# -*- bats -*- load helpers # Create a var-lib-containers dir for this podman. We need to bind-mount # this into the container, and use --root and --runroot and --tmpdir # options both in the container podman and out here: that's the only # way to share image and container storage. if [ -z "${PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR}" ]; then # Much as I'd love a descriptive name like "podman-upgrade-tests.XXXXX", # keep it short ("pu") because of the 100-character path length limit # for UNIX sockets (needed by conmon) export PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir=${BATS_TMPDIR:-${TMPDIR:-/tmp}} pu.XXXXXX) touch $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/status fi # Generate a set of random strings used for content verification if [ -z "${RANDOM_STRING_1}" ]; then export RANDOM_STRING_1=$(random_string 15) export LABEL_CREATED=$(random_string 16) export LABEL_FAILED=$(random_string 17) export LABEL_RUNNING=$(random_string 18) export HOST_PORT=$(random_free_port) fi # Version string of the podman we're actually testing, e.g. '3.0.0-dev-d1a26013' PODMAN_VERSION=$($PODMAN version |awk '/^Version:/ { V=$2 } /^Git Commit:/ { G=$3 } END { print V "-" substr(G,0,8) }') setup() { skip_if_rootless # The podman-in-podman image (old podman) if [[ -z "$PODMAN_UPGRADE_FROM" ]]; then echo "# \$PODMAN_UPGRADE_FROM is undefined (should be e.g. v1.9.0)" >&3 false fi if [ "$(< $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/status)" = "failed" ]; then # FIXME: exit instead? echo "*** setup failed - no point in running tests" false fi # cgroup-manager=systemd does not work inside a container export _PODMAN_TEST_OPTS="--cgroup-manager=cgroupfs --root=$PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/root --runroot=$PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/runroot --tmpdir=$PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/tmp" } ############################################################################### # BEGIN setup @test "initial setup: start $PODMAN_UPGRADE_FROM containers" { echo failed >| $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/status OLD_PODMAN=quay.io/podman/stable:$PODMAN_UPGRADE_FROM $PODMAN pull $OLD_PODMAN # Shortcut name, because we're referencing it a lot pmroot=$PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR # WWW content to share mkdir -p $pmroot/var/www echo $RANDOM_STRING_1 >$pmroot/var/www/index.txt # podman tmpdir mkdir -p $pmroot/tmp # # Script to run >>OLD<< podman commands. # # These commands will be run inside a podman container. The "podman" # command in this script will be the desired old-podman version. # pmscript=$pmroot/setup cat >| $pmscript <= 3.4 something something namespace something, fails with # Error: invalid config provided: cannot set hostname when running in the host UTS namespace: invalid configuration # # https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/11969#issuecomment-943386484 # if grep -q utsns /etc/containers/containers.conf; then sed -i -e '/^\utsns=/d' /etc/containers/containers.conf fi # events-backend=journald does not work inside a container opts="--events-backend=file $_PODMAN_TEST_OPTS" set -ex # Try try again, because network flakiness makes this a point of failure podman \$opts pull $IMAGE \ || (sleep 10; podman \$opts pull $IMAGE) \ || (sleep 30; podman \$opts pull $IMAGE) podman \$opts create --name mycreatedcontainer --label mylabel=$LABEL_CREATED \ $IMAGE false podman \$opts run --name mydonecontainer $IMAGE echo ++$RANDOM_STRING_1++ podman \$opts run --name myfailedcontainer --label mylabel=$LABEL_FAILED \ $IMAGE sh -c 'exit 17' || true podman \$opts run -d --name myrunningcontainer --label mylabel=$LABEL_RUNNING \ --network bridge \ -p $HOST_PORT:80 \ -p \ -v $pmroot/var/www:/var/www \ -w /var/www \ --mac-address aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff \ $IMAGE /bin/busybox-extras httpd -f -p 80 podman \$opts pod create --name mypod podman \$opts network create --disable-dns mynetwork echo READY while :;do if [ -e /stop ]; then echo STOPPING podman \$opts stop -t 0 myrunningcontainer || true podman \$opts rm -f myrunningcontainer || true # sigh, network rm fails with exec: "ip": executable file not found in $PATH # we cannot change the images afterwards so we remove it manually (#11403) # hardcode /etc/cni/net.d dir for now podman \$opts network rm -f mynetwork || rm -f /etc/cni/net.d/mynetwork.conflist exit 0 fi sleep 0.5 done EOF chmod 555 $pmscript # Clean up vestiges of previous run $PODMAN rm -f podman_parent || true # Not entirely a NOP! This is just so we get the /run/... mount points created on a CI VM # Also use --network host to prevent any netavark/cni conflicts $PODMAN run --rm --network host $OLD_PODMAN true # Podman 4.0 might no longer use cni so /run/cni and /run/containers will no be created in this case # Create directories manually to fix this. Also running with netavark can # cause connectivity issues since cni and netavark should never be mixed. mkdir -p /run/netns /run/cni /run/containers /var/lib/cni /etc/cni/net.d # Containers-common around release 1-55 no-longer supplies this file sconf=/etc/containers/storage.conf v_sconf= if [[ -e "$sconf" ]]; then v_sconf="-v $sconf:$sconf" fi # # Use new-podman to run the above script under old-podman. # # DO NOT USE run_podman HERE! That would use $_PODMAN_TEST_OPTS # and would write into our shared test dir, which would then # pollute it for use by old-podman. We must keep that pristine # so old-podman is the first to write to it. # # mount /etc/containers/storage.conf to use the same storage settings as on the host # mount /dev/shm because the container locks are stored there # mount /var/lib/cni, /run/cni and /etc/cni/net.d for cni networking # mount /run/containers for the dnsname plugin # $PODMAN run -d --name podman_parent --pid=host \ --privileged \ --net=host \ --cgroupns=host \ --pid=host \ $v_sconf \ -v /dev/fuse:/dev/fuse \ -v /run/crun:/run/crun \ -v /run/netns:/run/netns:rshared \ -v /run/containers:/run/containers \ -v /run/cni:/run/cni \ -v /var/lib/cni:/var/lib/cni \ -v /etc/cni/net.d:/etc/cni/net.d \ -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \ -v $pmroot:$pmroot \ $OLD_PODMAN $pmroot/setup _PODMAN_TEST_OPTS= wait_for_ready podman_parent echo OK >| $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/status } # END setup ############################################################################### # BEGIN actual tests # This is a NOP; used only so the version string will show up in logs @test "upgrade: $PODMAN_UPGRADE_FROM -> $PODMAN_VERSION" { : } @test "info" { # check network backend, since this is a old version we should use CNI # when we start testing from 4.0 we should have netavark as backend run_podman info --format '{{.Host.NetworkBackend}}' is "$output" "cni" "correct network backend" } @test "images" { run_podman images -a --format '{{.Names}}' is "$output" "\[$IMAGE\]" "podman images" } @test "ps : one container running" { run_podman ps --format '{{.Image}}--{{.Names}}' is "$output" "$IMAGE--myrunningcontainer" "ps: one container running" } @test "ps -a : shows all containers" { # IMPORTANT: we can't use --sort=created, because that requires #8427 # on the *creating* podman end. run_podman ps -a \ --format '{{.Names}}--{{.Status}}--{{.Ports}}--{{.Labels.mylabel}}' \ --sort=names is "${lines[0]}" ".*-infra--Created----" "infra container" is "${lines[1]}" "mycreatedcontainer--Created----$LABEL_CREATED" "created" is "${lines[2]}" "mydonecontainer--Exited (0).*----" "done" is "${lines[3]}" "myfailedcontainer--Exited (17) .*----$LABEL_FAILED" "fail" is "${lines[4]}" "myrunningcontainer--Up .*--0\.0\.0\.0:$HOST_PORT->80\/tcp, 127\.0\.0\.1\:8080-8082->8080-8082\/tcp--$LABEL_RUNNING" "running" # For debugging: dump containers and IDs if [[ -n "$PODMAN_UPGRADE_TEST_DEBUG" ]]; then run_podman ps -a for l in "${lines[@]}"; do echo "# $l" >&3 done fi } @test "inspect - all container status" { tests=" running | running | 0 created | created | 0 done | exited | 0 failed | exited | 17 " while read cname state exitstatus; do run_podman inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}--{{.State.ExitCode}}' my${cname}container is "$output" "$state--$exitstatus" "status of my${cname}container" done < <(parse_table "$tests") } @test "network - curl" { run curl --max-time 3 -s$HOST_PORT/index.txt is "$output" "$RANDOM_STRING_1" "curl on running container" } # IMPORTANT: connect should happen before restart, we want to check # if we can connect on an existing running container @test "network - connect" { skip_if_version_older 2.2.0 touch $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/ran-network-connect-test run_podman network connect mynetwork myrunningcontainer run_podman network disconnect podman myrunningcontainer run curl --max-time 3 -s$HOST_PORT/index.txt is "$output" "$RANDOM_STRING_1" "curl on container with second network connected" } @test "network - restart" { # restart the container and check if we can still use the port # https://github.com/containers/podman/issues/13679 # The upgrade to podman4 changes the network db format. # While it is compatible from 3.X to 4.0 it will fail the other way around. # This can be the case when the cleanup process runs before the stop process # can do the cleanup. # Since there is no easy way to fix this and downgrading is not something # we support, just fix this bug in the tests by manually calling # network disconnect to teardown the netns. if test -e $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/ran-network-connect-test; then run_podman network disconnect mynetwork myrunningcontainer fi run_podman stop -t0 myrunningcontainer # now connect again, do this before starting the container if test -e $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/ran-network-connect-test; then run_podman network connect mynetwork myrunningcontainer fi run_podman start myrunningcontainer run curl --max-time 3 -s$HOST_PORT/index.txt is "$output" "$RANDOM_STRING_1" "curl on restarted container" } @test "logs" { run_podman logs mydonecontainer is "$output" "++$RANDOM_STRING_1++" "podman logs on stopped container" } @test "exec" { run_podman exec myrunningcontainer cat /var/www/index.txt is "$output" "$RANDOM_STRING_1" "exec into myrunningcontainer" } @test "load" { # FIXME, is this really necessary? skip "TBI. Not sure if there's any point to this." } @test "mount" { skip "TBI" } @test "pods" { run_podman pod inspect mypod is "$output" ".*mypod.*" run_podman pod start mypod is "$output" "[0-9a-f]\\{64\\}" "podman pod start" run_podman pod ps is "$output" ".*mypod.*" "podman pod ps shows name" is "$output" ".*Running.*" "podman pod ps shows running state" run_podman pod stop mypod is "$output" "[0-9a-f]\\{64\\}" "podman pod stop" run_podman pod rm mypod # FIXME: CI runs show this (non fatal) error: # Error updating pod conmon cgroup PID limit: open /sys/fs/cgroup/libpod_parent//conmon/pids.max: no such file or directory # Investigate how to fix this (likely a race condition) # Let's ignore the logrus messages for now is "$output" ".*[0-9a-f]\\{64\\}" "podman pod rm" } # FIXME: commit? kill? network? pause? restart? top? volumes? What else? @test "start" { run_podman start -a mydonecontainer is "$output" "++$RANDOM_STRING_1++" "start on already-run container" } @test "rm a stopped container" { run_podman rm myfailedcontainer is "$output" "[0-9a-f]\\{64\\}" "podman rm myfailedcontainer" run_podman rm mydonecontainer is "$output" "[0-9a-f]\\{64\\}" "podman rm mydonecontainer" } @test "stop and rm" { run_podman stop myrunningcontainer run_podman rm myrunningcontainer } @test "clean up parent" { if [[ -n "$PODMAN_UPGRADE_TEST_DEBUG" ]]; then skip "workdir is $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR" fi # We're done with shared environment. By clearing this, we can now # use run_podman for actions on the podman_parent container unset _PODMAN_TEST_OPTS # (Useful for debugging the 'rm -f' step below, which, when it fails, only # gives a container ID. This 'ps' confirms that the CID is podman_parent) run_podman ps -a # Stop the container gracefully run_podman exec podman_parent touch /stop run_podman wait podman_parent run_podman logs podman_parent run_podman rm -f podman_parent umount $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR/root/overlay || true rm -rf $PODMAN_UPGRADE_WORKDIR } # FIXME: now clean up