# build-testimage - script for producing a test image for podman CI
# The idea is to have a small multi-purpose image that can be pulled once
# by system tests and used for as many tests as possible. This image
# should live on quay.io, should be small in size, and should include
# as many components as needed by system tests so they don't have to
# pull other images.
# Unfortunately, "small" is incompatible with "systemd" so tests
# still need a fedora image for that.

# Tag for this new image
YMD=$(date +%Y%m%d)

# git-relative path to this script
create_script=$(cd $(dirname $0) && git ls-files --full-name $(basename $0))
if [ -z "$create_script" ]; then

# Creation timestamp, Zulu time
create_time_z=$(env TZ=UTC date +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')

set -ex

# Please document the reason for all flags, apk's, and anything non-obvious
#    --squash-all    : needed by 'tree' test in 070-build.bats
#    busybox-extras  : provides httpd needed in 500-networking.bats
podman rmi -f testimage &> /dev/null || true
podman build --squash-all -t testimage - <<EOF
FROM docker.io/library/alpine:3.12.0
RUN apk add busybox-extras
LABEL created_by=$create_script
LABEL created_at=$create_time_z
CMD ["/bin/echo", "This container is intended for podman CI testing"]

# Tag and push to quay.
podman tag testimage quay.io/edsantiago/testimage:$YMD
podman push quay.io/edsantiago/testimage:$YMD

# Side note: there should always be a testimage tagged ':00000000'
# (eight zeroes) in the same location; this is used by tests which
# need to pull a non-locally-cached image. This image will rarely
# if ever need to change, nor in fact does it even have to be a
# copy of this testimage since all we use it for is 'true'.
# As of 2020-09-02 it is simply busybox, because it is super small:
#    podman pull docker.io/library/busybox:1.32.0
#    podman tag  docker.io/library/busybox:1.32.0 \
#                quay.io/edsantiago/testimage:00000000
#    podman push quay.io/edsantiago/testimage:00000000