#!/usr/bin/env bats -*- bats -*- # # Test podman play # load helpers # This is a long ugly way to clean up pods and remove the pause image function teardown() { run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f -a run_podman rm -t 0 -f -a run_podman image list --format '{{.ID}} {{.Repository}}' while read id name; do if [[ "$name" =~ /podman-pause ]]; then run_podman rmi $id fi done <<<"$output" basic_teardown } testYaml=" apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: test name: test_pod spec: containers: - command: - sleep - \"100\" env: - name: PATH value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - name: TERM value: xterm - name: container value: podman image: $IMAGE name: test resources: {} securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 3000 fsGroup: 2000 allowPrivilegeEscalation: true capabilities: {} privileged: false seLinuxOptions: level: \"s0:c1,c2\" readOnlyRootFilesystem: false volumeMounts: - mountPath: /testdir:z name: home-podman-testdir workingDir: / volumes: - hostPath: path: TESTDIR type: Directory name: home-podman-testdir status: {} " RELABEL="system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0" @test "podman kube with stdin" { TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman kube play - < $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled -a /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ]; then run ls -Zd $TESTDIR is "$output" "${RELABEL} $TESTDIR" "selinux relabel should have happened" fi # Make sure that the K8s pause image isn't pulled but the local podman-pause is built. run_podman images run_podman 1 image exists k8s.gcr.io/pause run_podman version --format "{{.Server.Version}}-{{.Server.Built}}" run_podman image exists localhost/podman-pause:$output run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod } @test "podman play" { # Testing that the "podman play" cmd still works now that # "podman kube" is an option. TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman play kube $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml if [ -e /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled -a /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled ]; then run ls -Zd $TESTDIR is "$output" "${RELABEL} $TESTDIR" "selinux relabel should have happened" fi run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod } @test "podman play --service-container" { skip_if_remote "service containers only work locally" # Create the YAMl file yaml_source="$PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml" cat >$yaml_source < $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman 125 kube play --network host $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml is "$output" ".*invalid value passed to --network: bridge or host networking must be configured in YAML" "podman plan-network should fail with --network host" run_podman kube play --network slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman pod inspect --format {{.InfraContainerID}} "${lines[1]}" infraID="$output" run_podman container inspect --format "{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}" $infraID is "$output" "slirp4netns" "network mode slirp4netns is set for the container" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod run_podman kube play --network none $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman pod inspect --format {{.InfraContainerID}} "${lines[1]}" infraID="$output" run_podman container inspect --format "{{.HostConfig.NetworkMode}}" $infraID is "$output" "none" "network mode none is set for the container" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod } @test "podman play with user from image" { TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir mkdir -p $TESTDIR testUserYaml=" apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: test name: test_pod spec: containers: - command: - id env: - name: PATH value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - name: TERM value: xterm - name: container value: podman image: userimage name: test resources: {} status: {} " cat > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/Containerfile << _EOF from $IMAGE USER bin _EOF echo "$testUserYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman build -t userimage $PODMAN_TMPDIR run_podman play kube --start=false $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman inspect --format "{{ .Config.User }}" test_pod-test is "$output" bin "expect container within pod to run as the bin user" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod run_podman rmi -f userimage:latest } @test "podman play --build --context-dir" { skip_if_remote "--build is not supported in context remote" testUserYaml=" apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: labels: app: test name: test_pod spec: containers: - command: - id env: - name: PATH value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - name: TERM value: xterm - name: container value: podman image: quay.io/libpod/userimage name: test resources: {} status: {} " mkdir -p $PODMAN_TMPDIR/userimage cat > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/userimage/Containerfile << _EOF from $IMAGE USER bin _EOF echo "$testUserYaml" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman 125 play kube --build --start=false $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman play kube --replace --context-dir=$PODMAN_TMPDIR --build --start=false $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman inspect --format "{{ .Config.User }}" test_pod-test is "$output" bin "expect container within pod to run as the bin user" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod run_podman rmi -f userimage:latest cd $PODMAN_TMPDIR run_podman play kube --replace --build --start=false $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman inspect --format "{{ .Config.User }}" test_pod-test is "$output" bin "expect container within pod to run as the bin user" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod run_podman rmi -f userimage:latest } @test "podman kube --annotation" { TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir RANDOMSTRING=$(random_string 15) mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman kube play --annotation "name=$RANDOMSTRING" $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman inspect --format "{{ .Config.Annotations }}" test_pod-test is "$output" ".*name:$RANDOMSTRING" "Annotation should be added to pod" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod } @test "podman play --annotation > Max" { TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir RANDOMSTRING=$(random_string 65) mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman 125 play kube --annotation "name=$RANDOMSTRING" $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml assert "$output" =~ "annotation exceeds maximum size, 63, of kubernetes annotation:" "Expected to fail with Length greater than 63" } @test "podman play Yaml with annotation > Max" { RANDOMSTRING=$(random_string 65) testBadYaml=" apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: annotations: test: ${RANDOMSTRING} labels: app: test name: test_pod spec: containers: - command: - id env: - name: PATH value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin - name: TERM value: xterm - name: container value: podman image: quay.io/libpod/userimage name: test resources: {} status: {} " TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testBadYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman 125 play kube - < $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml assert "$output" =~ "invalid annotation \"test\"=\"$RANDOMSTRING\"" "Expected to fail with annotation length greater than 63" } @test "podman kube play - default log driver" { TESTDIR=$PODMAN_TMPDIR/testdir mkdir -p $TESTDIR echo "$testYaml" | sed "s|TESTDIR|${TESTDIR}|g" > $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml # Get the default log driver run_podman info --format "{{.Host.LogDriver}}" default_driver=$output # Make sure that the default log driver is used run_podman kube play $PODMAN_TMPDIR/test.yaml run_podman inspect --format "{{.HostConfig.LogConfig.Type}}" test_pod-test is "$output" "$default_driver" "play kube uses default log driver" run_podman stop -a -t 0 run_podman pod rm -t 0 -f test_pod }