#!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
# tests for podman system df

load helpers

function teardown() {

    # In case the active-volumes test failed: clean up stray volumes
    run_podman volume rm -a

@test "podman system df - basic functionality" {
    run_podman system df
    is "$output" ".*Images  *1 *0 "       "Exactly one image"
    is "$output" ".*Containers *0 *0 "    "No containers"
    is "$output" ".*Local Volumes *0 *0 " "No volumes"

@test "podman system df - with active containers and volumes" {
    run_podman run    -v /myvol1 --name c1 $IMAGE true
    run_podman run -d -v /myvol2 --name c2 $IMAGE \
               sh -c 'while ! test -e /stop; do sleep 0.1;done'

    run_podman system df --format '{{ .Type }}:{{ .Total }}:{{ .Active }}'
    is "${lines[0]}" "Images:1:1"        "system df : Images line"
    is "${lines[1]}" "Containers:2:1"    "system df : Containers line"
    is "${lines[2]}" "Local Volumes:2:2" "system df : Volumes line"

    # Try -v. (Grrr. No way to specify individual formats)
    # Yes, I know this would be more elegant as a separate @test, but
    # container/volume setup/teardown costs ~3 seconds and that matters.
    run_podman system df -v
    is "${lines[2]}" \
       "system df -v: the 'Images' line"

    # Containers are listed in random order. Just check that each has 1 volume
    is "${lines[5]}" \
       "[0-9a-f]\{12\} *[0-9a-f]\{12\} .* 1 .* c[12]" \
       "system df -v, 'Containers', first line"
    is "${lines[6]}" \
       "[0-9a-f]\{12\} *[0-9a-f]\{12\} .* 1 .* c[12]" \
       "system df -v, 'Containers', second line"

    # Volumes, likewise: random order.
    is "${lines[9]}" "[0-9a-f]\{64\} *[01] * 0B" \
       "system df -v, 'Volumes', first line"
    is "${lines[10]}" "[0-9a-f]\{64\} *[01] * 0B" \
       "system df -v, 'Volumes', second line"

    # Clean up
    run_podman exec c2 touch /stop
    run_podman wait c2
    run_podman rm c1 c2
    run_podman volume rm -a

# vim: filetype=sh