![buildah logo](https://cdn.rawgit.com/projectatomic/buildah/master/logos/buildah-logo_large.png) # [Buildah](https://www.youtube.com/embed/YVk5NgSiUw8) - a tool that facilitates building [Open Container Initiative (OCI)](https://www.opencontainers.org/) container images [![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/projectatomic/buildah)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/projectatomic/buildah) [![Travis](https://travis-ci.org/projectatomic/buildah.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/projectatomic/buildah) The Buildah package provides a command line tool that can be used to * create a working container, either from scratch or using an image as a starting point * create an image, either from a working container or via the instructions in a Dockerfile * images can be built in either the OCI image format or the traditional upstream docker image format * mount a working container's root filesystem for manipulation * unmount a working container's root filesystem * use the updated contents of a container's root filesystem as a filesystem layer to create a new image * delete a working container or an image * rename a local container **[Buildah Demos](demos)** **[Changelog](CHANGELOG.md)** **[Contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md)** **[Development Plan](developmentplan.md)** **[Installation notes](install.md)** **[Troubleshooting Guide](troubleshooting.md)** **[Tutorials](docs/tutorials)** ## Example From [`./examples/lighttpd.sh`](examples/lighttpd.sh): ```bash $ cat > lighttpd.sh <<"EOF" #!/bin/bash -x ctr1=`buildah from ${1:-fedora}` ## Get all updates and install our minimal httpd server buildah run $ctr1 -- dnf update -y buildah run $ctr1 -- dnf install -y lighttpd ## Include some buildtime annotations buildah config --annotation "com.example.build.host=$(uname -n)" $ctr1 ## Run our server and expose the port buildah config --cmd "/usr/sbin/lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf" $ctr1 buildah config --port 80 $ctr1 ## Commit this container to an image name buildah commit $ctr1 ${2:-$USER/lighttpd} EOF $ chmod +x lighttpd.sh $ sudo ./lighttpd.sh ``` ## Commands | Command | Description | | ---------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [buildah-add(1)](/docs/buildah-add.md) | Add the contents of a file, URL, or a directory to the container. | | [buildah-bud(1)](/docs/buildah-bud.md) | Build an image using instructions from Dockerfiles. | | [buildah-commit(1)](/docs/buildah-commit.md) | Create an image from a working container. | | [buildah-config(1)](/docs/buildah-config.md) | Update image configuration settings. | | [buildah-containers(1)](/docs/buildah-containers.md) | List the working containers and their base images. | | [buildah-copy(1)](/docs/buildah-copy.md) | Copies the contents of a file, URL, or directory into a container's working directory. | | [buildah-from(1)](/docs/buildah-from.md) | Creates a new working container, either from scratch or using a specified image as a starting point. | | [buildah-images(1)](/docs/buildah-images.md) | List images in local storage. | | [buildah-inspect(1)](/docs/buildah-inspect.md) | Inspects the configuration of a container or image. | | [buildah-mount(1)](/docs/buildah-mount.md) | Mount the working container's root filesystem. | | [buildah-push(1)](/docs/buildah-push.md) | Push an image from local storage to elsewhere. | | [buildah-rename(1)](/docs/buildah-rename.md) | Rename a local container. | | [buildah-rm(1)](/docs/buildah-rm.md) | Removes one or more working containers. | | [buildah-rmi(1)](/docs/buildah-rmi.md) | Removes one or more images. | | [buildah-run(1)](/docs/buildah-run.md) | Run a command inside of the container. | | [buildah-tag(1)](/docs/buildah-tag.md) | Add an additional name to a local image. | | [buildah-umount(1)](/docs/buildah-umount.md) | Unmount a working container's root file system. | | [buildah-unshare(1)](/docs/buildah-unshare.md) | Launch a command in a user namespace with modified ID mappings. | | [buildah-version(1)](/docs/buildah-version.md) | Display the Buildah Version Information | **Future goals include:** * more CI tests * additional CLI commands (?)