\+/pause" "there is a /pause container" fi # Clean up run_podman pod rm -f $podid } @test "podman pod - communicating between pods" { skip_if_remote "podman-pod does not work with podman-remote" podname=pod$(random_string) run_podman 1 pod exists $podname run_podman pod create --infra=true --name=$podname podid="$output" run_podman pod exists $podname run_podman pod exists $podid # Randomly-assigned port in the 5xxx range for port in $(shuf -i 5000-5999);do if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port; } &>/dev/null; then break fi done # Listener. This will exit as soon as it receives a message. run_podman run -d --pod $podname $IMAGE nc -l -p $port cid1="$output" # (While we're here, test the 'Pod' field of 'podman ps'. Expect two ctrs) run_podman ps --format '{{.Pod}}' newline=" " is "$output" "${podid:0:12}${newline}${podid:0:12}" "sdfdsf" # Talker: send the message via common port on localhost message=$(random_string 15) run_podman run --rm --pod $podname $IMAGE \ sh -c "echo $message | nc $port" # Back to the first (listener) container. Make sure message was received. run_podman logs $cid1 is "$output" "$message" "message sent from one container to another" # Clean up. First the nc -l container... run_podman rm $cid1 # ...then, from pause container, find the image ID of the pause image... # FIXME: if #6283 gets implemented, use 'inspect --format ...' run_podman pod inspect $podname pause_cid=$(jq -r '.Containers[0].Id' <<<"$output") run_podman container inspect --format '{{.Image}}' $pause_cid pause_iid="$output" # ...then rm the pod, then rmi the pause image so we don't leave strays. run_podman pod rm $podname run_podman rmi $pause_iid # Pod no longer exists run_podman 1 pod exists $podid run_podman 1 pod exists $podname } # Random byte function octet() { echo $(( $RANDOM & 255 )) } # random MAC address: convention seems to be that 2nd lsb=1, lsb=0 # (i.e. 0bxxxxxx10) in the first octet guarantees a private space. # FIXME: I can't find a definitive reference for this though # Generate the address IN CAPS (A-F), but we will test it in lowercase. function random_mac() { local mac=$(printf "%02X" $(( $(octet) & 242 | 2 )) ) for i in $(seq 2 6); do mac+=$(printf ":%02X" $(octet)) done echo $mac } # Random RFC1918 IP address function random_ip() { local ip="172.20" for i in 1 2;do ip+=$(printf ".%d" $(octet)) done echo $ip } @test "podman pod create - hashtag AllTheOptions" { mac=$(random_mac) add_host_ip=$(random_ip) add_host_n=$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).xyz dns_server=$(random_ip) dns_opt="ndots:$(octet)" dns_search=$(random_string 15 | tr A-Z a-z).abc hostname=$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).$(random_string | tr A-Z a-z).net labelname=$(random_string 11) labelvalue=$(random_string 22) pod_id_file=${PODMAN_TMPDIR}/pod-id-file # Randomly-assigned ports in the 5xxx and 6xxx range for port_in in $(shuf -i 5000-5999);do if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port_in; } &>/dev/null; then break fi done for port_out in $(shuf -i 6000-6999);do if ! { exec 3<> /dev/tcp/$port_out; } &>/dev/null; then break fi done # Create a pod with all the desired options # FIXME: --ip=$ip fails: # Error adding network: failed to allocate all requested IPs run_podman pod create --name=mypod \ --pod-id-file=$pod_id_file \ --mac-address=$mac \ --hostname=$hostname \ --add-host "$add_host_n:$add_host_ip" \ --dns "$dns_server" \ --dns-search "$dns_search" \ --dns-opt "$dns_opt" \ --publish "$port_out:$port_in" \ --label "${labelname}=${labelvalue}" pod_id="$output" # Check --pod-id-file is "$(<$pod_id_file)" "$pod_id" "contents of pod-id-file" # Check each of the options if ! is_rootless; then run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE ip link show # 'ip' outputs hex in lower-case, ${expr,,} converts UC to lc is "$output" ".* link/ether ${mac,,} " "requested MAC address was set" fi run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE hostname is "$output" "$hostname" "--hostname set the hostname" run_podman run --rm --pod $pod_id $IMAGE cat /etc/hosts is "$output" ".*$add_host_ip $add_host_n" "--add-host was added" is "$output" ".* $hostname" "--hostname is in /etc/hosts" # ^^^^ this must be a tab, not a space run_podman run --rm --pod mypod $IMAGE cat /etc/resolv.conf is "$output" ".*nameserver $dns_server" "--dns [server] was added" is "$output" ".*search $dns_search" "--dns-search was added" is "$output" ".*options $dns_opt" "--dns-opt was added" # pod inspect run_podman pod inspect --format '{{.Name}}: {{.ID}} : {{.NumContainers}} : {{.Labels}}' mypod is "$output" "mypod: $pod_id : 1 : map\[${labelname}:${labelvalue}]" \ "pod inspect --format ..." # pod ps run_podman pod ps --format '{{.ID}} {{.Name}} {{.Status}} {{.Labels}}' is "$output" "${pod_id:0:12} mypod Running map\[${labelname}:${labelvalue}]" "pod ps" run_podman pod ps --no-trunc --filter "label=${labelname}=${labelvalue}" --format '{{.ID}}' is "$output" "$pod_id" "pod ps --filter label=..." # Test local port forwarding, as well as 'ps' output showing ports # Run 'nc' in a container, waiting for input on the published port. c_name=$(random_string 15) run_podman run -d --pod mypod --name $c_name $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in cid="$output" # Try running another container also listening on the same port. run_podman 1 run --pod mypod --name dsfsdfsdf $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in is "$output" "nc: bind: Address in use" \ "two containers cannot bind to same port" # While the container is still running, run 'podman ps' (no --format) # and confirm that the output includes the published port run_podman ps --filter id=$cid is "${lines[1]}" "${cid:0:12} $IMAGE nc -l -p $port_in .*$port_out->$port_in/tcp $c_name" \ "output of 'podman ps'" # send a random string to the container. This will cause the container # to output the string to its logs, then exit. teststring=$(random_string 30) echo "$teststring" | nc $port_out # Confirm that the container log output is the string we sent it. run_podman logs $cid is "$output" "$teststring" "test string received on container" # Clean up run_podman rm $cid run_podman pod rm -f mypod } # vim: filetype=sh