#!/usr/bin/env bats   -*- bats -*-
# Test podman shell completion
# Shell completion is provided via the cobra library
# It is implement by calling a hidden subcommand called "__complete"

load helpers

# Returns true if we are able to podman-pause
function _can_pause() {
    # Even though we're just trying completion, not an actual unpause,
    # podman barfs with:
    #    Error: unpause is not supported for cgroupv1 rootless containers
    if is_rootless && is_cgroupsv1; then
        return 1
    return 0

function check_shell_completion() {
    local count=0

    # Newline character; used for confirming string output
    local nl="

    for cmd in $(_podman_commands "$@"); do
        # Human-readable podman command string, with multiple spaces collapsed
        if is_remote; then
        command_string="$name $* $cmd"
        command_string=${command_string//  / } # 'podman  x' -> 'podman x'

        run_podman "$@" $cmd --help
        local full_help="$output"

        # The line immediately after 'Usage:' gives us a 1-line synopsis
        usage=$(echo "$full_help" | grep -A1 '^Usage:' | tail -1)
        [ -n "$usage" ] || die "podman $cmd: no Usage message found"

        # If usage ends in '[command]', recurse into subcommands
        if expr "$usage" : '.*\[command\]$' >/dev/null; then
            check_shell_completion "$@" $cmd

        # Trim to command path so we only have the args
        # Trim leading whitespaces

        # Extra args is used to match the correct argument number for the command
        # This is important because some commands provide different suggestions based
        # on the number of arguments.

        for arg in $args; do

            while true; do

                case $arg in

                # If we have options than we need to check if we are getting flag completion
                    # skip this for remote it fails if a command only has the latest flag e.g podman top
                    if ! is_remote; then
                        run_completion "$@" $cmd "--"
                        # If this fails there is most likely a problem with the cobra library
                        is "${lines[0]}" "--.*" \
                           "$* $cmd: flag(s) listed in suggestions"
                        [ ${#lines[@]} -gt 2 ] || die "$* $cmd: No flag suggestions"
                        _check_completion_end NoFileComp
                    # continue the outer for args loop
                    continue 2

                    # podman unpause fails early on rootless cgroupsv1
                    if [[ $cmd = "unpause" ]] && ! _can_pause; then
                        continue 2

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*-$random_container_name${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual container listed in suggestions"

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*-$random_pod_name${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual pod listed in suggestions"
                    _check_completion_end NoFileComp

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*localhost/$random_image_name:$random_image_tag${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual image listed in suggestions"

                    # check that we complete the image with tag after at least one char is typed
                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" "${random_image_name:0:1}"
                    is "$output" ".*$random_image_name:$random_image_tag${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: image name:tag included in suggestions"

                    # check that we complete the image id after at least two chars are typed
                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" "${random_image_id:0:2}"
                    is "$output" ".*$random_image_id${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: image id included in suggestions when two leading characters present in command line"

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*$random_network_name${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual network listed in suggestions"
                    _check_completion_end NoFileComp

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*$random_volume_name${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual volume listed in suggestions"
                    _check_completion_end NoFileComp

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    ### FIXME how can we get the configured registries?
                    _check_completion_end NoFileComp
                    ### FIXME this fails if no registries are configured
                    [[ ${#lines[@]} -gt 2 ]] || die "$* $cmd: No REGISTRIES found in suggestions"

                    # resume

                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
                    is "$output" ".*$random_secret_name${nl}" \
                       "$* $cmd: actual secret listed in suggestions"
                    _check_completion_end NoFileComp

                    # resume

                *PATH* | *CONTEXT* | *FILE* | *COMMAND* | *ARG...* | *URI*)
                    # default shell completion should be done for everything which accepts a path
                    run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""

                    # cp is a special case it returns ShellCompDirectiveNoSpace
                    if [[ "$cmd" == "cp" ]]; then
                        _check_completion_end NoSpace
                        _check_completion_end Default
                        [[ ${#lines[@]} -eq 2 ]] || die "$* $cmd: Suggestions are in the output"

                    if [[ "$match" == "false" ]]; then
                        dprint "UNKNOWN arg: $arg for $command_string ${extra_args[*]}"


                # Increment the argument array

                i=$(($i + 1))
                # If the argument ends with ...] than we accept 0...n args
                # Loop three times to make sure we are not only completing the first arg
                if [[ ! ${arg} =~ "..." ]] || [[ i -gt 3 ]]; then



        # If the command takes no more parameters make sure we are getting no completion
        if [[ ! ${args##* } =~ "..." ]]; then
            run_completion "$@" $cmd "${extra_args[@]}" ""
            _check_completion_end NoFileComp
            if [ ${#lines[@]} -gt 2 ]; then
                # checking for line count is not enough since we may include additional debug output
                # lines starting with [Debug] are allowed
                length=$(( ${#lines[@]} - 2 ))
                while [[ i -lt length ]]; do
                    [[ "${lines[$i]:0:7}" == "[Debug]" ]] || die "Suggestions are in the output"
                    i=$(( i + 1 ))



# run the completion cmd
function run_completion() {
    PODMAN="$PODMAN_COMPLETION" run_podman "$@"

# check for the given ShellCompDirective (always last line)
function _check_completion_end() {
    is "${lines[-1]}" "Completion ended with directive: ShellCompDirective$1" "Completion has wrong ShellCompDirective set"

@test "podman shell completion test" {

    random_container_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_pod_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_image_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_image_name=${random_image_name,,} # name must be lowercase
    random_image_tag=$(random_string 5)
    random_network_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_volume_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_secret_name=$(random_string 30)
    random_secret_content=$(random_string 30)
    secret_file=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/$(random_string 10)

    echo $random_secret_content > $secret_file

    # create a container for each state since some commands are only suggesting running container for example
    run_podman create --name created-$random_container_name $IMAGE
    run_podman run --name running-$random_container_name -d $IMAGE top
    run_podman run --name pause-$random_container_name -d $IMAGE top
    if _can_pause; then
        run_podman pause pause-$random_container_name
    run_podman run --name exited-$random_container_name -d $IMAGE echo exited

    # create pods for each state
    run_podman pod create --name created-$random_pod_name
    run_podman pod create --name running-$random_pod_name
    run_podman pod create --name degraded-$random_pod_name
    run_podman pod create --name exited-$random_pod_name
    run_podman run -d --name running-$random_pod_name-con --pod running-$random_pod_name $IMAGE top
    run_podman run -d --name degraded-$random_pod_name-con --pod degraded-$random_pod_name $IMAGE echo degraded
    run_podman run -d --name exited-$random_pod_name-con --pod exited-$random_pod_name $IMAGE echo exited
    run_podman pod stop exited-$random_pod_name

    # create image name (just tag with new names no need to pull)
    run_podman image tag $IMAGE $random_image_name:$random_image_tag
    run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}}' --filter reference=$random_image_name

    # create network
    run_podman network create $random_network_name

    # create volume
    run_podman volume create $random_volume_name

    # create secret
    run_podman secret create $random_secret_name $secret_file

    # $PODMAN may be a space-separated string, e.g. if we include a --url.
    local -a podman_as_array=($PODMAN)
    # __completeNoDesc must be the first arg if we running the completion cmd
    PODMAN_COMPLETION="${podman_as_array[0]} __completeNoDesc ${podman_as_array[@]:1}"

    # Called with no args -- start with 'podman --help'. check_shell_completion() will
    # recurse for any subcommands.

    # cleanup
    run_podman secret rm $random_secret_name
    rm -f $secret_file

    run_podman volume rm $random_volume_name

    run_podman network rm $random_network_name

    run_podman image untag $IMAGE $random_image_name:$random_image_tag

    for state in created running degraded exited; do
        run_podman pod rm -t 0 --force $state-$random_pod_name

    for state in created running pause exited; do
        run_podman rm --force $state-$random_container_name

    # Clean up the pod pause image
    run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}'
    while read id name; do
        if [[ "$name" =~ /pause ]]; then
            run_podman rmi $id
    done <<<"$output"
