   (c) Copyright IBM Corporation, 2020

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

package pkcs11uri

import (

// Pkcs11URI holds a pkcs11 URI object
type Pkcs11URI struct {
	// path and query attributes may have custom attributes that either
	// have to be in the query or in the path part, so we use two maps
	pathAttributes  map[string]string
	queryAttributes map[string]string
	// directories to search for pkcs11 modules
	moduleDirectories []string
	// file paths of allowed pkcs11 modules
	allowedModulePaths []string
	// whether any module is allowed to be loaded
	allowAnyModule bool
	// A map of environment variables needed by the pkcs11 module using this URI.
	// This map is not needed by this implementation but is there for convenience.
	env map[string]string

// upper character hex digits needed for pct-encoding
const hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"

// escapeAll pct-escapes all characters in the string
func escapeAll(s string) string {
	res := make([]byte, len(s)*3)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		c := s[i]
		res[j] = '%'
		res[j+1] = hex[c>>4]
		res[j+2] = hex[c&0xf]
		j += 3
	return string(res)

// escape pct-escapes the path and query part of the pkcs11 URI following the different rules of the
// path and query part as decribed in RFC 7512 sec. 2.3
func escape(s string, isPath bool) string {
	res := make([]byte, len(s)*3)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
		c := s[i]
		// unreserved per RFC 3986 sec. 2.3
		if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
			res[j] = c
		} else if isPath && c == '&' {
			res[j] = c
		} else if !isPath && (c == '/' || c == '?' || c == '|') {
			res[j] = c
		} else {
			switch c {
			case '-', '.', '_', '~': // unreserved per RFC 3986 sec. 2.3
				res[j] = c
			case ':', '[', ']', '@', '!', '$', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '=':
				res[j] = c
				res[j] = '%'
				res[j+1] = hex[c>>4]
				res[j+2] = hex[c&0xf]
				j += 2
	return string(res[:j])

// New creates a new Pkcs11URI object
func New() *Pkcs11URI {
	return &Pkcs11URI{
		pathAttributes:  make(map[string]string),
		queryAttributes: make(map[string]string),
		env:             make(map[string]string),

func (uri *Pkcs11URI) setAttribute(attrMap map[string]string, name, value string) error {
	v, err := url.PathUnescape(value)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	attrMap[name] = v
	return nil

// GetPathAttribute returns the value of a path attribute in unescaped form or
// pct-encoded form
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetPathAttribute(name string, pctencode bool) (string, bool) {
	v, ok := uri.pathAttributes[name]
	if ok && pctencode {
		v = escape(v, true)
	return v, ok

// SetPathAttribute sets the value for a path attribute; this function may return an error
// if the given value cannot be pct-unescaped
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetPathAttribute(name, value string) error {
	return uri.setAttribute(uri.pathAttributes, name, value)

// AddPathAttribute adds a path attribute; it returns an error if an attribute with the same
// name already existed or if the given value cannot be pct-unescaped
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) AddPathAttribute(name, value string) error {
	if _, ok := uri.pathAttributes[name]; ok {
		return errors.New("duplicate path attribute")
	return uri.SetPathAttribute(name, value)

// RemovePathAttribute removes a path attribute
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) RemovePathAttribute(name string) {
	delete(uri.pathAttributes, name)

// AddEnv adds an environment variable for the pkcs11 module
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) AddEnv(name, value string) {
	uri.env[name] = value

// SetEnvMap sets the environment variables for the pkcs11 module
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetEnvMap(env map[string]string) {
	uri.env = env

// GetEnvMap returns the map of environment variables
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetEnvMap() map[string]string {
	return uri.env

// GetQueryAttribute returns the value of a query attribute in unescaped or
// pct-encoded form
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetQueryAttribute(name string, pctencode bool) (string, bool) {
	v, ok := uri.queryAttributes[name]
	if ok && pctencode {
		v = escape(v, false)
	return v, ok

// SetQueryAttribute sets the value for a query attribute; this function may return an error
// if the given value cannot pct-unescaped
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetQueryAttribute(name, value string) error {
	return uri.setAttribute(uri.queryAttributes, name, value)

// AddQueryAttribute adds a query attribute; it returns an error if an attribute with the same
// name already existed or if the given value cannot be pct-unescaped
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) AddQueryAttribute(name, value string) error {
	if _, ok := uri.queryAttributes[name]; ok {
		return errors.New("duplicate query attribute")
	return uri.SetQueryAttribute(name, value)

// RemoveQueryAttribute removes a path attribute
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) RemoveQueryAttribute(name string) {
	delete(uri.queryAttributes, name)

// Validate validates a Pkcs11URI object's attributes following RFC 7512 rules and proper formatting of
// their values
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) Validate() error {
	/* RFC 7512: 2.3 */
	/* slot-id should be DIGIT, but we go for number */
	if v, ok := uri.pathAttributes["slot-id"]; ok {
		if _, err := strconv.Atoi(v); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("slot-id must be a number: %s", v)

	/* library-version should 1*DIGIT [ "." 1 *DIGIT ]; allow NUMBERS for DIGIT */
	if v, ok := uri.pathAttributes["library-version"]; ok {
		m, err := regexp.Match("^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?$", []byte(v))
		if err != nil || !m {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid format for library-version '%s'", v)

	if v, ok := uri.pathAttributes["type"]; ok {
		m, err := regexp.Match("^(public|private|cert|secret-key}data)?$", []byte(v))
		if err != nil || !m {
			return fmt.Errorf("Invalid type '%s'", v)

	/* RFC 7512: 2.4 */
	_, ok1 := uri.queryAttributes["pin-source"]
	_, ok2 := uri.queryAttributes["pin-value"]
	if ok1 && ok2 {
		return errors.New("URI must not contain pin-source and pin-value")

	if v, ok := uri.queryAttributes["module-path"]; ok {
		if !filepath.IsAbs(v) {
			return fmt.Errorf("path %s of module-name attribute must be absolute", v)

	return nil

// HasPIN allows the user to check whether a PIN has been provided either by the pin-value or the pin-source
// attributes. It should be called before GetPIN(), which may still fail getting the PIN from a file for example.
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) HasPIN() bool {
	_, ok := uri.queryAttributes["pin-value"]
	if ok {
		return true
	_, ok = uri.queryAttributes["pin-source"]
	return ok

// GetPIN gets the PIN from either the pin-value or pin-source attribute; a user may want to call HasPIN()
// before calling this function to determine whether a PIN has been provided at all so that an error code
// returned by this function indicates that the PIN value could not be retrieved.
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetPIN() (string, error) {
	if v, ok := uri.queryAttributes["pin-value"]; ok {
		return v, nil
	if v, ok := uri.queryAttributes["pin-source"]; ok {
		pinuri, err := url.ParseRequestURI(v)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not parse pin-source: %s ", err)
		switch pinuri.Scheme {
		case "", "file":
			if !filepath.IsAbs(pinuri.Path) {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("PIN URI path '%s' is not absolute", pinuri.Path)
			pin, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pinuri.Path)
			if err != nil {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("Could not open PIN file: %s", err)
			return string(pin), nil
			return "", fmt.Errorf("PIN URI scheme %s is not supported", pinuri.Scheme)
	return "", fmt.Errorf("Neither pin-source nor pin-value are available")

// Parse parses a pkcs11: URI string
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) Parse(uristring string) error {
	if !strings.HasPrefix(uristring, "pkcs11:") {
		return errors.New("Malformed pkcs11 URI: missing pcks11: prefix")

	parts := strings.SplitN(uristring[7:], "?", 2)

	uri.pathAttributes = make(map[string]string)
	uri.queryAttributes = make(map[string]string)

	if len(parts[0]) > 0 {
		/* parse path part */
		for _, part := range strings.Split(parts[0], ";") {
			p := strings.SplitN(part, "=", 2)
			if len(p) != 2 {
				return errors.New("Malformed pkcs11 URI: malformed path attribute")
			if err := uri.AddPathAttribute(p[0], p[1]); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Malformed pkcs11 URI: %s", err)

	if len(parts) == 2 {
		/* parse query part */
		for _, part := range strings.Split(parts[1], "&") {
			p := strings.SplitN(part, "=", 2)
			if len(p) != 2 {
				return errors.New("Malformed pkcs11 URI: malformed query attribute")
			if err := uri.AddQueryAttribute(p[0], p[1]); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("Malformed pkcs11 URI: %s", err)
	return uri.Validate()

// formatAttribute formats attributes and escapes their values as needed
func formatAttributes(attrMap map[string]string, ispath bool) string {
	res := ""
	for key, value := range attrMap {
		switch key {
		case "id":
			/* id is always pct-encoded */
			value = escapeAll(value)
			if ispath {
				value = escape(value, true)
			} else {
				value = escape(value, false)
		if len(res) > 0 {
			if ispath {
				res += ";"
			} else {
				res += "&"
		res += key + "=" + value
	return res

// Format formats a Pkcs11URI to it string representaion
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) Format() (string, error) {
	if err := uri.Validate(); err != nil {
		return "", err
	result := "pkcs11:" + formatAttributes(uri.pathAttributes, true)
	if len(uri.queryAttributes) > 0 {
		result += "?" + formatAttributes(uri.queryAttributes, false)
	return result, nil

// SetModuleDirectories sets the search directories for pkcs11 modules
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetModuleDirectories(moduleDirectories []string) {
	uri.moduleDirectories = moduleDirectories

// GetModuleDirectories gets the search directories for pkcs11 modules
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetModuleDirectories() []string {
	return uri.moduleDirectories

// SetAllowedModulePaths sets allowed module paths to restrict access to modules.
// Directory entries must end with a '/', all other ones are assumed to be file entries.
// Allowed modules are filtered by string matching.
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetAllowedModulePaths(allowedModulePaths []string) {
	uri.allowedModulePaths = allowedModulePaths

// SetAllowAnyModule allows any module to be loaded; by default this is not allowed
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) SetAllowAnyModule(allowAnyModule bool) {
	uri.allowAnyModule = allowAnyModule

func (uri *Pkcs11URI) isAllowedPath(path string, allowedPaths []string) bool {
	if uri.allowAnyModule {
		return true
	for _, allowedPath := range allowedPaths {
		if allowedPath == path {
			// exact filename match
			return true
		if allowedPath[len(allowedPath)-1] == '/' && strings.HasPrefix(path, allowedPath) {
			// allowedPath no subdirectory is allowed
			idx := strings.IndexRune(path[len(allowedPath):], os.PathSeparator)
			if idx < 0 {
				return true
	return false

// GetModule returns the module to use or an error in case no module could be found.
// First the module-path is checked for whether it holds an absolute that can be read
// by the current user. If this is the case the module is returned. Otherwise either the module-path
// is used or the user-provided module path is used to match a module containing what is set in the
// attribute module-name.
func (uri *Pkcs11URI) GetModule() (string, error) {
	var searchdirs []string
	v, ok := uri.queryAttributes["module-path"]

	if ok {
		info, err := os.Stat(v)
		if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("module-path '%s' is not accessible", v)
		if err == nil && info.Mode().IsRegular() {
			// it's a file
			if uri.isAllowedPath(v, uri.allowedModulePaths) {
				return v, nil
			return "", fmt.Errorf("module-path '%s' is not allowed by policy", v)
		if !info.IsDir() {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("module-path '%s' points to an invalid file type", v)
		// v is a directory
		searchdirs = []string{v}
	} else {
		searchdirs = uri.GetModuleDirectories()

	moduleName, ok := uri.queryAttributes["module-name"]
	if !ok {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("module-name attribute is not set")
	moduleName = strings.ToLower(moduleName)

	for _, dir := range searchdirs {
		files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(dir)
		if err != nil {
		for _, file := range files {
			fileLower := strings.ToLower(file.Name())

			i := strings.Index(fileLower, moduleName)
			if i < 0 {
			// we require that the fileLower ends with moduleName or that
			// a suffix follows so that softhsm will not match libsofthsm2.so but only
			// libsofthsm.so
			if len(fileLower) == i+len(moduleName) || fileLower[i+len(moduleName)] == '.' {
				f := filepath.Join(dir, file.Name())
				if uri.isAllowedPath(f, uri.allowedModulePaths) {
					return f, nil
				return "", fmt.Errorf("module '%s' is not allowed by policy", f)
	return "", fmt.Errorf("No module could be found")