## Description This library provides basic building blocks for building advanced console UIs. Initially created for [Gor](http://github.com/buger/gor). Full API documentation: http://godoc.org/github.com/buger/goterm ## Basic usage Full screen console app, printing current time: ```go import ( tm "github.com/buger/goterm" "time" ) func main() { tm.Clear() // Clear current screen for { // By moving cursor to top-left position we ensure that console output // will be overwritten each time, instead of adding new. tm.MoveCursor(1,1) tm.Println("Current Time:", time.Now().Format(time.RFC1123)) tm.Flush() // Call it every time at the end of rendering time.Sleep(time.Second) } } ``` This can be seen in [examples/time_example.go](examples/time_example.go). To run it yourself, go into your `$GOPATH/src/github.com/buger/goterm` directory and run `go run ./examples/time_example.go` Print red bold message on white background: ```go tm.Println(tm.Background(tm.Color(tm.Bold("Important header"), tm.RED), tm.WHITE)) ``` Create box and move it to center of the screen: ```go tm.Clear() // Create Box with 30% width of current screen, and height of 20 lines box := tm.NewBox(30|tm.PCT, 20, 0) // Add some content to the box // Note that you can add ANY content, even tables fmt.Fprint(box, "Some box content") // Move Box to approx center of the screen tm.Print(tm.MoveTo(box.String(), 40|tm.PCT, 40|tm.PCT)) tm.Flush() ``` This can be found in [examples/box_example.go](examples/box_example.go). Draw table: ```go // Based on http://golang.org/pkg/text/tabwriter totals := tm.NewTable(0, 10, 5, ' ', 0) fmt.Fprintf(totals, "Time\tStarted\tActive\tFinished\n") fmt.Fprintf(totals, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", "All", started, started-finished, finished) tm.Println(totals) tm.Flush() ``` This can be found in [examples/table_example.go](examples/table_example.go). ## Line charts Chart example:  ```go import ( tm "github.com/buger/goterm" ) chart := tm.NewLineChart(100, 20) data := new(tm.DataTable) data.addColumn("Time") data.addColumn("Sin(x)") data.addColumn("Cos(x+1)") for i := 0.1; i < 10; i += 0.1 { data.addRow(i, math.Sin(i), math.Cos(i+1)) } tm.Println(chart.Draw(data)) ``` This can be found in [examples/chart_example.go](examples/chart_example.go). Drawing 2 separate graphs in different scales. Each graph have its own Y axe. ```go chart.Flags = tm.DRAW_INDEPENDENT ``` Drawing graph with relative scale (Grapwh draw starting from min value instead of zero) ```go chart.Flags = tm.DRAW_RELATIVE ```