#!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
# 410-selinux - podman selinux tests

load helpers

function check_label() {

    local args="$1"; shift        # command-line args for run

    # FIXME: it'd be nice to specify the command to run, e.g. 'ls -dZ /',
    # but alpine ls (from busybox) doesn't support -Z
    run_podman run --rm $args $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current

    # FIXME: on some CI systems, 'run --privileged' emits a spurious
    # warning line about dup devices. Ignore it.
    local context="$output"

    is "$context" ".*_u:system_r:.*" "SELinux role should always be system_r"

    # e.g. system_u:system_r:container_t:s0:c45,c745 -> "container_t"
    type=$(cut -d: -f3 <<<"$context")
    is "$type" "$1" "SELinux type"

    if [ -n "$2" ]; then
        # e.g. from the above example -> "s0:c45,c745"
        range=$(cut -d: -f4,5 <<<"$context")
        is "$range" "$2" "SELinux range"

@test "podman selinux: confined container" {
    check_label "" "container_t"

@test "podman selinux: container with label=disable" {
    check_label "--security-opt label=disable" "spc_t"

@test "podman selinux: privileged container" {
    check_label "--privileged --userns=host" "spc_t"

@test "podman selinux: init container" {
    check_label "--systemd=always" "container_init_t"

@test "podman selinux: pid=host" {
    # FIXME this test fails when run rootless with runc:
    #   Error: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: process_linux.go:495: container init caused: readonly path /proc/asound: operation not permitted: OCI permission denied
    if is_rootless; then
        test "$runtime" == "crun" \
            || skip "runtime is $runtime; this test requires crun"

    check_label "--pid=host" "spc_t"

@test "podman selinux: container with overridden range" {
    check_label "--security-opt label=level:s0:c1,c2" "container_t" "s0:c1,c2"

@test "podman selinux: inspect kvm labels" {
    skip_if_remote "runtime flag is not passed over remote"

    mkdir -p $tmpdir
    ln -s /bin/true ${KATA}
    run_podman create --runtime=${KATA} --name myc $IMAGE
    run_podman inspect --format='{{ .ProcessLabel }}' myc
    is "$output" ".*container_kvm_t"

# pr #6752
@test "podman selinux: inspect multiple labels" {

    run_podman run -d --name myc \
               --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
               --security-opt label=type:spc_t \
               --security-opt label=level:s0 \
               $IMAGE sh -c 'while test ! -e /stop; do sleep 0.1; done'
    run_podman inspect --format='{{ .HostConfig.SecurityOpt }}' myc
    is "$output" "\[label=type:spc_t,label=level:s0 seccomp=unconfined]" \
      "'podman inspect' preserves all --security-opts"

    run_podman exec myc touch /stop
    run_podman rm -f myc

# Sharing context between two containers not in a pod
# These tests were piggybacked in with #7902, but are not actually related
@test "podman selinux: shared context in (some) namespaces" {

    run_podman run -d --name myctr $IMAGE top
    run_podman exec myctr cat -v /proc/self/attr/current

    # --ipc container
    run_podman run --name myctr2 --ipc container:myctr $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    is "$output" "$context_c1" "new container, run with ipc of existing one "

    # --pid container
    run_podman run --rm --pid container:myctr $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    is "$output" "$context_c1" "new container, run with --pid of existing one "

    # net NS: do not share context
    run_podman run --rm --net container:myctr $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    if [[ "$output" = "$context_c1" ]]; then
        die "run --net : context ($output) is same as running container (it should not be)"

    # The 'myctr2' above was not run with --rm, so it still exists, and
    # we can't remove the original container until this one is gone.
    run_podman stop -t 0 myctr
    run_podman 125 rm myctr
    is "$output" "Error: container .* has dependent containers"

    # We have to do this in two steps: even if ordered as 'myctr2 myctr',
    # podman will try the removes in random order, which fails if it
    # tries myctr first.
    run_podman rm myctr2
    run_podman rm myctr

# pr #7902 - containers in pods should all run under same context
@test "podman selinux: containers in pods share full context" {

    # We don't need a fullblown pause container; avoid pulling the k8s one
    run_podman pod create --name myselinuxpod \
               --infra-image $IMAGE \
               --infra-command /home/podman/pause

    # Get baseline
    run_podman run --rm --pod myselinuxpod $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current

    # Prior to #7902, the labels (':c123,c456') would be different
    run_podman run --rm --pod myselinuxpod $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    is "$output" "$context_c1" "SELinux context of 2nd container matches 1st"

    # What the heck. Try a third time just for extra confidence
    run_podman run --rm --pod myselinuxpod $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    is "$output" "$context_c1" "SELinux context of 3rd container matches 1st"

    run_podman pod rm myselinuxpod

# more pr #7902
@test "podman selinux: containers in --no-infra pods do not share context" {

    # We don't need a fullblown pause container; avoid pulling the k8s one
    run_podman pod create --name myselinuxpod --infra=false

    # Get baseline
    run_podman run --rm --pod myselinuxpod $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current

    # Even after #7902, labels (':c123,c456') should be different
    run_podman run --rm --pod myselinuxpod $IMAGE cat -v /proc/self/attr/current
    if [[ "$output" = "$context_c1" ]]; then
        die "context ($output) is the same on two separate containers, it should have been different"

    run_podman pod rm myselinuxpod

# #8946 - better diagnostics for nonexistent attributes
@test "podman with nonexistent labels" {

    # runc and crun emit different diagnostics
    case "$runtime" in
        crun) expect="\`/proc/thread-self/attr/exec\`: OCI runtime error: unable to assign security attribute" ;;
        runc) expect="OCI runtime error: .*: failed to set /proc/self/attr/keycreate on procfs" ;;
        *)    skip "Unknown runtime '$runtime'";;

    # The '.*' in the error below is for dealing with podman-remote, which
    # includes "error preparing container <sha> for attach" in output.
    run_podman 126 run --security-opt label=type:foo.bar $IMAGE true
    is "$output" "Error.*: $expect" "podman emits useful diagnostic on failure"

@test "podman selinux: check relabel" {

    touch $tmpdir
    chcon -vR ${LABEL} $tmpdir
    ls -Z $tmpdir

    run_podman run -v $tmpdir:/test $IMAGE cat /proc/self/attr/current
    level=$(secon -l $output)
    run ls -dZ ${tmpdir}
    is "$output" ${LABEL} "No Relabel Correctly"

    run_podman run -v $tmpdir:/test:Z --security-opt label=disable $IMAGE cat /proc/self/attr/current
    level=$(secon -l $output)
    run ls -dZ $tmpdir
    is "$output" ${LABEL} "No Privileged Relabel Correctly"

    run_podman run -v $tmpdir:/test:Z $IMAGE cat /proc/self/attr/current
    level=$(secon -l $output)
    run ls -dZ $tmpdir
    is "$output" "system_u:object_r:container_file_t:$level" "Confined Relabel Correctly"

    run_podman run -v $tmpdir:/test:z $IMAGE cat /proc/self/attr/current
    run ls -dZ $tmpdir
    is "$output" "system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0" "Shared Relabel Correctly"

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