package imagebuilder

// This will take a single word and an array of env variables and
// process all quotes (" and ') as well as $xxx and ${xxx} env variable
// tokens.  Tries to mimic bash shell process.
// It doesn't support all flavors of ${xx:...} formats but new ones can
// be added by adding code to the "special ${} format processing" section

import (

type shellWord struct {
	word    string
	scanner scanner.Scanner
	envs    []string
	pos     int

// ProcessWord will use the 'env' list of environment variables,
// and replace any env var references in 'word'.
func ProcessWord(word string, env []string) (string, error) {
	sw := &shellWord{
		word: word,
		envs: env,
		pos:  0,
	word, _, err := sw.process()
	return word, err

// ProcessWords will use the 'env' list of environment variables,
// and replace any env var references in 'word' then it will also
// return a slice of strings which represents the 'word'
// split up based on spaces - taking into account quotes.  Note that
// this splitting is done **after** the env var substitutions are done.
// Note, each one is trimmed to remove leading and trailing spaces (unless
// they are quoted", but ProcessWord retains spaces between words.
func ProcessWords(word string, env []string) ([]string, error) {
	sw := &shellWord{
		word: word,
		envs: env,
		pos:  0,
	_, words, err := sw.process()
	return words, err

func (sw *shellWord) process() (string, []string, error) {
	return sw.processStopOn(scanner.EOF)

type wordsStruct struct {
	word   string
	words  []string
	inWord bool

func (w *wordsStruct) addChar(ch rune) {
	if unicode.IsSpace(ch) && w.inWord {
		if len(w.word) != 0 {
			w.words = append(w.words, w.word)
			w.word = ""
			w.inWord = false
	} else if !unicode.IsSpace(ch) {

func (w *wordsStruct) addRawChar(ch rune) {
	w.word += string(ch)
	w.inWord = true

func (w *wordsStruct) addString(str string) {
	var scan scanner.Scanner
	for scan.Peek() != scanner.EOF {

func (w *wordsStruct) addRawString(str string) {
	w.word += str
	w.inWord = true

func (w *wordsStruct) getWords() []string {
	if len(w.word) > 0 {
		w.words = append(w.words, w.word)

		// Just in case we're called again by mistake
		w.word = ""
		w.inWord = false
	return w.words

// Process the word, starting at 'pos', and stop when we get to the
// end of the word or the 'stopChar' character
func (sw *shellWord) processStopOn(stopChar rune) (string, []string, error) {
	var result string
	var words wordsStruct

	var charFuncMapping = map[rune]func() (string, error){
		'\'': sw.processSingleQuote,
		'"':  sw.processDoubleQuote,
		'$':  sw.processDollar,

	for sw.scanner.Peek() != scanner.EOF {
		ch := sw.scanner.Peek()

		if stopChar != scanner.EOF && ch == stopChar {
		if fn, ok := charFuncMapping[ch]; ok {
			// Call special processing func for certain chars
			tmp, err := fn()
			if err != nil {
				return "", []string{}, err
			result += tmp

			if ch == rune('$') {
			} else {
		} else {
			// Not special, just add it to the result
			ch = sw.scanner.Next()

			if ch == '\\' {
				// '\' escapes, except end of line

				ch = sw.scanner.Next()

				if ch == scanner.EOF {

			} else {

			result += string(ch)

	return result, words.getWords(), nil

func (sw *shellWord) processSingleQuote() (string, error) {
	// All chars between single quotes are taken as-is
	// Note, you can't escape '
	var result string


	for {
		ch := sw.scanner.Next()
		if ch == '\'' || ch == scanner.EOF {
		result += string(ch)

	return result, nil

func (sw *shellWord) processDoubleQuote() (string, error) {
	// All chars up to the next " are taken as-is, even ', except any $ chars
	// But you can escape " with a \
	var result string


	for sw.scanner.Peek() != scanner.EOF {
		ch := sw.scanner.Peek()
		if ch == '"' {
		if ch == '$' {
			tmp, err := sw.processDollar()
			if err != nil {
				return "", err
			result += tmp
		} else {
			ch = sw.scanner.Next()
			if ch == '\\' {
				chNext := sw.scanner.Peek()

				if chNext == scanner.EOF {
					// Ignore \ at end of word

				if chNext == '"' || chNext == '$' {
					// \" and \$ can be escaped, all other \'s are left as-is
					ch = sw.scanner.Next()
			result += string(ch)

	return result, nil

func (sw *shellWord) processDollar() (string, error) {
	ch := sw.scanner.Peek()
	if ch == '{' {
		name := sw.processName()
		ch = sw.scanner.Peek()
		if ch == '}' {
			// Normal ${xx} case
			return sw.getEnv(name), nil
		if ch == ':' {
			// Special ${xx:...} format processing
			// Yes it allows for recursive $'s in the ... spot

			sw.scanner.Next() // skip over :
			modifier := sw.scanner.Next()

			word, _, err := sw.processStopOn('}')
			if err != nil {
				return "", err

			// Grab the current value of the variable in question so we
			// can use it to determine what to do based on the modifier
			newValue := sw.getEnv(name)

			switch modifier {
			case '+':
				if newValue != "" {
					newValue = word
				return newValue, nil

			case '-':
				if newValue == "" {
					newValue = word
				return newValue, nil

				return "", fmt.Errorf("Unsupported modifier (%c) in substitution: %s", modifier, sw.word)
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Missing ':' in substitution: %s", sw.word)
	// $xxx case
	name := sw.processName()
	if name == "" {
		return "$", nil
	return sw.getEnv(name), nil

func (sw *shellWord) processName() string {
	// Read in a name (alphanumeric or _)
	// If it starts with a numeric then just return $#
	var name string

	for sw.scanner.Peek() != scanner.EOF {
		ch := sw.scanner.Peek()
		if len(name) == 0 && unicode.IsDigit(ch) {
			ch = sw.scanner.Next()
			return string(ch)
		if !unicode.IsLetter(ch) && !unicode.IsDigit(ch) && ch != '_' {
		ch = sw.scanner.Next()
		name += string(ch)

	return name

func (sw *shellWord) getEnv(name string) string {
	for _, env := range sw.envs {
		i := strings.Index(env, "=")
		if i < 0 {
			if name == env {
				// Should probably never get here, but just in case treat
				// it like "var" and "var=" are the same
				return ""
		if name != env[:i] {
		return env[i+1:]
	return ""